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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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FAA and the Biden administration proves it is out to destroy SpaceX

The FAA to SpaceX
The FAA to SpaceX “Nice company you got here.
Sure would be a shame if something happened to it.”

In the past week the FAA proved unequivocally that it is abusing its regulatory powers for political reasons, imposing much harsher regulatory restrictions on SpaceX while allowing other companies much more free rein.

That reality became most evident first with the FAA response to the serious failure of one of the strap-on solid-fueled boosters during the second test launch of ULA’s Vulcan rocket on October 4, 2024. During that launch something went seriously wrong with that booster 38 seconds after launch, involving an explosion and what appeared to be ejection of that booster’s nozzle. Though the launch succeeded in placing its payload into the correct orbit, it required the rocket’s main engines to compensate aggressively.

Despite this, the FAA decided no investigation by it was necessary.

The Federal Aviation Administration, which licenses commercial space launches in the United States, said in a statement that it assessed the booster anomaly and “determined no investigation is warranted at this time.” The FAA is not responsible for regulating launch vehicle anomalies unless they impact public safety.

This decision is correct, but the contrast with the FAA’s treatment of SpaceX is quite striking. If the FAA applied the absurd standard it has been using against SpaceX, it would claim that this Vulcan launch threatened public safety because the incident occurred 38 seconds after launch and was thus relatively close to Florida, where an out of control rocket could potentially threaten public safety.

Such a threat of course really doesn’t exist, as the FAA correctly concluded, because the rocket has a self-destruct system to prevent it from crashing in habitable areas.

Yet the agency failed to use this logic with SpaceX. Instead the FAA decided anything SpaceX launches that doesn’t work perfectly poses a serious public safety threat, no matter where or how it happens, and thus has repeatedly grounded SpaceX launches. A first stage, flown already 23 times, falls over after soft-landing successfully on its drone ship in the middle of the Atlantic, and somehow this justified the FAA grounding SpaceX due to the threat to public safety. A second stage, after successfully placing two astronauts into orbit, misfires during its de-orbit burn but still lands in the middle of the ocean, far from any habitable regions, and somehow this justified the FAA grounding SpaceX due to the threat to public safety.

And the fact that a Superheavy returning to its launchpad at Boca Chica will cause a sonic boom — as do every Falcon 9 landings at Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg — is now justification for grounding Starship/Superheavy test launches, even though sonic booms pose zero threat to anyone other than startling them with the sudden noise.

The FAA further illustrated its bias against SpaceX when it decided to allow the company to do its launch this morning of Europe’s Hera asteroid mission, but specifically stated that the company’s other launches remain grounded.

The SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle is authorized to return to flight only for the planned Hera mission scheduled to launch on Oct. 7 from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The FAA has determined that the absence of a second stage reentry for this mission adequately mitigates the primary risk to the public in the event of a reoccurrence of the mishap experienced with the Crew-9 mission.

Safety will drive the timeline for the FAA to complete its review of SpaceX’s Crew-9 mishap investigation report and when the agency will authorize Falcon 9 to return to regular operations.

When compared with the agency’s decision regarding ULA, this decision is ridiculous, because it is certain that the Vulcan strap-on boosters as well as its first stage did not return to Earth in the locations planned, though all landed in the ocean safely. The risk to public safety is the same, nil. Why then is the FAA blocking SpaceX and not ULA?

Using this same crazy criteria, the agency would immediately ground ULA, insist that no further launches can occur until the agency completes its own “investigation” (which will simply be a retyping of whatever conclusions ULA’s engineers come to after they complete the company’s probe). That grounding would last weeks, maybe months, based on the FAA’s behavior in connection with SpaceX.

But the FAA has not done this. With ULA it has acted properly, staying out because it has no place at the table. That it doesn’t do the same for SpaceX now proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the agency is putting its thumb on the scale and treating SpaceX more severely.

We must then ask why? Of all the rocket companies that have ever existed, SpaceX has clearly proven it is the most reliable and safest ever. It launches and relaunches its rockets more frequently than anyone has ever done before, and does so with remarkably few issues. ULA meanwhile is a typical old style rocket company that cannot reuse any of its rockets, and routinely has niggling problems during each launch because those rockets aren’t built to the same reliable standards as SpaceX’s reusable Falcon 9.

To regulate SpaceX so harshly while letting ULA off the hook shows us the FAA management has a political agenda in its actions. It is going after SpaceX, and the only reason I can identify is Elon Musk’s public support of Donald Trump and the Republican Party and his opposition to the Democratic Party that controls the White House and most of the federal bureaucracy.

In other words, the FAA is abusing its regulatory power for political reasons.

The FCC proves its partisan hostility to SpaceX
The FCC proves its partisan hostility to SpaceX

Nor is this anti-Musk/SpaceX effort by the White House apparently limited just to the FAA. For example, Musk immediately offered to provide free Starlink terminals to aid the rescue efforts following the Hurricane Helene, including using them for direct cellphone-to-satellite service in partnership with T-Mobile. Yet, the FCC did not give its approval for this latter service for almost a week, thus hampering that rescue effort. That approval required a waiver because the agency is still weighing the SpaceX/T-Mobile plan in the face of objections from other cellular companies.

In a sane world, the FCC would have instantly approved the waiver, noting that it was very temporary pending its normal regulatory review. Instead, the agency sat on its hands for a week, preventing SpaceX from getting positive PR but seriously hindering the rescue effort.

