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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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A former Democratic Party majority leader in California sees the light

The Democratic Party today
The Democratic Party today

If she of all people can do this, why can’t so many other ordinary Democrats? Gloria Romero, former Democratic Party majority leader in the California state senate from 2005 to 2008, announced publicly yesterday that she has dumped her lifelong allegiance to that party, switched her registration to the Republican Party, and furthermore enthusiastically endorsed Donald Trump for president. From her statement:

“Today I say ‘goodbye, adios,’ I’ve had enough. I am now another near-lifelong Democrat who is joining the growing number of people, including key groups like Latinos, who are leaving the Democratic Party. This is not the Democratic Party that I once championed. I do not recognize it anymore, and I cannot continue. I changed my voting registration today as the sun was rising to Republican, which has, under Donald Trump, become the champion of working people, the big tent. And indeed, I will vote for Donald Trump this fall.”

She proceeded to list the many tyrannical actions taken by the Democratic Party recently that led her to this decision, including its backroom deals that blocked any others from running against Joe Biden during the presidential primaries and then dumped him for Kamala Harris. She also cited that party’s support for the queer agenda, for “locking people up for free speech,” for supporting “endless war” everywhere, and for allowing an invasion of illegal immigrants, including violent felons.

Above all she cited the Democratic Party’s failed school policies, from favoring the school unions that do not educate kids but funnel money into the party’s campaign coffers to encouraging anti-Semitism at universities. “The Democratic party thrives off of this failure shamefully … even as our children fall farther and farther behind in reading, writing and the ability to compete internationally.”

None of her criticisms of the Democratic Party are wrong. In fact, her comments were somewhat kind to the Democrats, which has championed blacklisting and the destruction of hundreds of lives, merely because those individuals expressed opinions that dissented from the leftist world view. The person that party has now installed as its presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, has frequently gone on record as opposed to free speech, even taking action while she was California’s attorney general to persecute those who had chosen to donate to the Republican Party while also endorsing legislation that would have allowed her to harass and even prosecute anyone who raised questions about human-caused climate change.

Harris’s policy positions, clearly laid out by her when she first ran for president in 2020, are communist through and through, aiming to eliminate the entire fossil fuel industry and the entire private healthcare industry while working to ban private ownership of guns.

Meanwhile, the entire Democratic Party culture is shifting from supporting the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel, to supporting Islam, bigotry, and the torture and mass murder of Jewish men, women, children, and babies by the terrorist group Hamas. Looting, violence, and mob action are now apparently the Democratic Party’s favored political tactics, as seen with the Antifa, BLM, and recent pro-Hamas riots. And its blind endorsement of the queer agenda and the mutiliation and castration of little children in the name of LBGTQBIPOC…etc identity rights is horrifying beyond belief.

Rick, stating the truth in Casablanca
Still asleep, and tragically, too many refuse to wake up.

As I said, if this former lifelong Democrat can see these very basic facts, why can’t others? Why are so many members of our so-called mainstream media still so blind? What will it take to open their eyes? Is it necessary for these corrupt people to gain power, turn America into Venezuela — with children starving in the streets — in order to get most ordinary Democrats to wake up, like Romero?

Based on the present poll numbers, it sadly appears so. Even though those polls seem to say Trump is in the lead, they also say the election is very close, too close to call in fact. It seems too many Americans remain blind and asleep, even now.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


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  • Andi

    Minor edit in third paragraph: “to encourage anti-Semitism at universities”

  • Andi: In this case I think my grammar is right. The “encouraging” matches the tense of the “favoring” earlier in the sentence.

  • Related: Is the light turning on in some media robo dullard’s minds?


    “And you could say that Mark Zuckerberg is just covering his bases. But it IMO goes much, much further and is based on much, much more granular data analysis and distilled information motivation. An A.I. view into the future if you will that gives you a higher than usual confidence in your view of what will be, more likely than not. And what does he see?”

    And a subscriber just sent me this and asks: “Is CNN turning on Harris?”

    IMO Kamala Harris is based on her facts is too heavy a lift for even the now politically traitorous un and anti-American media.

  • Thomas Wilson

    Grammar police on Behind The Black now? Sheesh . . .

  • Thomas Wilson: No! Andi is a wonderful help, regularly copy-editing my work to make it better. I welcome her suggestions.

  • Jeff Wright

    To Cotour

    Zuckerbot gave a great deal of money to schools up north–which he might as well put into a bonfire…Bezos is covering his bases, not Zuckerbot

  • Andi

    Bob, turns out I misinterpreted your sentence. I parsed it as “funnel money into the party’s campaign coffers to encourage anti-Semitism at universities”, meaning that the purpose of funneling money was to encourage anti-Semitism. Your way, putting “encouraging” at the same level as “favoring” is of course correct.

