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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Partisan Democrats hate so much they are willing to commit murder, and worse, now admit it openly

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln
An earlier example of the Democratic Party’s
reasonablity, that time against Abraham Lincoln

They’re coming for you next: The words couldn’t have made it clearer. When asked by a reporter of the Daily Mail what he thought of his father’s actions, the son of attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh said that his father hates Trump as “every reasonable person does. I don’t like Trump either.”

The problem is that reasonable people don’t hate. Reasonable people think about the differing opinions of others and decide as rationally as possible what they think might be the right answer. And if reasonable people are faced with true evil, they don’t act with hatred. They instead follow the biblical mantra, don’t condemn the sinner, only the sin.

Routh’s son however illustrates the contrasting attitude of the base as well as the leadership of today’s Democratic Party. They don’t simply disagree, they hate. Worse, they think that hatred is “reasonable,” and that everyone “reasonable” agrees with it.

Thus you get two assassination attempts in just over two months against Donald Trump, whose only crime — according to Democrats — is that he is running for president against them, and has said he will change the governmental policies they believe in. “Reasonable Democrats” can’t tolerate such a possibility, so therefore these “reasonable Democrats” appear out of nowhere, over and over again, attempting to kill the source of their hatred.

It is this same mindless hatred that allowed Kamala Harris as well as the Democratic Party operatives running the Trump-Harris debate last week to repeat slanderous lie after slanderous lie. The list below is only a sampling:

Project 2025 – Lie
National abortion ban – Lie
“Very fine people” hoax – Lie
Will be a Dictator – Lie
Blaming Trump for Afghanistan- Lie
Racism and division by Trump – Lie
Never said she will ban fracking – Lie
Rally goers leaving early – Lie
“I will go over my plan” – Lie
Police died on Jan 6th – Lie
“Bloodbath” comment – Lie
Trumps stance on IVF – Lie
Won’t take guns – Lie
Trump weak on foreign policy – Lie
Trump friends with Putin, UN – Lie
Trump inciting Jan 6. – Lie
No military in combat zones – Lie

Every single one of these claims by Harris or the ABC moderators is easily debunked by just a tiny bit of research, especially the “very fine people” accusation against Trump and that he “incited” the riot on January 6th. In both cases there is clear video showing Trump doing the exact opposite of the claim. Yet, Democrats are so filled with hate that — rather than finding out how these claims are lies — they buy into them wholesale, without question, because it allows them to stoke their hatred so it can grow and blossom.

Thus, we get two attempts to kill Trump within eight weeks. And we should not be surprised if more such attempts take place before the election. And if Trump should win, expect more attempts.

The Democratic Party and its most loyal supporters are no longer rational. In fact, they are the very last thing from “reasonable.” They are hate-filled ideologues, ready to kill for the sake of their absolutely certain beliefs, no matter how false.

Should Kamala Harris somehow win the presidency, expect far worse from the party she represents. Tolerance of free speech will end. So will free elections. America will be one step closer Venezuela and East Germany and North Korea, the kind of socialist hells that always occur when leftists take power.

We have been warned, as clearly as it is possible to do. It still remains unclear whether Americans will heed that warning.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


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In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • F

    The Democrats’ hatred is, as Bob notes, an extreme and unjustified reaction to Trump. I would add, however, that even if it were legitimate, they have zero justification for their murderous violence, and for acting as judge, jury, and executioner.

    I don’t care much for pineapple on pizza, but I haven’t taken it upon myself to kill all those who offer pineapple as a topping for the pizzas they sell.


    “The talking heads in the American media who are without any doubt political partisans and are Leftist in their presentations and commentary blame D.J. Trump and J.D. Vance and their political rhetoric, their political free speech for crazy partisan political zealots attempting to assassinate the former president.

    And that is exactly like a beautiful young lady in a mini dress out for the evening being held responsible for being raped and being called a slut whore.”

  • Milt

    For more on the idea of condemning the sin but not hating the sinner, see Tucker Carlson’s recent remarks on this at His commentary picks up at about 5:30 into the video, and concludes around the 32 minute mark. Be advised, it’s an unusually powerful statement of faith.

    As Mr. Carlson suggests, we are called to be better people than those who seemingly despise us and never, ever to become haters. As some might observe, it seems “unjust” that we must show restraint in replying to our adversaries — and not hating them for the things that they do — but as the upholders of what remains of traditional American values, ethics, and morality, such is our task.

