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Bad consequences from the medical profession’s panic/lies over COVID continue to build

The results of COVID policy decisions of our medical community
The results of COVID policy decisions
for our medical community

Several stories in the past week illustrate how the medical community dug itself a deep hole with its dishonest panic and over-reaction to COVID and its response to it.

First the background from 2020: Rather than follow past very successful policies involving new epidemics, whereby only the sick and aged were quarantined while everyone else went about their normal lives, intentionally spreading the new respiratory virus to those with which it was relatively harmless so that the entire population could quickly get herd immunity and thus quickly choke the virus out, our modern medical community, in conjunction with government health officials who had political motives, chose to quarantine everyone, destroying the economy and the livelihoods of millions while actually allowing the disease time to spread to the aged and sick, killing many more than were necessary.

Numerous studies have confirmed the failure of the lockdown and mandate policies during COVID. Sweden for example essentially followed those traditional policies, never locking down or mandating masks or shots. It was blasted for that decision, with many in the health community predicting massive deaths from COVID. Instead, studies have now proven that Sweden had the lowest mortality in Europe from 2020–2022.

That’s the background. The new stories this week illustrate the consequences. First, a recent peer-reviewed study found that trust in doctors has crashed since 2020. The numbers are quite shocking:

A new paper in JAMA analyzes survey respondents in the US over the period of time right after the Covid pandemic started in April 2020 and through early 2024. It reveals a significant decline in trust in physicians and hospitals, dropping from 71.5% in April 2020, to 40.1% in January 2024. Lower trust levels were strongly associated with reduced likelihood of receiving Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters. [emphasis mine]

The study dances around the issue of COVID, but it is there. For example, one reason patients no longer trust doctors is because they believe “decisions in healthcare are unduly influenced by pharmaceutical companies, government entities, or other external powers. This includes suspicions of dishonesty or withholding information for nonmedical reasons.”

With time and reflection, the general public has recognized that too many health officials and doctors lied to them about almost everything relating to COVID. It is going to take a lot of work by those same officials and doctors to win back that trust. Sadly, it is my sense that many officials and doctors have decided they don’t need to do that work, that their patients are fools, and that spreading more lies is the best way to respond to this distrust.

This next story is therefore not surprising. According to the mainstream somewhat leftist media outlet Axios, Modena is scaling back its vaccine research plans because of the sharp decline in sales of its COVID shot.

The company’s second-quarter revenue totaled $241 million, a 43% drop from a year earlier, which it said was “primarily attributable to decreased sales of the Company’s COVID-19 vaccine.” The upshot is that Moderna isn’t expected to turn a profit until 2028, according to a research note by Jefferies analyst Michael Yee cited by CNBC.

The jab never really worked, but it did cause a tragic increase in serious heart disease and cancer, killing many at young ages that would have easily survived the COVID flu had they simply not been forced to get the jab. In fact, even with the jab many of these jab victims still got COVID. These facts help explain why the Florida Department of Health today recommended against getting any mRNA COVID jabs this fall or winter.

[T]he Florida Health Department expressed concern over the “lack” of clinical trial data specific to newly-approved COVID-19 boosters. The vaccines target an Omicron variant, which is currently responsible for a limited number of infections, the department said – and are not designed to protect against the dominant strain of COVID-19 in the U.S., which accounts for roughly 37% of cases.

State officials also said that there is limited data on whether these boosters provide meaningful protection. The statement raised additional concerns over the federal government’s decision not to require manufacturers to demonstrate the boosters’ effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations or death. Florida also warned of safety risks, including the potential of prolonged circulation of mRNA and spike protein, potential increased risk of respiratory infections, autoimmune diseases after vaccination and heart issues.

The 17 colleges still requiring the jab
The 17 colleges still requiring the jab

You’d think that by now so-called “intellectual elites” would have recognized these facts and stopped genuflecting to the altar of the COVID jab. If you did, you would be wrong. As I noted above, the response of too many of our “intellectual elites” on the subject of COVID is to stick their heads in the sand. As of September 5, 2024 there were still seventeen universities in the United States requiring students to get the jab or a booster in order to attend classes. The list is to the right. Note too that as recently as July 2, 2024 this list was twenty-two, meaning that even years of data proving the jab ineffective almost two dozen college administrations were reluctant to face reality.

More evidence that we should not only have skepticism about our doctors and health officials, we should have grave doubts about the students who graduate from these colleges.

In fact, the evidence suggests that our country’s intellectual “elite” community is completely bankrupt, corrupt, and unreliable. It seems it is far better to get one’s data from ordinary people on social media, since it appears those individuals are more likely to face facts and analyze from reality.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • You gotta give one gold star to Lee S and the Swedes!

