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Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Everything connected to Washington and the Democratic Party stinks like a rotting corpse

I didn’t post an essay yesterday because I could not figure out what to write. The insanity of the past week, with Trump’s near assassination, the horrendous incompetence of the Secret Service, the sudden disappearance of Joe Biden, and then his somewhat mysterious withdrawal from the candidacy of the presidency, all presented too many topics that were changing too fast to digest.

Vultures eating carrion

All I can now take from these events is an impression of a rotting corpse, the Democratic Party, that the voters should have buried decades ago. Instead, the voters have propped it up, allowing its stink to spread until it has poisoned everything related to American government and the noble but now dying principles that formed it.

For example, it now appears that the colossal security failure on July 13th during Trump’s Pennsylvania rally was the result of providing the Secret Service too few resources, forcing it to depend more on local authorities than normal. The Secret Service and the local police then showed themselves to all be utterly incompetent. It appears communications between these different government agencies was poor or non-existent. The local people were supposed to secure the top of the roof where the assassin eventually placed himself, but decided instead to go inside the building because the roof “was too hot.”

Unfortunately, it seems this decision wasn’t conveyed to the Secret Service properly. It therefore appears Crooks was able to station himself on the roof and fire at Trump because the Secret Service thought he was a local police sniper.

At least, that’s my interpretation of the facts, as presently understood. Based on the ugly and stonewalling testimony of now former Secret Service head Kim Cheatle yesterday before Congress (who finally resigned today), it is impossible to say for sure what happened. That she has now resigned is no victory, because she did so in a way that made it even harder to gather the facts, resigning after she spent a day refusing to answer any questions from Congress.

Meanwhile, the president vanished for almost six days, with no pictures or video of any kind, even as he announced his withdrawal as presidential candidate. It is no surprise rumors began to fly that he had suffered a much more serious medical emergency then simply getting COVID again, with some even speculating that he was actually dead, and that a palace coup had taken place. He apparently is not dead, but it is also a fact that a palace coup might have occurred anyway.

At the same time, isn’t it interesting that only two days after Joe Biden withdraws from the presidential race his Justice Department was suddenly able to find the transcripts of special counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with Biden that prove he is “a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” For months Justice has stonewalled Freedom of Information requests from numerous news outlets, claiming it didn’t have those transcripts.

Now, when it no longer matters, Justice locates them. How convenient.

All in all, the whole situation stinks, reeking of lies, cover-ups, incompetence, and dishonesty, all for the sake of power and factional warfare.

For decades, beginning with Bill Clinton’s pathological lies and rising exponentially once Trump became president Americans have been lied to by Democrats and their allies in the mainstream propaganda press, with possibly the worst and most obvious lie being that Joe Biden was as “sharp as a tack,” until the debate proved he wasn’t. Then these same people turned on a dime, with no apologies, and claimed (with utterly straight faces) that he was on death’s door and needed to withdraw immediately.

It is no wonder that no one believes anything they see in the news anymore. And it is also no surprise that ordinary Americans are now quite willing to quickly believe that Washington insiders would try to kill a presidential candidate they don’t like, kill a sitting president they don’t like, and then install someone else no one else likes as a new candidate.

cry havoc and release the dogs of war

And do such evil acts while issuing more lies after more lies about its corrupt actions, lies that the mainstream propaganda press will reprint quite enthusiastically with no shame.

Worse however are the far too many Americans who still believe anything these liars say. As a result, their slander campaign now against Trump has created a large public who thinks it was all right to try to assassinate a presidential candidate, and wishes someone would try again.

As I said, it all stinks, and until we Americans act forcefully to clean up this carrion mess, it is going to turn the entire nation into a corpse. If it hasn’t done so already.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • Related:


    “The Democrat party has created this mess in their leadership for themselves. Through their desperate need to prevail solely based on promoting racism, division, fear, reparations, the skin color or sexual orientation of everyone that they seek to empower in order to reorder society IS A FRAUD! Unqualified in every way shape and form.”

  • Ronaldus Magnus

    “”lies that the mainstream propaganda press will reprint quite enthusiasm””

    As Rush Limbaugh stated, the Drive-By Media are the stenographers for the Democrat Party.

    “”Justice Department was suddenly able to find the Hur transcripts””

    Reminds me of the Clinton Rose Law Firm records. Just days after the statute of limitations passed on those crimes, “suddenly” the box of records “appeared” in the White House.

  • pzatchok

    There are more than 1 building on the company property that the shooter used. More like 4 or 5.
    And just one cop on the and of the roofs would have foiled his plans.

    The local Pittsburgh office gave 12 agents extra to Jill Biden and 3 to Trump that day.

    The USSS set up a command post and did not allow the local cops access to it. So communication between the two units was at a low point. If there was any communication.

    They could have even just put up screens or tarps on either side of the president outside of the cameras field of view. Flags or Trump banners would have worked.