    Given the present state of affairs, the biggest “job” of an incoming Trump Administration might be reaching out to angry and inconsolable Harris supporters and finding some way to welcome them back into the American family. God knows, reaching out to the other side with respect, understanding, and forgiveness is not something that the left seems to be very good at, but for the future of the country it must be given a try. Otherwise, you have the example of endless, vindictive tit for tat violence that keeps the Middle East in turmoil.

    As I have suggested before, even at best, we are probably looking at some kind of a social and political “reconstruction” after this election (should Mr. Trump live to direct the effort) that will be no less difficult than what occurred at the end of America’s earlier civil war. I’m not sure if the Heritage Foundation is working on such a “reunification” plan, but perhaps they should be.

  • Milt:

    There is a committed substantial cadre in the Democrat party who are fully indoctrinated radicals who in real terms are focused on destroying America as formulated and delivering it to the Globalist agenda. No borders, one E.U, style world government etc. That is the goal as I have come to understand it.

    When they say “Destroy the Patriarchy” they literally mean destroy America as formulated by those white colonizer slave holders that wrote the Constitution and reformulate it.

    And there is no in between or wiggle room.

    They are just waiting for this last mature segment of the population to die so they can cash in on the indoctrination that they have been in control of in most of the American schools.

    They are “Just waiting for the 15 or 25 years to pass”.

    But in the meantime, they are taking what turf they are able to.

  • Ronaldus Magnus

    Re: the leftist Marxists.

    Without a conscience or a soul, anything is possible.

  • wayne

    “I Don’t Know If Trump Will Be Allowed To Become President”
    Chris Williamson- Eric Weinstein (9-11-24)

  • This is what lies at the foundation of the “progressive” political agenda and goals:

    “We’re “Getting at This Heart of Climate Change” – Tim Walz When Asked About His *Specific* Plan to Make Groceries and Gas Cheaper”

    Groceries and gas cheaper?

    That is the point. It’s not going to get cheaper, neither are rents or the prices of houses. The Green New Deal is the “progressive” Democrat / Globalist wet dream and is the existential moral justification for anything necessary in fulfilling it.

    Americans losing their homes to illegals? Justifiable, they are their new voting block.

    Someone who stands in their way needs to be eliminated?

    Everything and anything are justifiable.

    And then came Trump, and Trump took out Ma Barker (Hillary Clinton) and then they got serious.

    Trump and those Americans who support him in absolute terms delayed the Democrat smooth transition of America to the agenda.

    At that is how we find ourselves where we find ourselves.

  • D. Messier

    The suspect in this latest shooting attempt said he voted for Trump 2016 but became disillusioned thereafter based on his performance in office and subsequent actions.

    As he explained in his self-published book:
    “You are free to assassinate Trump,” Routh wrote of Iran in an apparently self-published book in 2023, “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War,” which described the former president as a “fool” and “buffoon” for both the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and the “tremendous blunder” of leaving the Iran nuclear deal.

    Routh wrote that he once voted for Trump and must take part of the blame for the “child that we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless.”

    In his book, listed on Amazon and viewed by the AP, Routh noted: “I get so tired of people asking me if I am a Democrat or Republican as I refuse to be put in a category.”

    So he doesn’t consider himself to be a Democrat. For the record, the vast majority of Democrats agree with his critique of Trump’s policies and intellect (or lack thereof). They do NOT condone shooting Trump. They want to see him lose in November and be prosecuted and jailed on the counts he’s been convicted on and charged with in court. Nothing more than that.

    The suspect is a staunch supporter of Ukraine’s fight against Russia and tried to volunteer to fight over there. This is another point of contention between him and Trump. The AP story also indicates that the suspect might not be completely right in the head:

    But Routh never served in the Ukrainian army or worked with its military, said Oleksandr Shahuri of the Foreigners Coordination Department of the Ukrainian Ground Forces Command.

    Shahuri told AP that Routh periodically contacted the International Legion of Ukraine with what he described as “nonsensical ideas” that “can best be described as delusional.”

    Routh appeared in a video standing in front of the U.S. Capitol and expressing frustration that Ukraine wasn’t taking more of the Afghan commandos he tried to recruit.

    The suspect is also a convicted felon, which is another reason he should never have been able to purchase an AR-15. This points to weaknesses in gun laws. Trump reversed a policy that prevented mentally ill people from obtaining guns. He’s also made clear he would not tighten gun laws if elected president again.