  • John

    Add the medical industry to the broken corrupt rotten institutions of this declining country.

    There are true believers out there still. I’m seeing masks again. Mind you, most around the chin and neck, but masks nonetheless. I suppose they cover their face when they’re extra scared, or something.

    RFK has spoken about this, and written a book about dear Mr. Fauci, who seems to personify the lies and corruption. Maybe Trump can release the RFK, but I doubt it.

  • Steve Richter

    I understand the dangers and harm from spike protein produced when a person gets vaccinated. But an actual covid infection exposes those infected to many times the amount of harmful spike protein. Where are the health professionals who can advise individuals on what to do?

  • Andi

    Minor edit in third paragraph: “never locking down”

  • Lee S

    Sweden got one thing wrong, it failed to protect / isolate care homes and OAP homes… The death rate in these environments was pretty high in comparison to lockdown countries… However, lessons have been learned, which I hope ( but doubt ) the whole world will learn from… Better to let the virus do what it is going to do before it evolves into the evolutionary dead end of 100% mortality.

    As for the “vaccine”…. I am deeply skeptical still…. I got double vaccinated, still got COVID… Although I had a very nice COVID… I felt like crap for 2 days, but had 5 days off work feeling fine, sitting in my back yard in the sunshine with full pay until I tested negative .

    I have fired my skepticism at several skeptics I follow/listen to, and had no response… I am certainly no “anti vacation” advocate, my kids are fully vaccinated with all the regular jabs, but I don’t believe that anything that needs 6 month boosters, and even then you can still catch the virus can really be classed as a vaccine. ( Although it can be classed as a good payday for the pharmaceutical companies)

    It sticks in my craw a little to be in agreement with the majority view here… We were born to disagree…. But the responses to COVID-19, and the outcomes really needs some good research… Any bets it will never happen?

  • Here you go Lee S, your chance to receive $30,000.00 if you leave Sweden.

    (But I am certain that in their bias you will not qualify)

    Sweden makes radical offer: 2 min.

    You gotta mix the good in with the bad.

  • Dave in Denver

    Anecdotally, I’ve known a few colleague that have come down with COVID. Even recently. Only a few complained that it was miserable. And the punch: the office was never decimated with a large number out at any one time with COVID. It was always onesie-twosie. Point being the horror of the plague or a sweeping epidemic never quite came to be.

    More, a few colleagues elected not to take the jab. I never felt threatened by them and I keep their secret. Some lost their jobs over it. That’s a tragedy. Add it to the list of what went wrong. My take, it wasn’t just a mistaken call, which can happen even for the best of us. It was a cynical power play by these same elites and the minions that carried out the orders. Otherwise I think they would have relented in humility when the excesses were realized.

  • Jeff Wright

    The lockdowns were the worst:

    See here:

    I have long suspected Medical institutions were in cahoots with Greens—the fear of contagion a better whip than trying to guilt people about carbon footprints…Sanjay Gupta having little Greta on a COVID program just confirmed it.

    But I never did have much trust in doctors after they killed my parents with four months of each other twenty years ago…when I was in my 30s.

    Voltaire said it best:

    “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.”

  • Lee S

    @ Cotour…. Funny old thing, I was just having a laugh with my stepfather about applying… But I’m guessing after 25ish years here I wouldn’t be eligible

    @ Jeff…. I would rather live in a world with doctors and medicine than without… Everyone is fallible, but I believe on the whole, healthcare providers are trying to do the best job they can to keep us alive. It is no coincidence that the average lifespan has risen in step with advances in medicine, surgery and general healthcare.

  • Lee S:

    “Everyone is fallible, but I believe on the whole, healthcare providers are trying to do the best job they can to keep us alive.”

    There must be a distinction made between the individual healthcare providers, doctors, nurses and scientists, and the institutions and administration who particularly during the Covid event were plainly more concerned with mandates driven by political worldwide goals and absolute control of the population of the world to be compliant with their directives.

    Governments strategically lied and people unnecessarily died all in the pursuit of absolute power over people. Strategy OVER Morality.

    That is the plain and simplified net take away from the Covid / mRNA shot event on planet earth.

    And the Swedes were not on board with the Globalist / WEF agenda. And without such clear and Objective fact and true known science and established best practices decisions made by one particular government we would not be able to properly and Objectively detect the good from the bad.

    And you are probably not worth the $30,000.00 dollar investment by the Swedish government to get rid of the human trash in your country. You work, you pay taxes, you are not a gang member, you’re not a mugger or bomb thrower, rapist or murderer.

    You are a keeper!

