May 19, 2023 Quick space links
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay.
- Australian company gets deal to develop technique with American company for using space junk for fuel
The press release [pdf] provides more details.
- Australian company gets approval to develop site for producing solid fuel and launching rockets
The company, Black Sky, appears a long way from actual launches.
- Video showing how equipment is moved from inside China’s Tiangong-3 station to outside without an astronaut EVA
Essentially they put the gear in the airlock, and then the robot arm, operated by an astronaut, pulls it out. From there however a spacewalk is usually required to install the gear, depending on what it is.
- Video taken by nearby bystanders of Long March 3B launch
“Nearby” is an understatement, especially considering this is a rocket using toxic hypergolic fuel. The videographer couldn’t have been more than a half mile away, and maybe as close as a quarter of a mile.
- FCC rules against Dish Network’s 5G plan, claiming it would interfere with Starlink
This decision illustrates the critical importance of acting fast in a competitive market. SpaceX moves fast, gets launched first, and thus automatically gets priority when conflicts occur with other systems that are only proposed.
- Space Perspective will offer high altitude balloon weddings in late 2024
Ticket prices will start at $125K per person.
- Russia and Uganda sign deal not to deploy weapons in space
This agreement, like the Biden administration’s call for a similar ban, is worthless. When it comes time that someone wants to use force in space, force will be used, whether morally right or not. And the victim will have no choice but to respond in kind. That simply is the way of all things.
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay.
- Australian company gets deal to develop technique with American company for using space junk for fuel
The press release [pdf] provides more details.
- Australian company gets approval to develop site for producing solid fuel and launching rockets
The company, Black Sky, appears a long way from actual launches.
- Video showing how equipment is moved from inside China’s Tiangong-3 station to outside without an astronaut EVA
Essentially they put the gear in the airlock, and then the robot arm, operated by an astronaut, pulls it out. From there however a spacewalk is usually required to install the gear, depending on what it is.
- Video taken by nearby bystanders of Long March 3B launch
“Nearby” is an understatement, especially considering this is a rocket using toxic hypergolic fuel. The videographer couldn’t have been more than a half mile away, and maybe as close as a quarter of a mile.
- FCC rules against Dish Network’s 5G plan, claiming it would interfere with Starlink
This decision illustrates the critical importance of acting fast in a competitive market. SpaceX moves fast, gets launched first, and thus automatically gets priority when conflicts occur with other systems that are only proposed.
- Space Perspective will offer high altitude balloon weddings in late 2024
Ticket prices will start at $125K per person.
- Russia and Uganda sign deal not to deploy weapons in space
This agreement, like the Biden administration’s call for a similar ban, is worthless. When it comes time that someone wants to use force in space, force will be used, whether morally right or not. And the victim will have no choice but to respond in kind. That simply is the way of all things.