  • Mark Sizer

    it seems “unjust” that we must show restraint in replying to our adversaries — and not hating them for the things that they do
    Those two statements are barely related, let alone the same thing. I can unrestrainedly do things to people I do not hate. I’m pretty sure that cutting out a cancer is covered under both the Old Testament “eye for an eye” and the New Testament “do unto others”.

    the suspect might not be completely right in the head
    As opposed to all of those perfectly sane and normal would-be assassins? OF COURSE he’s not completely right in the head. In other breaking news, water is wet.

    he should never have been able to purchase an AR-15. This points to weaknesses in gun laws.
    Pedantic quibble: AK-47. Actual problem: It points to no such weakness in gun LAWS. It points to a weakness in enforcement of said laws.

    if the Heritage Foundation is working on such a “reunification” plan, but perhaps they should be.
    Why? Aside from idiots in the media (but I repeat myself), who pays attention to think tanks? Who cares what plans the Heritage Foundation is working on? Not to mention that Project 2025 is anything but a “reunification” plan.

  • D. Messier:

    You are an apologist for the Left.

    You blame the young lady wearing the mini dress for being raped.

  • Here is a better shot of what is being presented as Routh’s work truck:

  • Catch Thirty-Thr33

    My father HATED James Earl Carter Jr. So he took out his rage by…voting for Reagan in 1980.

    He may have despised the man and his presidency but he was also rational. He just went to the polls and did what he had to do. Done.

    It’s a shame that others cannot do the same, so it seems.

  • D. Messier

    > D. Messier:

    > You are an apologist for the Left.

    Off point — and the wall — as usual.

    > You blame the young lady wearing the mini dress for being raped.

    What you talkin’ ’bout, Willis? Random non-sequitur that’s not true or backed up by any evidence. In other words, on point.

  • D. Messier

    Here’s another fun fact for you: the accused suspect supported a Haley/Vivek ticket before the Republicans decided to renominate a man he considers to be a “buffoon, ” “fool” and “brainless.” Like other Republicans, he seemed to have gravitated toward supporting Harris because of his disgust with Trump’s behavior as president, not due to be a leftist Democrat.

    Sizer: if a law lacks adequate enforcement, then it’s a weak law. Exactly what went wrong here is not clear. Suffice, he shouldn’t have been able to buy an AK-47. And Trump has been overtly hostile to tightening gun laws.

  • To my point about the perverted and corrupted media in America:

    Read the notarized document signed by an apparent ABC employee whistle blower sent out before the last presidential debate.

    Stay tuned on this one.

  • Robert Pratt

    Messier, you repeat things that are not true. The shooter used a commie rifle, an SKS, not an AR or AK.

  • Edward

    This year it is Trump, but in past years there were others.

    Someone turned himself in outside Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh’s home before he shot him.

    A neighbor attacked U.S. Sen. Rand Paul as he did gardening at his Kentucky home.

    Representative Steve Scalise was shot and seriously wounded by a Bernie Sanders supporter.

    Wasn’t that the first thing that the KKK did, was go after and eliminate the Republicans in the South? The KKK was founded by southern Democrats in order to solidify their power. Democrats have always been power hungry and were founded to defend the institution of slavery, their greatest power over others.

    What early 20th century political party in Germany was violent against its rival parties and politicians, too?

    Wasn’t that the same party that learned eugenics from the Democratic Party? Those Democrats sure are a hateful bunch. Worse, they reject anyone who does not think exactly like them, so to belong to the Democrats, you must hate all of the right people, repeat all the official lies, and toe The Party line. If you aren’t with them, they are against you.

    For Democrats, their own violence is justified as free speech (the summer of 2020 is an excellent example). Any opinion that they disagree with is violence, thus they are justified to be violent in retaliation and to shut down the speech (violence) of others.
    D. Messier thinks he found proof positive that the shooter is a staunch Republican, except that it turns out that whatever support he expressed for the failed “Haley/Vivek ticket” was replaced by voting Democrat in March.

    • However, he turned against the former president by 2020. He later expressed support for a ticket involving former Republican presidential primary candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley.

    • Records indicate that Routh voted in the N.C. Democratic primary in March.

    • He also made more than a dozen small donations dating to 2019 and totaling more than $100 through ActBlue, which handles Democratic contributions.