  • Lee S

    I can’t remember who I am miss quoting, but it goes something like this…

    Never assume malice of that which can be explained by stupidity…. It’s probably stupidity.

    I’m not big on conspiracy theories, there are certainly things going on which we are not privey to, but I don’t believe there is some sort of global agenda driving policy.. People are too corruptable to ever be able to construct anything of such scale….

  • You will be dragged into the real world at some point Lee S.

    It is all a conspiracy until the state mandates that you have an experimental drug injected into your and your family’s bodies and if you do not you will lose your job and become unable to support that same family.

    An organized movement requires many to be ignorant and not able to believe what is plain to see.

    “Adolf Hitler first defined the Big Lie as a deviant tool wielded by Viennese Jews to discredit the Germans’ deportment in World War I. Yet, in tragically ironic fashion, it was Hitler and his Nazi regime that actually employed the mendacious strategy. ”

    There are Globalists in the world Lee S and they go under the name the U.N., the WEF, the Democrat party, the E.U. and every NGO and of course the Pope and the Vatican among others shuttling / forcing illegal immigrants from dissimilar cultures over the borders of sovereign countries borders in order to achieve what you are unable to detect.

    The best magic trick is done right before disbelieving eyes.


    “I find this Pope, who I consider an adherent to and promoter of the U. N., Globalist, “One World Government”, anti-America, anti-Constitution agenda that pushes the mixing of dissimilar cultures through forced mass migration over sovereign borders disingenuous. Disingenuous at the minimum and contradictory, duplicitous and self-serving at the maximum. ”

    Strategy OVER Morality.

  • Lee S:

    Sweden really does have the most beautiful women:

    ‘Islam must adapt to Swedish values or leave’: Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch sparks row:

    And they grow even more beautiful when they strap a pair on and shame their Liberal / Socialist male leaders that lead their country down the slippery slope E.U. road of forced invasion by dissimilar cultures.

  • But don’t have any concern, it all looks like a Conspiracy theory to me.


    You do understand, Lee S, that I am not making any of this up, I am only interpreting it.

  • Mike Borgelt

    “Never assume malice of that which can be explained by stupidity…. It’s probably stupidity.”

    The problem is that “sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice”.
    At least as far as the end users are concerned.
    If you dig around you’ll find that a lot of conventional medical wisdom is questionable, including the vast numbers of childhood vaccinations given. My wife and I know too many people who have had issues after covid jabs. Vertigo seems common and is the least of it.

    “It is no coincidence that the average lifespan has risen in step with advances in medicine, surgery and general healthcare.”

    The most effective intervention was done by civil engineers who separated human excrement from the drinking water supply. Having doctors wash their hands was good also. People getting richer and living in less crowded circumstances helped enormously as did antibiotics.
    The medical profession is pretty good at setting broken bones, sewing up deep cuts, doing plumbing and prescribing antibiotics.

  • Jeff Wright

    I hate the idea of prescriptions—-it’s a way to force you to keep coming back even if nothing changes. I believe everything should be available over the counter.

    Someone pulls themselves to death—that’s their problem.

  • Lee S

    @ Mike… Quote “sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice”

    I very much like what you did there! It gave me a giggle! Thank you! :-)

    However, while as I have mentioned, I am skeptical of the COVID vaccine, it is unarguable that the general suite of childhood vaccines has reduced child mortality dramatically…( My kids are fully vaccinated ), the insulin that keeps me alive, along with my heart medication, and the pills that keep my bi-polar somewhat under control… All developed by the pharmaceutical industry…. All much cheaper here in pinko commie Sweden, because our health care system isn’t built for profit, but for actual care…. And while I know I am going to get jumped on for that comment, ( and called nieve, need to wake up etc etc etc…. it’s been going on for more than a decade, and it’s boring…) remember the whole point of this thread… Sweden… Best COVID outcome…. No lockdown…. Our government and healthcare system… Not so dusty guys. Alternative systems of government and indeed mindset are available.

  • Skunk Bucket

    I’m at the age where I should be getting vaccinations for RSV, shingles and pneumococcal pneumonia (among others), but my faith in the medical industry (if not necessarily the individual providers) has taken a huge hit since the start of the China Flu. I never took the jab, but I’ve watched family and friends continue to get Covid after getting all of the myriad boosters. After watching the big hitters and drug companies circle the wagons around the lefty politicians, I’m not as sanguine about getting the immunizations I’d always planned on. I’ll likely break down and get them, but it hurts to see just how big a credibility hit the industry was willing to take for political favoritism and a few bucks.

  • Mark Sizer

    I see value in the FDA as a testing/certification lab, much like Underwriters Laboratories. FDA approval or nothing needs to end.

