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The real reason the propaganda press is finally reporting Biden’s long-known mental decline

A free press is only a friend to the people if it is on their side
A free press is only a friend to the people if it is on
their side.

Many people on the right who follow politics have been somewhat astonished and amused at the aggressive and sudden willingness of the mainstream media — which I will from now on refer to as the propaganda press — to report in detail the long-known mental decline of President Joe Biden.

At first most thought, including myself, it was because of simple embarassment when their refusal to report these plain facts for the past four years was starkly revealed during Biden’s debate with Donald Trump on June 28th. For years they had worked hard to hide Biden’s declining mental health, going as far as accusing anyone on the right who reported it to be “spreading disinformation” (the modern catch-phrase for any reporting critical of Democrats) or to have created “deep fake” videos and manipulating footage to exaggerate Biden’s failings.

This past week I realized this conclusion is wrong. It is literally impossible for the members of this propaganda press to experience embarrassment. They weren’t embarrassed when it became clear their endless accusations that Trump had colluded with the Russians to win the election turned out to be a hoax, perpetrated entirely by the Hilary Clinton campaign. They weren’t embarrassed when it became clear that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real, that it wasn’t Russian disinformation as falsely claimed by 51 intelligence officers and then parroted by this propaganda press, and that everything on that laptop proved the depraved behavior of Hunter Biden and the criminal behavior of the entire Biden family, facts this propaganda press still refuses to cover.

Nor were they embarrassed by the numerous other false accusations against Trump that they have aggressively touted since 2017, all of which have been debunked time after time after time after time.

No, the reason the propaganda press is going full bore right now reporting Joe Biden’s mental decline is because these propagandists want a Democrat to win the eleciton in November, no matter what. After the June 28th debate they realized that their effort to hid Biden’s dementia had failed, and that the public now knew about it and was not going to vote for him. They have concluded he stands no chance of winning in November, even if the Democratic Party succeeds in stuffing the ballot boxes wildly.

Thus, this propaganda press — which is totally in bed with the Democratic Party — wants desperately for the Democrats to replace him, as soon as possible, so they can then team up again issuing joint propaganda statements supporting the election of the new Democratic Party candidate.

The mainstream media's manual of operation
The mainstream media’s manual of operation

Essentially I am predicting what will happen if Biden submits to the growing pressure and steps down as candidate. Expect the propaganda press to suddenly annoint him as a saint and good and honest man for acting for the good of the nation. Expect that propaganda press to then rally around the newly chosen candidate, whether it be Kamala Harris (the most likely choice) or someone else.

And if the Democrats find themselves in a war to pick that new candidate, expect this propaganda press to cover that war very gently, touting the positive attributes of all the potential prospects, and then coming together as a team to sell the final choice, when picked.

And what if Biden holds out and refuses to step down? Many Democrats already recognize that legally and politically they can’t push him out without causing so much havoc that it will destroy the party’s chances even more in November. Thus many Democrats are already willing to support Biden, no matter what.

The propaganda press however so far hasn’t had to face this issue. When it realizes however that Biden isn’t going anywhere, we can then expect their reporting to change, to back off from these incessant attacks, to work to find some way to justify his ability to serve four more years as president.

We can also expect at that point that the press’s attacks on Trump will multiply expontentially.

The job of the public now is to recognize the dishonesty and partisan nature of this press. Will the public once again fall for its propaganda tactics — as it has done so many times before since Bill Clinton was president — or will it at last see these lying tactics for what they are: stinking carrion so nauseating that even a vulture would find it too loathsome to swallow?

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • This is the first actually interesting opinion I’ve read on the subject. Would people PLEASE stop talking about “destroyed credibility”!!! The propaganda press’s credibility was destroyed decades ago. No one who still believes what they say is going to change his mind over this.

    I believe you have deduced the strategy.

  • “At first most thought, including myself, it was because of simple embarassment when their refusal to report these plain facts for the past four years was starkly revealed during Biden’s debate with Donald Trump on June 28th.”

    Embarrassment? Seriously?

    Where have you been?

    Iam so sorry to come to understand that you apparently never read anything I posted on your web site.

    Let me invite you to scroll through some of my observations on the subject.

    You assumed that the Democrats were embarrassed and then after they became too embarrassed then the Democrats would do what!? Come clean and reverse their corrupt and perverted efforts to take over the country and destroy everything that the Constitution structured?


    It is Strategy OVER Morality, that is how the game is played. Again, OY!

  • Gary

    They (politicians and press) should be asked “what did you know and when did you know it?”


    The Democrat plantation and Republican cuckold farm will repeat the election fraud from last time: No human voters required! All they need are ballots printed from inflated voter rolls, dumped into drop boxes or delivery vans, counted by computers, and viola – you get whatever numbers you want!

    So the Democrat will “win”, But if the Democrat is Biden, the appearance of election fraud will be too absurd to deny. So they prefer a different Democrat. Anybody will do.

  • Chas C-Q

    Apparently, the operatives-with-press-passes have chosen to be seen as very bad at their job, rather than acknowledge their complicity – the only options available to them in the instance – trusting that Gell-Mann Amnesia will recover them eventually.