    • In several posts on X in 2020, the New York Times reported, Routh expressed support for former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

    So it looks like the shooter supported at least one Democrat even as he was expressing support for the “Haley/Vivek ticket.” He appears to be more Democrat than anything else, and he may be one of those Democrats who chose to vote for Trump in 2016, which could explain his anger. He violated the rules to Democrat membership, only to have Trump do something he disagreed with. No wonder he lost his mind.

    And Trump has been overtly hostile to tightening gun laws.

    I suppose those would be the same laws that already lack adequate enforcement, as Doug noted earlier in the very same comment. If the existing laws are being ignored then why would anyone think that new laws would perform any better? Enforce the existing laws before assessing the need for additional laws. With people like Doug, it is no wonder we are drowning in laws, government regulations, and agency rules — the latter two enforced like laws.

  • wayne

    Mr. Pratt–
    Help me out….
    The Breitbart article quotes the FBI as saying: “loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope.”
    Do we know exactly what make & model this gun is?
    The FBI knows, why won’t they tell us?
    I don’t want to know what it looks like, what it resembles, what style it is, I want to know the make & model.

  • James Street

    This had fed flags all over it

  • pawn


    Do you really want to turn this blog into the kind of place where political junkies go at each other spouting what ever convenient truth/lie de jour?

    The contrast between your usual fare of pictures of the wonders of nature and mankind’s struggle to comprehend it, technologically and politically, and the hot-button, red meat, emotionally charged issues of the current political conflict are jarring to me.

    I come here for relief from the baseband, mind numbing idiocrasy on display elsewhere.

    I posted this here to see what other posters have to say about this otherwise I would have emailed you.

  • Pawn:

    A “progressive” friend said to me: “You know “Cotour” politics is not everything”.

    And while I do not agree with that statement, because politics is a thread that is contiguous and runs through every segment of everyone’s life one can choose to just not talk about it. I just stopped talking to them about politics.

    Politics runs through everything and just ignoring it may depressurize the subject locally and personally, but it still sits there like a dark shadow waiting to overtake and relieve everyone, politically oriented or not, of their freedom and ability to choose.

    If politics sets you off why not just ignore and click on and read the content that interest you and leave the rest for others who are able to make the distinction?

    Youtube is full of free documentaries about space and technology and just about any subject you could possibly imagine and some that would never occur to you.

    Some people who write on the subject of politics are committed to getting past the psyops that is the corporate media propaganda machine who are clearly attempting to control the minds, thinking and the politics of the mass of the public in America. And they have long ago forgotten what their actual purpose in America is and must be, JOURNALISM.

    Journalism and some measure of Objective and unbiased reporting of the news about politics and related subjects.

    I believe it is the French have a saying: “You don’t do politics? Then politics will be done to you.”

    So just don’t do politics on BTB.

    Just read the content that interests you and pass on the rest.

  • Col Beausabre0

    Wayne. It is probably a Chinese clone of a 1950’s era design

  • pawn


    I think your friend was trying to help you broaden your mind a bit.

    This place started out a bit different. Yes politics runs though everything and Bob has done a jamb up job of covering the political side of space and technology to a degree without the hard bias present at other places.

    Political blogs are a dime a dozen. It’s not hard to find a place if you want to rant and rave and virtue signal

  • Catch Thirty-Thr33

    Can someone, like Mr. Messier, explain to me how tightening gun laws helps, or how anyone in the country can legally acquire an AK-47? I’ve been in many gun shops and have yet to see one.

  • Pawn: It is very simple. I write what I want. Read it or not. Right now politics is far more important than it should be, because Americans have ceded their sovereign power to the state and are thus more at its mercy (think of Starship/Superheavy). I thus write about it more.

    I can also tell you that, based on the traffic to the site, what I am writing is what people want to read, not just on politics but on space.

  • Related:


    “It appears obvious to me that the Israeli military hackers developed a way to force through a universal or a collective Wi fi signal all of these beepers and phones to explode at their command. And that is just one of the costs of today’s high tech asymmetrical warfare environment. But what are the larger implications?”

  • Pawn:

    “I think your friend was trying to help you broaden your mind a bit.”

    I listened to what they said and took what they said and expanded my perspective.

    Facts, data and analysis are not virtue signaling.

  • wayne

    Gotta hand it to Israel.
    The implications of such?
    You people that love your phones carry around 24/7/365 tracking, they know everywhere you go on the internet, your exact location, and now apparently, they can kill you remotely.