  • Mark Sizer: Except that the FDA is no longer doing its job. With COVID it has been approving the jab and its boosters willy-nilly, with literally no testing at all. And those approvals have also been for children, even though children are essentially immune from COVID and don’t need any jab at all.

  • Lee S;

    Your kids have been vaccinated, and they have also been “Vaccinated”.

    The Covid “Vaccine” is something other than a traditional Vaccine.

    Totally different technology and focus.

    And like the Democrats say: “Never allow a good crisis go to waste”.

    The Covid event was very specifically a proof-of-concept opportunity both in establishing the “NEW” “vaccine” technology AND in governments around the world being able to compel people to be compliant with its /their directives and surrendering their and their private doctor’s best judgement.

    You know, all that conspiracy theory stuff.

  • wayne

    It’s sorta’ like that, but without the accountability and earned reputation on the line.
    The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is the unit of FDA tasked with approving Rx drugs.
    In brief and roughly, pharmaceutical companies pay a $400K annual fee to participate, plus between $2-4 million per new-drug-application, depending on whether clinical-data review is required.

  • Edward

    Mike Borgelt wrote: “The problem is that ‘sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice’

    For the Wuhan Plague, that would have had to have been a lot of stupidity. That could be stupidity, but stupid people are weeded out before becoming pre-med students, and even pretty smart people get weeded out during pre-med classes. So, with very smart people being the ones who start medical school, where is the ability to use stupidity as an excuse?

    However, we are finding out that these supposedly stupid people were well aware of the truth yet continued their harmful policies, even outright lying to us in order to get us to do as they wished. That does not sound like stupidity as much as it sounds like malice.

    Sweden reacted less badly to the Wuhan plague, but here in America the whole healthcare industry actively did things that they knew would do harm. So much for that most important first declaration of the Hippocratic oath. The health industry ignored centuries of healthcare lessons and required people to do the opposite of lessons that were so well learned that they are now common sense in medical care. They knowingly did things that they know lead to ill health and death. Even the Center for Disease Control, now that we have a nationalized “Obamacare,” recommended sending the infected to care facilities filled with the most vulnerable of the most vulnerable demographic. Seven states adopted that policy, resulting directly in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, and who knows how much it led to the spread of the disease throughout their communities.

    If those people are stupid, why weren’t they fired for their stupidity? If it was malice, then the malicious leadership wouldn’t want them fired for doing what the leadership wanted done. Think of it as stochastic malice, malice by non-predictable, self-selected people who followed implied or inferred direction. Sort of like Lois Lerner following Obama’s direction to punish Democrat Party enemies (and reward their friends) or self-selected assassins going after Trump after the Democratic Party declares he is evil and how horrific a second presidency would be — far more horrific than a political assassination in America.

    After our doctors and the rest of the healthcare industry did that to we Americans, we really don’t have much reason to have trust in doctors. Being so willing to do that to us on a mass national scale means they are willing to do that to individual patients.

    Obamacare may not state explicitly that there are “death panels,” but it created commissions, committees, and other groups that do similar tasks to determine whether a person or a class of person should receive less care than others. Obamacare has an explicit “death equation” that determines how little money is the maximum to be spent saving an individual’s life. Obama himself stated that an elderly person should not receive life-saving care but should be given pain medication and sent home to die. Three examples of government malice toward us. Four: the CDC recommendation.

    We work hard all our lives to contribute to society, but instead of having healthcare in our retirement years we are left to die. What kind of government does that to its free citizenry?

    With these in mind, Robert‘s conclusion rings true: “In fact, the evidence suggests that our country’s intellectual ‘elite’ community is completely bankrupt, corrupt, and unreliable. It seems it is far better to get one’s data from ordinary people on social media, since it appears those individuals are more likely to face facts and analyze from reality.
    From Lee S: “And while I know I am going to get jumped on for that comment, ( and called nieve, need to wake up etc etc etc…. it’s been going on for more than a decade, and it’s boring…)” [ellipsis in original]

    What was that word for someone who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative comment just to get a rise?

  • Mike Borgelt

    Lee S, I suggest you look up how the traditional vaccines and new ones like them get approved. You are in for a shock.
    You may also like to look up the increase in autism rates as the number of standard childhood vaccines has increased.
    Unless you are Type 1 diabetic your diabetes is likely caused by lifestyle and poor diet. Incidently, the medical profession’s diet recommendations are the exact opposite (low fat, protein, carbs) of what you should be doing (high fat, medium protein, low carb).
    Suggest you do not go near statins which are highly recommended by medical profession due to their swallowing of the cholesterol conjecture which has no science behind it and was in fact scientific fraud.
    My wife (former RN) has made a hobby of studying this stuff for the last ten years.

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