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My heart bleeds: The new head of the Secret Service is hurt because his people are “hurting”

New Secret Service head Robert Rowe testifying before the Senate
New Secret Service head Robert Rowe
testifying before the Senate

During testimony earlier this week before a Senate committee, the new head of the Secret Service, Robert Rowe, was asked by Senator Marsha Blackburn (R.-Tennessee) to comment on the whistleblower email that claimed the only interest of the agency’s top five supervisors was to cover their ass, not fix the incompetence that allowed a sniper to kill one innocent bystander and injure three others, including presidential canddate Donald Trump.

Rowe’s response summed up his misplaced priorities perfectly, and showed the utter truth of the whistleblower’s accusations.

Blackburn: I want to know how you feel about the fact that employees in your agency are worried about covering their behind. And not worried about protecting a former president.

Rowe: Thank you, Senator. So, I am hurt by that email, but not in the way you think I’m saying it. I’m hurt because my people are hurting right now. … My agency is hurting. Um, Emotions are raw.

How horrible. People at the Secret Service are “hurting!”

Gee, I wonder if their pain is as bad as that of Corey Comperatore, who was killed because of the stupidity and bungling of these “hurting” Secret Service fools? Is their pain as bad as Comperatore’s family, which just buried him and is struggling right now to deal with the loss of a loved one?

Rowe’s focus here is so off base and wrong that it boggles the mind. During his testimony numerous senators asked him repeatedly why no one at the Secret Service has been fired for their failures at the July 13th Trump rally, and Rowe repeatedly claimed he would do nothing until his investigation is complete.

Yet I am sure he knows exactly who was in charge that day, and who made the crazy decisions to allow that roof to be uncontrolled and to let Trump go on stage even though there was a known suspect on that building with a gun. To say he can do nothing yet is a lie, pure and simple. I might be able to understand his reluctance to fire anyone until his own investigation is complete, but he hasn’t even suspended any of those individuals, as far as anyone knows. They are still on the job, collecting their paycheck, as if they did nothing to demonstrate their complete inability to do what they were hired to do. When teachers are caught doing bad things they immediately get placed on administrative leave. Rowe can’t even be bothered to do this.

Rowe thus shows us that his goal is not to protect the elected officials of the United States, as well as candidates for office, but to protect the jobs of the people in the Secret Service. His stonewalling testimony, not really any different than that of his predecessor, Kim Cheatle, reveals this as well. He doesn’t really wish to fix the problems at the Secret Service, because to do so will require a major house-cleaning, and my god, we can’t allow anyone in the federal bureaucracy to ever be fired! It might hurt them!

That whisleblower was correct when he or she demanded the firing of “5 high-level supervisors (1 down).” Cheatle was the first. Rowe is clearly another. The other three are probably the fools who were in charge of security at that rally. Removing these idiots would at least be a start in fixing the problem at this failed agency.

We can be sure that Robert Rowe will not be the person to do it. He cares for them more than anyone else.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


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  • Related: The pussification / acceptable feminizing of America.

    “And to be sure, there is a valid Feminist movement, Civil Rights movement, Gay and Trans movement. But they all have without doubt been gutted and taken over by radical Leftist extremists (D) who are Marxist in their philosophy and seek the fundamental destruction of America as formulated. Is that what you are seeking?”

    “The perverted Feminist movement that supposedly was initiated in order to free women has in fact turned into the only thing it or anything like it could ever become, FORCE.”

    “HIS” government agency is “Hurting”

    YOUR PEOPLE FAILED MISERABLY and either need to be reassigned to crossing guard positions OR you must kick your agency in the ass and take care of business! What was allowed to go down in Butler, PA was at the minimum unacceptable.

    Good enough is not good enough!

  • There had to be one person, man or woman, who ran that Butler operation, and they needed to be fired.

    But as we all know in the unreal world that is the government no one is ever held responsible.

    Because if one were to be held responsible, and that is reasonable, they all would have to be held responsible.

    Low standards are no standards.

    And that just about sums up government in America and every place else on the planet.

  • Jeff Wright

    Rowe doesn’t look like a wuss at least.

    Jarhead in over his depth?

    Being a Secret Service man is like being a Boeing employee–you get dragged down due to others.
    The X-37 Phantom Works guys might be even better than some of SpaceX’s best –but no one would believe it.

  • Vetmike

    Put on your big boy pants, accept your responsibility and move on. OR, continue being butt hurt because someone called you out for the lousy job you did. Your agents aren’t hurting because they nearly failed their mission, they are butt hurt because someone spoke the truth.


    They are a bunch of beta coucks and fat women

  • sid

    Cheatle was a figurehead.
    Rowe was the agent calling the “shots.”
    He needs to be brought back before Congress, grilled and grilled.
    He knows what happened or planned it.

  • BLSinSC

    Rowe is as leftist as the Cheatle that he replaces! HE was the Agent in Charge?? If so then HE TOO should have been FIRED! Instead, he gets PROMOTED! How’s THAT for FAILING UP?? EVERYONE involved with the “security” that day should be CHARGED with CONSPIRACY to COMMIT MURDER/ASSASSINATION! Just charge them ALL and we’ll see who’s ready to Make a Deal!! Imagine you can get off with only 20 years rather than DEATH!! There’s just no way that this was NOT INTENTIONAL! There were too many OPPORTUNITIES to remove PRESIDENT TRUMP until the THREAT had been cleared! Captain Comperatore would be alive today if they had taken what the MAJORITY of people think would be a little common sense and kept PRESIDENT TRUMP off the stage until the little idiot was found! But that wouldn’t have taken long since the CROWD was POINTING and TAKING PICTURES of the DEMOcrat gunman and then the POLICE had their interaction!! There’s enough CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence to convict them ALL! And the MAIN ONE is WHO GAVE THE STAND DOWN ORDER??? OH, I don’t give a rat’z azz about SS EE’s “hurting” – they should be HUNTING – as in HUNTING for a NEW JOB!

  • Mark Sizer

    Who would fire him? His immediate boss is (I think) the useless DHS head (Mayorkis? Something like that). No one knows who his boss is. He may very well not have one, for all practical purposes.

  • Darwin Teague

    As assistant director, HE was doing the day to day management of the Secret Service and HE is the one that denied requests for more resources for the Trump events, so forgive me if I am not affected by his tears.

  • pzatchok

    I do not know the real line of leadership inside the USSS.

    So going from low to high I would guess
    The Trump protection unit leader.
    The supervisor of the whole of the Protection division leader, They have many protection units for many protectees. So someone has to take command of all of them.
    The USSS also has other duties not involving protection. Forgery and counterfeit money would be one.
    The district leader who would be in charge of extra local resources to hand out to individual protection units. The Pittsburgh office chief.
    The over all Washington office chief and vice.

    They all had some sort of direct responsibility.

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