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Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Just remember: These obnoxious disturbers of the peace are all Democrats

They’re coming for you next: In what is actually a relatively mild example of the obnoxious and almost always illegal protests by pro-Hamas supporters — such as taking over and trashing buildings, attacking Jews and blind children, and blocking traffic — for the past six months protesters have been disturbing the peace at late evening and early morning hours in the residential neighborhood where senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) lives with his family in Houston.

For the past 6 months, anti-Israel protestors have come to my home just about every Sat morning at 7 am and most Fri nights until 10 or 11 pm. They scream, disturb the peace & wake the neighbors.

I have embedded below the video of these protesters that Cruz included with his tweet:

First, this is clearly a residential neighborhood, and these noisy protesters are making life miserable for everyone. They are also certainly breaking several laws about disturbing the peace. Yet the Houston police have never shown up to move these protesters out, even though we can be fairly certain that many local residents have called to complain.

Second, these protesters know they are breaking the law, because they are all wearing masks to hide their identity. They of course will claim that the masks are to prevent COVID, but that claim is utterly laughable.

Third, the long term nature of this protest, requiring these people to show up every Friday and Saturday for six months, strongly suggests they are paid agitators. This is not a grass roots effort, but one being financed by someone who wishes to do harm to Cruz not simply because he is a supporter of Israel, but because he is a Republican opposing Democratic Party policies.

The faces of babies held hostage desecrated
The Nazi desecration of babies held hostage
by Hamas, by pro-Hamas Democrats on
American campuses

This last point is the most important. The nature of the modern Democratic Party is revealed clearly by these pro-Hamas demonstrators, because we know that should any one of these protesters vote, every single one of those votes is going to Democratic Party candidates. These are Democrats and are without doubt aligned with that party.

The protesters’ priorities also tell us where the base of the Democratic Party stands. None of the pro-Hamas protests that have broken out nationwide in the past six months have been in favor of liberating Gaza from the vicious and brutal rule of Hamas. None have been in favor of getting the Israeli hostages freed and rebuilding Gaza in a way that its people can prosper.

No, all these protests have been favor of Hamas itself, demanding that Israel’s effort to destroy it end now, and that it be allowed to remain in power and also retain the hostages in its grip. One of their signs in the video proves this, demanding for a “Cease Fire Now.”

And that’s what these Democrats stand for. Any Democrat who doesn’t puke at these facts simply tells us that deep down, they are in favor of Hamas, the murder of Jews, and a new Kristallnacht, but this time in America rather in Nazi Germany.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in this year has the propaganda mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • Related:

    “Several years ago, I watched a documentary called: “Seattle Is Dying”. And this was just before the exit of the Marxist / Communist, Democrat Socialist master of disaster mayor of New York City, “Big Bird”, Bill DeBlasio. A disgraceful human being and a disgraceful American. And of course, the subsequent election of the Democrat party tool who lives in fear of his Leftist superiors, the self-proclaimed “Black Bad Boy of Politics”, “good friend” of Sean P. Diddy Combs, Eric Adams. ”

    The Democrat party today is rotten with mental illness.

  • Doubting Thomas

    It just needs a handful of protestors to disrupt Senator Cruz’s life and all his neighbors as well. The real secret sauce to this warfare is the explicit cooperation of the police, judicial and government agencies with the protestors.

  • Dave Walden

    Of course, many – if not all, are paid!

    What on earth are the “politics”(?????) that result in the fact that a sufficient number of police officers are not dispatched to the re-occurring “scene” and each protestors mask removed, then placed under arrest for violation of what will then likely become SEVERAL laws/ordinances, placed under arrest and confined in local jails?

    It is simply bizarre and utterly inconceivable that conditions have reached the point where the local authorities are either so brazen or cowardice that they have been rendered impotent! In TEXAS no less!

    Should local authorities regain their moral erections, I recommend each protestor not only be fined – which whoever their sponsor(s) are will simply pay it, but be given an actual sentence of time in confinement – NOT negotiable through plea bargaining. Let us then see how long this destructive absurdity continues.

