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Report: Law enforcement officers nationwide no longer trust the FBI, and will not work with it

Kamala Harris joking about killing Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Jeff Sessions
Kamala Harris as she enthusiaticallly joked on television
about killing Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Jeff Sessions

A just released scathing and horrifying report put together by the National Alliance of Retired and Active Duty FBI Special Agents and Analysts has found extensive nationwide evidence that local law enforcement officers so distrust the FBI they will no longer cooperate with it in any way.

You can read the report here. It came to the following ten conclusions:

  • Local law enforcement officers do not trust the FBI
  • Local law enforcement no longer share actionable, substantive information with the FBI
  • FBI National Academy graduates are troubled by bias
  • Routinely poor management and ineffective leadership found in FBI-led task forces
  • The FBI is isolated and unresponsive to local law enforcement
  • Local law enforcement officers feel disrespected by FBI special agents
  • Today’s tone-deaf FBI disregards the value of retired FBI special agents
  • The new generation of FBI special agents are seen as “completely worthless”
  • FBI management is too transitory and obsessed with self-promotion
  • The FBI’s cult of narcissism begins at the FBI Academy

For conservatives who have been paying attention for the past decade, none of these conclusions are a surprise. The FBI, as well as the CIA, ATF, the Secret Service as well as the entire intelligence and security community in the federal government have not only demonstrated obvious incompetence in their basic jobs since Obama was president, these agencies have clearly become partisan weaponized tools for the Democratic Party.

This reality was demonstrated most clearly in 2020 when 51 high intelligence officials signed a letter claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” and should be ignored. This was an obvious lie then, a lie that the propaganda press nonetheless used to protect candidate Joe Biden from bad press before the election. It has since been proven a lie multiple times, even by the FBI itself.

This new report illustrates a terrible fact that must be addressed without fear by Donald Trump, should he win re-election. On day one of his administration he must demand a resignation letter from the entire FBI work force, shut down the agency, and then methodically replace every bad apple with new people. It also tells us that my prediction in March of potential assassination attempts by these agencies after the election is highly likely. The recent attempt on Trump’s life and the incompetence shown by the Secret Service at that event strengthens this conclusion.

And if Donald Trump is not re-elected? I guarantee Kamala Harris will strengthen the weaponization of the FBI and CIA in favor of the Democratic Party, and accelerate its use as a means to squelch, imprison, and defame her opponents. Expect more trials against Republicans. Expect more late night raids on conservative activists. And expect more murders and violence against all opponents of the Democratic Party.

I can say this confidently about Harris because of her track record. She has not only publicly fantasized about killing Trump, Mike Pence, or former Trump attorney general Jeff Sessions during the Trump administration, when she was attorney general in California she attempted to use the power of her office to find out the donors to Republican opponents to use that information to harass them. Furthermore, during a CNN townhall in 2019, she was very clear about her intentions if she got power, with her responds to many questions summed up as follows:

Nothing she has done since has suggested any change in her positions, beliefs, or intentions. She and her cohorts in these security agencies will rule the federal government like Hugo Chavez and Nicolás Maduro have ruled Venezuela, shutting down a viable republican democracy and instituting rule by dictatorship.

These are not very smart people, except when it comes to getting and retaining power. If we give it to them, we will have no one else to blame when they smash their boots into our faces as they bankrupt the coutnry.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


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  • F

    We should expect to begin hearing that this report is just more “Russian disinformation” in three . . . two . . . one . . .

  • Related:


    “Get them young, differently oriented, indoctrinate them and cause them to be existentially afraid of something or morally outraged. And you will have yourself some very committed zealots. Zealots who will without fully thinking out the potential consequences martyr themselves and surrender their freedom and possibly their lives for “their” cause. ”

  • It’s the same FBI whose Director just opined that Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet, something that would benefit the Harris campaign. Cheers –

  • James Street

    A picture of a gaggle of FBI fedbois infiltrating a conservative rally trying to blend in by what they think conservatives look like.

    The left has defined conservatives as America’s greatest terrorist threat and are genuinely terrified of us.

    We are a threat.

    To them.

  • Dick Eagleson

    In addition to disbanding the FBI, whatever is erected in its place should be headquartered a long way from Washington, DC. All of the executive branch agencies, in fact, should be relocated to scattered sites in “flyover country.” Their former DC HQs should be bulldozed and the ground they stand on sown with salt. Evict the FBI from Quantico and turn it back over entirely to the Marine Corps. Denying any future bad apples physical adjacency with peers would go a long way toward destroying the corrosive culture of power and elitism now characteristic of DC. Leave the President and Congress there along with the Pentagon, but turn the rest of the place into the theme park that DC has increasingly become over the past century.

  • John C

    Local law enforcement is generally pretty good. I think the statists want only federal law enforcement to exist, so they can control them and use them against their political enemies.

  • Bosco Bob

    Anecdotes from a total of 32 anonymous sources is a mighty slim data set.