Similarly, the FCC last year canceled an almost billion dollar grant it had previously awarded to SpaceX for providing high-speed internet service to rural regions, claming absurdly that the company had failed to “demonstrate that it could deliver the promised service,” even though SpaceX is the only company successfully doing so. Had that grant been allowed to go through, the region hit by Helene would have had that high speed Starlink service already.

Adding to the attacks by the FAA and FCC, the EPA has also piled on, imposing its own absurd regulatory rules to block further Starship/Superheavy test launches at Boca Chica, claiming ludicrously that potable water used in the rocket’s launch deluge system will somehow harm the environment.

Public safety and the environment have nothing to do with these actions. The Biden administration and its Democratic Party political appointees at these agencies are going after SpaceX simply because of Elon Musk’s political choices. They don’t like his decision to support their political opponents, and are telling every other businessman in the country that if you don’t kowtow to them, if you dare oppose them, they will do the same to you.

Such behavior violates every decent, legal, and moral law in a democratic republic. Anyone who is willing to play that kind of vicious game of extortion and blackmail should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail, as fast as possible. At a minimum, this behavior justifies the need for a harsh and merciless house-cleaning, beginning first with the thugs in the White House who think Americans are a plaything they can slap about at will.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in this year has the propaganda mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • Directly related:


    “All politicians and governments want the Constitution gutted because it does not allow them to do as they please. 1. There is you the American citizen that the Constitution recognizes has fundamental Rights and it protects them. 2. There is the Constitution itself that stands between you and government. 3. And there are the politically empowered people who inhabit government who will without fail abuse their political power as it relates to the citizens’ Rights.”

    “Where is the money for Americans who have suffered a massive disaster? It has been redirected and spent by the government that is importing their new Democrat voting block into America. The politically empowered politicians in your own government have abandoned you, the citizens of America because the citizens of America do not serve their political agenda purposes. Other than providing them with their tax dollars to spend on their own political power self-interests.

    Like I said, diabolical and BRILLIANT!”

  • bp

    As Elon stated, get out and vote and get everyone you can to vote.

  • F

    If it weren’t for double-standards, the Left would have no standards at all.

  • Ray Van Dune

    The FAA might be correct in not grounding the Vulcan (I’m not sure), but the idea of the USSF accepting Vulcan as having made two “successful” flights is ridiculous.

    See my reasoning under the Jane Mansfield / open thread below. IMHO, ULA was lucky not to completely lose the second launch, and has a potentially serious problem on its hands in the GEM 63 XL solid rocket booster.

  • Lee S

    This whole situation is a missive head scratcher for me…. I cannot honestly see that the verious agency’s involved here are blocking SpaceX purely due to Musks political views… If anything they would be better funded under another Trump administration. Heaven knows.. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I smell something stinking further under the surface than what meets the eye.

    It’s very easy to roll with the easiest explanation, but as an outsider looking in, I feel there is more to this story than just politics.

    When there is more to a story than what meets the eye, it usually boils down to money.. I don’t claim to have any credible ideas of who, where or how…. But I would be willing to bet a bottle of fine scotch whiskey that this story goes much deeper than the simplistic idea that the agency’s involved in grounding SpaceX are doing it for purely political reasons.

    ( And please…. If you think I am wrong, explain why without insulting my intelligence, claiming I am neieve, or trying to belittle me… I enjoy a discussion, I don’t enjoy being spoken down to. Something that occurs more and more on this forum the more time passes…)

  • Rob Fowler

    Lee S. I think Occam’s razor applies here. Why look for something deeper than human pettiness? I suppose if you wanted to look at the influence the Chinese party has on our politicians (Democrats in particular), there might be a deeper play to delay the US while China forges ahead on copying SpaceX.

  • F

    Lee S,

    Unfortunately, hate often trumps logic, reasoning, and practicality. Just as so many people on the Left hate Trump, they have been told since the purchase of Twitter to hate Musk. Prior to the purchase, and Musk’s efforts to make it a platform for free speech, Musk could do little wrong, and he received constant praise. Since then, Musk’s apparent refusal to fully conform with the Left’s every belief has him being criticized and demonized. Unless and until he fully returns to The Fold, he will be hated, and every effort will be made to thwart him, even if it makes little common sense.

  • Mike Borgelt

    Lee S, there may be a small money element in this (Boeing, ULA) but that you don’t believe politics, straight from the Democrat Party is behind this defies belief. Note the weaponization of the Federal apparatus against Trump. This is now being done to Musk. End of story.
    If Trump gets up I hope Whittaker enjoys his colonoscopy by the IRS and any other federal charges that can be laid. Lock him up in Leavenworth. Pour encourager les autres.
    The forces of light must learn to get down in the gutter and fight like Progressives.

  • pzatchok

    The US now has Barons to appoint a new King.

    Wait until the winning side gets rid of the loosing barons so they could never oppose them again.

    The progressive left would never have gotten this far without the financial support of those barons who want influence go gain more wealth.

  • Lee S: Otheres are explaining this as well as I. My only comment is to please ask you to please stop misspelling “naive.”

  • Ray Van Dune: I think your reasoning about the Space Force ultimate decision is right on the money. I also think it is certain that the Space Force will certify Vulcan. It is committed to this rocket, and must look the other way despite the idiocy of doing so.

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