  • Roger W Priest

    From the link:

    “She called the party’s switch from President Joe Biden to putting Vice President Kamala Harris forward as the party’s presidential nominee a coup. ”

    I don’t think this is emphasized enough. One who has never won a state Primary cannot procure all the delegates and all the political funds of the sitting President of the United States simply because it looks like he will lose. One cannot disenfranchise millions of voters in this manner.

  • ” . . . distilled information motivation.”

    I have not heard this term, but like it, though it sounds straight out of Business-Garble.

    “An A.I. view into the future if you will that gives you a higher than usual confidence in your view of what will be, more likely than not.”

    So, History doesn’t exist, now? We need programs and algorithms to divine what we can see with our own eyes? Want to know the future; read a book. We live in the times of Jeremiah 5:21, and it will likely take armies of foreign nationals in the streets before some folks . . . oh, wait.

  • Some people wrap themselves (their egos?) up in the groups they belong to.

    I’m more the reverse: I have my principles/ideology/values and if that aligns with a group, dandy. If not, bye bye.

    I think Toastmasters is a good example. I joined because I enjoy public speaking and wanted to meet people in a new town. At the Toastmasters International level, they’re nearly a cult. At the local club level, it’s just a bunch of normal people who want to get better at public speaking. I have no ego caught up in it. If the corporate cultishness makes its way into the local club, I’ll just leave.

    There are too many people who have their identity tied up in the Democrat/Republican labels/groups.

    BTW: I became Sgt at Arms. To see how seriously I take it, click my name. That’s me on the way to a meeting.

  • Edward

    Just as the Democrat Party has moved so far leftward, favoring reprehensible behavior even for leftist Democrats, that its members are abandoning it, the Republican Party has likewise moved so far leftward that conservatives find Republicans now favor leftist ideologies, ideologies that are similar to the ones the defecting Democrats have always favored. Defecting Democrats need not change their ideologies to join the Republican Party; the party is already there. Trump is one prominent Democrat who found that the Republicans are the same as the Democrats were a quarter century ago, Musk is another, and now Gloria Romero is a third, although for the latter two the Republicans are now even farther to the left than when Trump defected.

    This is why so many Republicans think that Trump is as conservative as Reagan, even though he, Trump, is not conservative at all. Republicans have drifted so far to the left that someone who is less leftist seems like a conservative.

    This leftward lurch by the Republican Party and its voters is a major reason why so many of us have found that there are no or few political candidates worth voting for. It isn’t that we disagree with a few of their proposed policies, it is that we disagree with a large number of them. I wouldn’t vote for Clinton, yet you expect me to vote for someone whose policies are virtually the same as his.

    Just as Democrat voters are still supporting the leftward motion of their party, Republican voters support the leftward motion of their party, a motion that has taken them farther left than the Democrats were twenty years ago. Both parties have successfully boiled the frog, moving leftward slowly enough that few people noticed that the entire country acts left-wing rather than centrist. The Overton window has moved slowly enough that few people noticed.

    We keep hearing that this is the most important election of our lifetimes, but 2008 was the election in which the entire government was weaponized to support only one political party and to reject the other and in which the Democrats expect their presidents to rule with a pen and a phone rather than be checked or balanced by Congress or the courts (and why they think Trump would rule in the same way). The shift of the window picked up speed, yet few noticed, and fewer seemed to care. Now the window is in a location that makes it difficult to move it back.

    The reason that some people keep thinking that each increasing atrocity against President Trump will be the one that makes the country finally realize that the country has gone too far is that twenty years ago this would have been true, and these people have not realized how far the window has moved. It has moved so far that these atrocities are now seen by the Democrats as the proper thing to do and are seen by the Republicans as standard operating procedure for our government. The window’s current position is why the Republican Party leaders do nothing to move us back to the right, back to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Instead, we are being told that we must accept the positions that the Democrats had in 2005, such as with abortion — that abortion should be accepted up to some point in the pregnancy, otherwise Democrats won’t agree with us — in 2010, such as Obamacare — Trump promised to overturn it, but he didn’t and no one is any longer talking about doing so — and even as late as 2020, such as Democratic rigging., cheating, and fraud during elections — several Republican pundits say that we must now work within the new election system rather than demand returning to free and fair elections.

    Yes, they are asleep all over America, and they need to wake up and see that the Republican Party has become the same problem that the Democrats once were. The Republican Party, including its voters, has stopped being the solution and has become part of the problem.

  • Bobby Digital

    I and many other people lie to pollsters. None of their business anyway.

  • Jeff Wright

    One more reason to hate Venture Capitalists

    So, if some firms go under—send him a bill?

    To Edward—moving away from the Mitt Romney blue bloods isn’t’s sanity.

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