    Not much of a “report” more like the opinion piece you posted the other day after claiming it was a “research paper”.

    Please visit and do some reading. You don’t know what you are talking about when you mention hunter’s laptop. She has multiple fully researched articles with links to actual data, court filings etc. All about the laptop and that convict Manifort and all his russian connections. Facts don’t go away just because you refuse to believe them.

  • Phill O

    The FBI appeared to be lax in it’s response to a local group of thieves (Animas NM area) but enough pressure was finally applied to get them prosecuted. We are talking millions of dollars defrauded.

  • Vetmike

    From Day One, the FBI has been used as a weapon against dissent. Hoover kept files on every politician in DC so that he could blackmail them. The FBI has also used every tactic in the book, licit and illicit to create this aura of superiority and competence far from their actual capabilities. Since Hoover died, successive FBI heads have been more and more politicized and the FBI more and more a tool to suppress dissent.
    The FBI should be reduced to their crime lab (arguably one of the best) and a handful of agents who could only serve as advisors to local law enforcement. Even interstate crime can be managed by state to state co-operation.
    It is a sad fact that the FBI has replaced the ATF as the Keystone Kops of the Federal government.

  • wayne

    We got stuck with the FBI during Prohibition, and when that ended the FBI just kept rolling along. Now we are stuck with a permanent security force that spies on its own people.
    It only ends one way—

    The Death of Baria

  • Don C.

    Bosco Bob-
    Nicole’s “multiple fully researched articles” are her simple opinion pieces. Evidently you read them thoroughly, since you didn’t know how to spell Paul Manafort’s name correctly.

    Since your ‘evidence’ is submitted without back-up documents, it can be dismissed out-of-hand just as easily.
    Contrary to popular belief, YOUR facts go away even if you believe them. But thanks for playing, Basco. Or was it Busco?

  • Related: Kamala:


    “And so, I have determined to develop a theory focused on truly and equitably satisfying the Colonialism / Slavery / Reparations issue that the Democrat party uses as a cudgel in keeping many black American voters angry, riled up, in poverty and dependency and separate from the rest of America.

    Keep them in line and voting the way that the Democrat party desperately need them to continue to vote, FOR THEM!”

    “A Bill: All and every American that has documentable and direct lineage involvement established and proven in them or their family directly in slavery will surrender or have confiscated one half of their individual net wealth established on a date certain to be determined. ”

  • pzatchok

    The FBI, the USSS and the ATF all recruit from outside the local law enforcement pool.

    They want to be viewed as the better law enforcement organization so they go straight to the universities and collages and skip the local law enforcement ranks.
    They tend to hire those with legal degrees or law enforcement degrees.

    I think they would be far better served if they required a few years as a local law enforcement officer. It would tend to ground them and link them to the people they actually serve.

  • John

    Good, hope it’s true. The FBI has morphed into a domestic surveillance and intelligence agency, politicized, corrupt, and ideological at that.

    The cold war will likely go hot when the thugs go to disappear some loud mouthed meme lord, and the neighborhood and local law enforcement disagree. Badges and guns on one side, badges and guns and other guns on the other. Let’s see how the courts sort out the blood.

    Pzatchok, yes no law enforcement experience required. Signed an engineer who knows. The lack of real world experience in favor of degrees, with all the college political indoctrination that comes with that, is a big source of the problem.

    On the plus side, they finally figured out it was a bullet that hit Trump’s ear. Mighty fine police work there. Or was it bullet fragments, it’s all so confusing. Idiots.

  • Cloudy

    I have heard one left leaning source say that the entertainment industry gives a grossly one-sided portray of law enforcement of all kinds.. Cops and federal agents are usually the “good guys” and are rarely corrupt. They are seen as competent and doing the best they can.. They are efficient and in the end infallible. As a result, it is common in mainstream suburban America to dismiss both the black live’s matter movement’s claim about police violence and conservative complaints about federal agencies. What they see on TV matches what little they see in real life, so they look at law enforcement uncritically. I used to think the same way. However, is plain to see that, as always, reality is far more complex than that.

  • Sino B

    Don C.-
    Your response to Bosco Bob ( most likely Robert Woods) is spot on. Thank you!

  • jim

    “they will no longer corporate with it in any way.”

    corporate or cooperate?

  • pzatchok

    I remember when I was in the service looking at the exit boards as they called them.

    Companies and organizations would post on every military base jobs. I noted at the time that not a single federal law enforcement agency was offering any jobs but most if not all other federal agencies were offering jobs. All state and local agencies were offering jobs.

    I was thinking at the time of being a Federal Park Ranger, but I did not get my pick of parks. I could have worked for any number of those private security agencies. Even foreign governments were offering jobs.

  • pzatchok

    Somehow I double posted, please fix this.

  • wayne

    A Day in the Life of Ranger Smith
    John K. Spümcø (1999)

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