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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Pushback: Jury awards former BlueCross researcher almost $700K for firing her vindicatively for not getting the jab

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennesse, eager to blacklist
…and now paying for it.

Bring a gun to a knife fight: A jury has now awarded Tanja Benton, a former BlueCross research scientist, $687,000 in back pay and punitive damages against BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee for firing her vindicatively in 2021 after she asked for an exemption from getting the COVID jab due to religious concerns.

I call the firing vindicative because by all measures, the fact tell us it was so.

Hamill [Benton’s attorney] said Benton’s job rarely involved direct interaction with clients, with only 1% of her total annual working hours involving client interaction. In the lawsuit, Hamill said Benton “never performed any work or attended any meetings in medical facilities where patients were being treated” and “physical in-person interaction with co-workers was never a job requirement.”

Moreover, for nineteen months prior to her firing, Benton had done all her work remotely, as ordered by BlueCross itself due to the COVID panic. As noted in her lawsuit:

From March 16, 2020 through the end of heremployment, Plaintiff performed 100 percent of her job duties remotely from home without any problems or complaints from anyone. During this 19-month work-from-home period, Plaintiff conducted all client meetings by remote means. No client expressed any concerns or problems about remote interactions, nor did any client express a desire for Plaintiff to have physical in-person interactions with them.

When Benton requested a religious exemption from getting the jab, BlueCross denied it, claiming “an essential job function [of her job] is regular external public-facing interactions” and “[t]here are no exceptions” to company’s mandatory vaccine policy.

It gave her the option to find other work at the company, but gave her few opportunities to do so and then quickly followed up by firing her.

In other words, though it made no rational or logical sense, BlueCross demanded Benton get the jab or be fired.

The jury also recognized the vindicativeness of BlueCross’s actions and very quickly ruled in Benton’s favor (the entire trial only lasted three days), awarding her $177,240 in back pay, $10,000 in compensation, and $500,000 in punitive damages.

The mentality of the lockdown/mask/jab crowd
The mentality of the lockdown/mask/jab crowd

It would be wonderful if we could say that BlueCross’s behavior during the COVID panic was a rare thing, but if we did we would be lying. If anything, BlueCross’s behavior was par for the course. The lockdown/mask/jab despots were routinely vicious and unwavering in demanding everyone comply with their often utterly stupid decrees, and if you even expressed a simple question about their orders, they attacked you savagely, sometimes publishing ugly slanders against you. If that didn’t shut you up, they blackballed you, as BlueCross did to Benton.

Benton’s victory here is likely to only be the first against BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. The company fired 41 people for refusing the jab, and it fired those people in October and November 2021, mere weeks before the state passed a law forbidding such action. In every case, BlueCross treated those individuals as viciously as it treated Benton.

Such victories are devoutly to be wished, not just against this one company but against the entire lockdown/mask/jab crowd. Those petty dictators did great harm to many innocent people, for no good reason, and justice demands they be forced to accept some responsibility for that harm in some manner, as BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has now been forced to do.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in this year has the propaganda mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • I heard she was going to fill a bathtub with Bosco and luxuriate in it while eating vanilla ice cream.

    I pity anyone who was made to be injected with an experimental drug or lose their job.

    She deserves what she received.

  • Col Beausabre

    Here we go again.

    “The US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA pandemic flu vaccine

    The U.S. government will pay the vaccine maker Moderna $176 million to accelerate development of a pandemic influenza vaccine that could be used to treat bird flu in people, as concern grows about cases in dairy cows across the country, federal officials announced Tuesday.

    Moderna already has a bird flu vaccine in very early-stage testing that uses the same mRNA technology that allowed rapid development and rollout of vaccines to protect against COVID-19.”

    Just coincidentally, in an election year,

  • Steve White

    The mRNA technology itself is very likely not the problem with the COVID vaccine — it’s the spike protein that the mRNA encodes. The more we learn, the more we see that the spike protein has near protean effects. If we had had a traditional vaccine that would have delivered just the spike protein, or an inactivated virus that had the spike protein, we’d likely be seeing the same problems.

    That said, I’d like to see a lot more testing of the mRNA technology.

  • Col Beausabre

    The problem is we are likely to see an attempt to make the Jab Mark II mandatory by whipping up public panic over Bird Fly. What ever happened to the liberals’ mantra of “my body, my choice” (the pro-abortion chant).

  • Col B:

    “These childminded “Destroy the Patriarchy” radical Leftist Democrat ideologues seek to replace segregation and racism, with segregation and racism. And that is what naturally happens when human beings who attain some measure of political power over others through law become. Ignoring the concepts and intents of the Constitution you become what you say you despise, you become authoritarian and the new do as you are told Patriarchy.”

  • Max

    “”Since March 3, 2024, 31,223 specimens have been tested by public health laboratories for flu with results being reported to CDC. These were specimens submitted to public health laboratories for flu testing and subtyping as part of regular flu surveillance activities. Public health laboratories report data to CDC each week, and more than 200,000 specimens are tested each year. These laboratories use a testing protocol that would detect A(H5N1) virus and other novel viruses.

    Among those more than 30,000 specimens tested since March 3, 2024, no cases of H5N1 bird flu were detected.””

    Does this sound like something we should be panicked over?
    Or more likely, “This emergency situation has been brought to you by Pfizer and Moderna for future profit and investment opportunity”.
    They serve the community by looking into the future with gain of function technology to predict future pandemics that they can work on for a cure now! before it’s too late. (if there’s not enough sick people to demand your product… Then you create them)
    6% of the population of Amish, and other strict religions that “don’t believe in injecting their children”, require medications for normal quality of life. They are also more productive with longer lifespan.
    66% require lifelong medication for everyone else.
    There is no evidence that vaccines are good for you. There’s never been a double blind study, nor will there be.
    Viruses mutate and become changed with every person that’s infected, (last year‘s flu) or they disappear altogether even though companies receive billions and billions of dollars to come up with a vaccine. (Zika virus)
    So the unproven vaccines are pushed on the market for the “health and safety” of the population with very little testing before the virus disappears on its own. They can’t wait the 5 to 10 years after it’s proven effective or they can’t make money.
    The side effects of each experimental shot last a lifetime.
    Bonus money.
    When the pharmaceutical industry was given “no liability” for their product, a congressional committee was organized by the same law at the same time to hold the pharmaceutical industry responsible by reviewing the products safety. All these years later, They have yet to have one oversight hearing.

    For exhaustive details, look up Robert Kennedy‘s website where he took on the pharmaceutical industry in a lawsuit and won!
    (Why has nothing changed? Too many congressman have well paying, no show jobs on the board of many pharmaceutical companies)

    The new shots are gene therapy, they had to change the definition of vaccines so they can include them with the “no liability clause”.
    The crisper technology to unravel snippets of the DNA of the virus to put in their new shots that cannot be turned off and will continue to unravel the DNA in peoples bodies causing cancer.

  • ClayMD

    We need about 10,000 more courtroom victories by those ousted from their jobs for refusing this poison jab. That’s what it will take to ensure this never happens again.

  • Dale

    Did Benton get her job back?

  • Ronaldus Magnus

    Reminds me of an Ivy League student during the Plandemic. The student was trying to enroll, every class online, as he was in……South Korea. He was not going to be near ANYONE at the University. In order to complete class registration, he had to prove he had the vaxxine. He refused, and hopefully enrolled at Hillsdale College.

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