  • Craken

    I’m tired of the Jews playing the victims endlessly, as though they’re innocent lambs. I haven’t forgotten their mass murdering involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russian Civil War, and the Evil Empire that emerged from those terrible events. It was Trotsky (aka, Lev Bronstein) who introduced concentration camps to Europe, for the benefit of his gentile victims. Nor have I forgotten their leadership of almost every pre-WWII communist movement in Europe. Nor were these men in any way demoralized by the events in Russia–rather they were inspired. Meanwhile, the lie of omission experts, the Sulzbergers, concealed Stalin’s worst crimes (eg, the Holodomor, still little known b/c the victims were merely gentiles, not Jews) from the American public, and from much of its elite. Most (not all) of Stalin’s atomic spies in America were also Jewish. They gave the atomic secrets to one of the most evil men in history. After all this, what forgiveness? Don’t worry, the Jews will never ask for forgiveness for any of these horrors. They never have. Instead, they’ll pull out their nonsense term “anti-semite” and throw it at you.

    No group worked harder to open America’s borders to the Third World than the Jews. No group opposed the immigration restrictions imposed in the 1920s more vigorously (though unsuccessfully), and no group agitated more aggressively for the 1965 Immigration Act. The majority of Americans never favored the open borders policies imposed in 1965. But, it doesn’t matter what the majority wants. It only matters what the elites want. And the Jews want population replacement in all gentile nations–but, not in Israel of course. How is the present turn of the “New Americans” against the Jews not poetic justice? It’s the first time the American Jews have paid a price for their treasonous politics. Before this, it was only working class whites and blacks who paid for the onslaught of Third World invaders. The Jews bought their way out of such inconveniences, while virtue signalling their class-communist and bio-communist politics. And, let’s not kid ourselves, most Republican Jews are also open borders fanatics (all neo-cons are such fanatics). The great mystery of 20th century America is why the Wasps surrendered the country to the Jews, after all the monstrous crimes they had committed in the first half of the century.

    Of course, the Jews have a long history of jumping ship after shooting holes in the hull. That’s what happened with their Soviet experiment: they destroyed Russia, then fled the ruin, and now the greatest promoters of destroying Russia once again are Jews like Applebaum and all her Trotskyist neo-con henchmen. We may be in the early stages of this ship-jumping process in the post-WWII Jewish-designed American experiment. Was 1965 America’s 1917? The beginning of an Evil Empire founded again by the Jews and from which the Jews will flee once their latest mad attack on human nature and civilization fails?

    Few things in human affairs are more obvious than the blood-deep ancient hatred of Jews for Europeans. Jewish-designed America is founded on a denial of all such ancient hatreds, which are common around the world–though more prolific in Third World America than anyplace else due to its “diversity.” This denial of human nature is at least as insane as the Soviet denial of human nature in economic and political affairs. The denial of human nature is the source of the intensifying tyranny in America, just as it required unremitting tyranny in the USSR. When Gorbachev let up on it, hesitated to murder when the system required murder, collapse was quick to come. Only tyrannical measures can prevent the explosion of such hatreds among America’s many mutually hating demographics.

  • And the “white man” owned slaves.

    Like that was an exclusive moral offence of one variation of humanity.

    Meanwhile the condition is a historical narrative that runs throughout humanities timeline for as many years as humans have existed.

    It might be more useful if you used the term “Liberal” or Leftist in your rant because that would be more accurate IMO.

    It is the ideology and not the ethnic makeup that needs to be identified and rejected.

    If there is a true desire to move positively into the future, no matter the historical particulars, people have to make choices in their own self-interests and in the interests of what it is that provides that freedom to choose.

    And it is the Constitution that provides that freedom to choose.

    Understand the past, we learn from the past, but we do not live in the past.

    Why? Because we have choice.

    “If I learned two things in my many years dealing with the public and living in general, it is to treat everyone, no matter what they look like with genuine respect. And knowing the difference between being Subjective and Objective. Master these and prosper. Master these and live in peace.

    CAVEAT: Which does not mean that you are required to love or like anyone or tolerate their particular biases, Subjective perversions and insanities. You give respect and you also expect respect, which creates MUTUAL RESPECT. It is a choice. Whatever biases and perversions are bouncing around in someone’s / your brain over and above your interactions with others is their / your problem. KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF!”

  • Craken: My, such honesty from a Democrat is so rare, which probably explains why you are likely not very high up in the party power structure. They agree with you, but make it a point to hide these opinions to fool those pesky lefty Jews into voting for them.

  • Related to all radical movements in the world, climate, anti-Jew, racist, hate filled and all the rest:

    Climate Keffiyahs:

    Childish and immature Subjective thought process combined with political power is a very dangerous thing.

    Self-suicide is never the solution to other peoples perceived problems.

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