  • pzatchok

    everyone who talked to the President covered up his condition. They actively worked to con the Democrat electorate.

    If they are allowed to nominate Haris and she wins they will never look back and this nation will be turned into a communist state or even a dictatorship inside of 20 more years. 4 more presidential elections.

  • wayne

    Marc Antony (Marlon Brando)
    “Cry Havoc, Let slip the dogs of war!”
    Shakespeare – Julius Cesar, Act III, Scene I.

  • Andi

    Minor typo in first paragraph: “Trump’s near assassination”

  • Andi: Fixed. Thank you.

  • Chris

    Make your list

  • MMinWA

    Audio analysis and geometry prove there were 2 shooters plus the one that took out Crooks. It was 100% an inside job.

  • James Street

    The left can’t meme.

    And do lousy psyops.

    We deserve a better psyop.

    (Also for your listening pleasure: 4 minutes of Kamala Harris saying “what can be unburdened by what has been”)

  • MMinWA

    If what you propose is so, and I have not seen or heard anything to support or disprove your contention.


    You are asserting that a pro was involved in a conspiracy that involved the Secret Service or “Others”, and I can go there if that is in fact where the data and evidence indicates. And the kid was just a stand in dummy and patsy, and if so, then why is Trump still alive? There were 5? 8 shots taken?

    And Trump is still walking around?

    Does not compute.

    Unless he was just supposed to just nick his ear for effect and a sympathy win for Trump and his campaign. Is Trump a part of it then and he stood there waiting for the shot to be taken and his head turn was coordinated? Then Trump has much bigger balls then I thought if that is true. REALLY BIG.

    If so, then job accomplished, well done. Now that is a pro.

    We will keep an eye on this entire situation, trust none of them.

  • Mark Sizer

    I’m still on the “incompetence” side of “never attribute to malice what can be ascribed to incompetence”.

    Oh, there was plenty of malice involved, but SO FAR it seems only to have been to the extent of limiting protection, not actively attempting the assassination. I will admit that the shooter reeks of “cutout”, but that’s not proof.

    At the very least, Trump needs to have a good security consultant running overwatch on the Secret Service and locals. Even better, hire his own entire team. If I receive a fund raising email for that, I’ll donate (not much, granted). He’s (probably) about to become President, again. “I’ll fire every single one of you if you don’t coordinate with my guys” would be effective, one hopes.

  • Smell it?


    “Chuck Jefferies, Hakeen Schumer and Kamala Harris are keeping the CCP Chinese and the Russians up at night. You do not believe that for one second, do you?”

  • Cotour: You need to learn how to embed a link below text, rather than posting the url. This url as you know contained an obscenity and was thus blocked. I did the embedding for you, but I personally am not amused by your willingness to post this particular link here. Just because you are willing to debase yourself does not give you right to spread it here.

  • sippin bourbon

    It is being reported that the local officer assigned to that rooftop left their post because of the heat.

    This from a whistleblower.

    Waiting for more confirmation, so take it with that in mind.
    The cover up of Biden’s true condition for the last several years, is the biggest scandal of his administration.
    But then.. it was not really his administration, then, was it.
    Which raises the question that no MSM persona dares ask.

  • I sometimes revert to my less sophisticated (?) form and use inappropriate words in my communications in my enthusiasm to share my observations and opinions.

    I have restructured my thoughts and used a more appropriate word, which still transmits a similar sentiment but in a more palatable manner. (Maybe I should not have used the word palatable in this case?)

    NONE of what is ongoing in American politics today especially on the radical now treasonous IMO Democrat party and the continuing fraud that they are attempting to jam down the people’s throat is in any way acceptable; all lies and fraud all the time. And the Kamala Harris candidacy is just todays glaring example of those ongoing fraud and lies.

    That woman has NO business being anywhere near the presidency. But the party through force of their Communist will (and their media hand maidens) can “make it happen!”. I know it, you know it and they know it.

    If the Democrats which have painted themselves into this corner of fraud and lies. And if they can they will fundamentally destroy America which is their ultimate goal. And they tell the people that every day.

    And this must never be allowed!

    And so sometimes while writing on these weighty and very important to me subjects I become a bit too raw before I push the button on a post. Sometimes being edgy is too edgy, especially on BTB.

    I remain reinstructed.

  • Trent Castanaveras

    MMinWA and Cotour:

    Here is presented a thread with some excellent analysis of both publicly available video and audio of the event, from multiple sources and locations.

    I neither see nor hear a second shooter/actor (excepting SS and local police, of course, and the possibility that an extra actor or actors took no action during the event itself). This includes the reports that there may have been a presence on the water tower; the resolution is pretty grainy, but I’d say chances are good this is speculation only.

    Please watch and draw your own conclusions.

    FYI Mr. Z: These are raw videos unedited for public presentation on TV. The wide angle video does show the rally goers flipping off the shooter when they see him killed and there is some profanity from the crowd.

  • David Warner


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