    Col Beausabre-
    Thank you.
    I just don’t understand why it’s a huge secret. (well, I have my own theories…)

    Catch Thirty-Thr33–
    What we have here are Adverb & Noun problems. (That should come as no surprise, eh?!)
    Nobody can buy an automatic version of anything, unless they have a very expensive License and a few years of time, and this guy is no exception.

    A cursory search on the internet: available to be shipped today to my local gun dealer, assuming I pass the background checks:
    These are made in Vermont by the way….

    “Proudly made in the USA. The ultimate example of American Technology and Combloc ingenuity.”

    Century Arms
    VSKA 7.62x39mm, Semi-Automatic AK-47 Rifle
    On sale, $659
    Manufacturer: Century Arms
    Model: VSKA
    Caliber: 7.62x39mm
    Barrel: 16.25″; Chrome-Moly 4150; 1:10″ Twist
    Overall Length: 37.25″
    Stock & Forend: American Maple Wood
    Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
    Weight: 7.5 lbs

  • pawn


    “Facts, data and analysis are not virtue signaling.”

    I never said it was.

    What would you call your first post on this article?

    And is “SLUT” considered to be permissible language here?

    Slippery slopes and all that.

  • BigG825

    Wayne, it’s a modified SKS with a full wooden stock. The fixed magazine one was removed and an adapter kit installed to accept AK style magazines

  • Mark Sizer

    Like other Republicans, he seemed to have gravitated toward supporting Harris because of his disgust with Trump’s behavior as president, not due to be a leftist Democrat.
    Even if true, so what? I have gravitated toward supporting Trump because of my disgust with the Democratic party as a whole. That doesn’t mean I’m going to harm any of them.

    I write what I want.
    That’s the entire point of having a blog, after all.

    I posted this here to see what other posters have to say about this
    I come here for the space news. The Blacklisted series surprised me, although I find it very informative. I usually skip posts such as this one. This one caught my eye. The only reason I commented was that the logical fallacies of the normally precise commentariat surprised me. The only reason I’m back is to see if someone commented upon my comment.

    I don’t read every post and comment I see on the Internet or this blog. I read the ones that interest me and skip the rest. I recommend that others do the same. Sorry to call out two people by name, but: I rarely read Cotour’s full comment; not because they’re bad or I disagree but because they are often off topic. I almost always read Les’s comments because they push back against the echo chamber effect (if you’re reading this, you have often made me think, even if I don’t change my mind, so thanks).

  • Edward

    You requested: “I posted this here to see what other posters have to say about this …

    Like a magazine, read what you want and skip the rest.

  • Pawn:

    “TRUMP: JUST A SLUT WHORE IN A MINI DRESS” is a comparison between a pretty woman in a mini skirt being raped because she has dressed provocatively, and she is blamed for someone else’s violent a criminal action. She is responsible for someone else’s actions!

    Which is an exact parallel with Mr. Trump being blamed for two Democrat aligned murderous criminal mental patients and them trying to kill him with bullets because of the words that he uses in his political rhetoric. That is the Democrat and media spin on this issue.

    Do you not see the irony?

    The Democrats and the Leftist media are attempting to screw with your, mine and our collective reality in order to propel their political candidate into the White House. The media is extremely biased against one candidate because they do not like him. The media is corrupt.

    Where exactly do you see the virtue signaling and who is signaling it?

    And I suspect that if the Zman had a problem with me using the word “Slut” in my piece he would not have posted it. He is not really shy about such things that he believes violate his standards. The word serves its illustrative purpose in the piece.


    None, they were apparently rigged.

    “The Israeli spy agency Mossad allegedly intercepted the shipment five months ago and rigged them with pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), a highly explosive material, sources told Sky News Arabia, according to a translation from Israeli media.

    The explosive material was allegedly placed inside the pagers’ batteries and detonated by an external command that caused the batteries’ temperatures to overheat and trigger the explosion, the sources added. “

  • Catch Thirty-Thr33

    Ah, but Wayne, that’s a semi-auto. Anyway, one of the biggest arguments people like Messier make is their insistence that buying a gun is as easy and simple as buying a loaf of bread. Not so, as you point out that yes, the semi-auto rifle is available in VT (and probably can be shipped to an FFL) but in order to get it you must pass background checks.

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