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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Have Americans finally awakened? Early voting suggests yes

Rick, stating the truth in Casablanca
Have ordinary Americans finally awakened to the
anti-American plans of the Democratic Party?

For the past few weeks early voting data from a variety of states has begun to suggest a major shift in what have been the traditional voting patterns for decades. In the past, Democrats routinely dominating early mail-in voting, while Republicans instead went to the polls on election day.

This election season is seeing an almost Earth-shattering change.

Nor are these three states outliers. A look at a nationwide map of early voting shows that Republicans also lead in Georgia and Arizona. Though the overall numbers nationwide show a Democrat-Republican split of 46% to 36%, the number of early votes from Republicans this election is far higher than in the past.

Though caution must be exercised, and we must recognize that these numbers do not guarantee a win for Donald Trump, what the data suggests however is an amazing newfound voting enthusiasm among Republicans. For decades many Republicans simply didn’t vote, and their lack of interest was often the reason Democrats would win local, state, and national elections. The surge in the past decade of radical school boards and leftist district attorneys, all Democrats, illustrates this. While Democrats paid attention and got their candidates into these lower offices, Republicans both in the party and in the general public would sit on their hands. The party would offer no serious challengers, and the voters wouldn’t come out to vote even if it did.

The early voting numbers in these states suggest that this indifferent attitude among Republicans has changed. Not only has the party upped its game in these local elections, putting forth viable and aggressive new candidates, Republican voters appear to be paying attention and most important, appear to be voting.

This conclusion is further reinforced by other data. For example, for only the second time since Reagan was president, more voters identify with the GOP than with the Democratic Party. In several states voter registration counts have either flipped from Democratic to Republican or are moving strongly to the Republicans.

The data suggests once again that Americans are finally recognizing the anti-American nature of the Democratic Party, as indicated by the words of Brian Lozenski, chosen by vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz when he was Minnesota governor to run the “Ethnic Studies” curriculum in all of that state’s schools.

The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States is irreversibly racist. So if the nation as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown. … You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-US. It is an anti-state theory that says the U.S. needs to be deconstructed, period. … And that’s why I’m a critical race theorist. [emphasis mine]

This is the Democratic Party today. Sadly, it has been the Democratic Party since the days of Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, for almost three decades it has been impossible to convince Americans of this fact. The turnout this election cycle so far however suggests Americans have finally awakened to this reality.

Will this turn-out make a difference in the final election results? It remains hard to say. Recent polls show a decided trend in favor of Donald Trump. However, these trends mean nothing. In the end, the election will likely come down to the Democratic Party strongholds in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Phoenix, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. In those locations it appeared in 2020 that the Democrats used their dominance in these local urban election districts to manufacture as many votes as needed to win the presidential election in those states. Even though the polls now show Trump ahead in every single one of those states, these polls will mean nothing in the end.

Has the circular firing squad of the American people finally broken up?
Have Americans finally decided to end their
circular firing squad and vote the bums out?

And what if the alleged vote tampering in 2020 turns out to be a one-time event, and the Democrats find it impossible to do the same amount of hanky-panky in 2024 because too many people are watching, the nation is no longer going bonkers over a respiratory virus, and the public is generally very unenthusiastic over the Democratic Party candidate for president?

Then what will matter will be the actual and final vote counts. And until we have these real numbers after election day we won’t know what is happening. Just because more Republicans are voting early now does not yet prove that more Republicans are actually voting. We might discover that these new early votes are simply the same Republicans who in the past voted on election day, with no major change in the totals.

While the news in the past few weeks has suggested the possibility of a Trump victory, combined with victories across the board in the Senate and House, we must not get cocky, as Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit likes to say.

If you haven’t voted, do it, either by mail or on election day. Don’t get lazy. Your very way of life now depends on it.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in this year has the propaganda mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuse to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • Related:


    “Today’s Democrats: Are like a person with no teeth that tells you you are not allowed to eat steak. You according to them must eat like you also do not have teeth. “But I want to eat steak!”

  • F

    Conservative commentators have been very actively pushing their listeners to utilize early voting options.

    I am concerned that any lead the Republican candidates are experiencing through early voting may be largely a result of this push. I hope that I am incorrect, and that more voters have finally come to understand how damaging the Democrats and their policies are to the nation.

    I also agree that we must not become overconfident. The overconfidence in the 2022 “Red Wave”, and even the “Red Tsunami” may have led to a reduction in the voter enthusiasm needed to achieve victory, and we have been suffering with a tiny majority in the House and a minority position in the Senate ever since.

  • Trust none of them, and especially have no trust related to our election system.

    IMO the Democrats have put in place all of the many elements of manipulation that exist in our election system and so if you vote early, they will have a strategy to counter it.

    Detroit: Motor City has 2,337 Democratic poll watchers and just 310 Republicans.

    The numbers must be overwhelming in order to not be able to be questioned.

    And that will happen anyway, and then the Dems in Congress will refuse to install Trump as president and it is off to the Supreme Court.

    Always remember:

    “Remember: Those in the Pedestrian Realm (YOU) observe politics once removed as being a competition. And those politically empowered players in the Political Realm on both sides of the political divide are at war and play by rules of warfare structured by the Constitution. And we all understand the rules that apply in warfare, (There are none). This is where the two different conversations begin, and YOU are not even aware of or a part of one of them.”

    And then there will be the constant protests and violence, fully justified of course.

    They “Are not going black”

    The presidency “Is a black job”.

    According to Michelle Obama that is.

  • David Lohnes

    I have had troubles with the USPS this past year. If possible go to your Board of Elections and vote in person.

  • Correction:

    “They “Are not going black””

    Should be: They “Are not going back”

    There is meaning in some typos.

  • wayne

    Barnes and Baris
    What Are the Odds?
    Episode 83: October 22, 2024

  • Max

    Hopefully it’s not too late, the House and Senate are busy passing bills to hobble Trump and articles of impeachment are already being drawn up. The deep state do not plan on giving up power without a bloody fight.

    Biden and Obama discussing Harris on a hot Mike?
    Very funny. (some swearing, 44 seconds)

  • Jeff Wright

    Harris’ stint as a prosecutor may be what is hurting her—she put a lot of brothers away for having a bit of weed.

  • John

    Concur with F, Americans are aware of planned election day interference and the word is out to “bank your vote.”

    I find it somewhat funny that most polls are within the margin of error, and yet everyone knows the media and their polls are such BS, that everyone is assuming Trump is winning.

    It’s infuriating that several swing states already know they can’t count all the votes on the 5th of November. The third world and Florida know how to count. When the counting stops late on the 5th of November, and the results slowly change over days, people are going to become enraged.

    There’s going to be a lot of contention over cheating and illegal voters. They’ve been saying that ‘citizens’ voting from ‘overseas’ may be a factor this election. What the country needs is a quick clean election; what is has is another broken corrupt institution.

    If Trump somehow ‘wins’, there will be a meltdown from deranged people the likes of which the civilized world rarely sees. May you live in interesting times.

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