  • F

    One of my greatest concerns through all of this is that the media on BOTH sides of the aisle seem to be concerned exclusively with Biden’s health and the possibility of him leaving the election, and possibly stepping down prior to the end of the term.

    Even conservative media outlets seem to have forgotten to call attention to the border and the invasion of illegal aliens, a weak economy, inflation, Biden’s support of Hamas and Iran, rising crime and corresponding attacks on law enforcement, an insane “green” energy policy, government censorship, the Afghanistan pullout disaster, etc., etc., etc. They should be pounding these issues 24/7, and they should NOT allow the Democrats to blame any problems on Biden himself, rather than the Democrat Party as a whole.

    Regardless of Biden’s decision to stay or go, the Mainstream Media will soon be praising him and his first term as the “BEST EVER!!!”

  • They had to know that Biden and Harris were not up to the job back in 2019. But they pushed him forward anyway.

    Now they are seeking his removal because his incompetence has become too obvious to the rest of us … who are now realizing we have been subjected to the equivalent of a four-year game of Russian roulette.

    Removing the “bullets” is not enough – for those who made this happen still have the gun of authority in their hands, and it must be removed from their hands.

    They – as much as, if not more than, the Pseudodent and his giggling sidekick – are responsible for the dysfunctions of the last three-plus years.

  • Jeff Wright

    Most people live in bubbles–those who watch MSNBC only watch MSNBC…so the immediate juxtaposition of “Cheap Fakes” with Biden drooling at the podium caught even them unawares.

    There are Democrats cool with Trump winning–since he was the one President that didn’t seem to want some kind of war or another.

    That and it is easier to be on the outs and be the party of opposition.

  • pzatchok

    Remember when Obama and Clinton were running against each other. The party was in a real fight until they came to a backroom agreement and Hillary sort of just dropped off the radar. Then Obama was the candidate and Hillary became the secretary of state.
    Then Hillary was selected(who did she run against)and Trump beat her.
    Then Bidden was selected(Who did he run against) and he beat Trump.

    The last four Democrat Presidential candidate have pretty much been selected and not really elected in the primary.

    Who will the Democrats select for this election? The people have already elected him in the primary.

    Just watched the Presidential interview.
    Boy did he looked jacked up from the last three weeks. I wonder what drugs he was on?
    And yes he did start to ramble on quite a bit and sort of got off the track a few times.
    As for the questions. It could not have looked more scripted. At times it looked like he was reading from a screen on his desk and at a few times I thought it looked like he was listening to an ‘ear bug’.
    As for the questions. It looked like they submitted them ahead of time and every reporter was reading them off of a script. Until the last question that came out at the end and it sort of looked like Biden was a bit lost on that question.

    In the end this does not make me think he is dementia free and fit for office. Dementia patients all have good days and I think this could have been one of his few good days.

    If Biden gets selected as our president again Kamala will be our next president.

  • Brian

    Robert funny that you should mention the Clinton’s. There has been a lot of rumors by supposed insiders that there is back and forth dealings between the Obama’s and Clinton’s putting pressure on the Biden’s with the Obama’s having several replacements they are pushing but the Biden’s not liking the Obama’s personally it is not flying. The deal with the Clinton’s would involve Joe removing Kamala at the convention and replacing her with Hillary and riding that ticket through the campaign and Joe bowing out later.

  • John

    I thought it was common knowledge that the debate was held very early to give them time to replace Biden if needed. The debate was arranged once the polls more or less showed Biden was in jeopardy. The media turned on him in unison, on command, when it became obvious the election was lost. If the debate had happened closer to the election, it would have been a landslide defeat.

    Me? I’m now a Biden man. I’m sliden with Biden. We need this replacement process to last as long as possible. Right up to the convention if possible. Let’s go Brandon!

    One thing for certain, the October surprise this year is going to be nuclear. I hope that’s a pun. Be prepared, you think things are bad now; they’re gunna get way worse.

  • sippin bourbon

    I guessed almost 4 years ago that Biden would not make it to the end of this term. But I assumed he was going to drop out sometime past the half way point to open the door for Harris.

    I was wrong. I speculate (only speculation!) that it was for one of two reasons. That they realized how much of a disaster Harris would be, or that Biden’s puppet-master (or masters) decided they liked the power just a little too much. Either way, they have painted themselves into a corner. They may have thought they had Trump with the lawfare and would get away with it.

    The Main Stream Media (MSM) has been completely complicit in covering up the decline, and are only now acting like Claude Raines as Captain Renault in Casablanca ( I am shocked, shocked to find gambling going in here!) because they need to salvage their credibility, and try to avoid going down with Biden. They still believe they have influence and still believe they will be believed. They lied. They know they lied. But they are going to tell their loyal viewers that they are just as surprised as they are to find out terrible news.

    They lied and are counting on no one calling them on it. Any one that does is clearly just a biased right wing nut job.

    Beware the wounded predator. It will out when finally cornered. I am worried about what they may try.

  • sippinbourbon

    Most people use “Mainstream media” and abbreviate it MSM.

    Doing so with “Propaganda Press” would be… unfortunate. Especially considering their diminished size and poor performance. Come November, it could lead to Electoral Dysfunction.

  • sippin bourbon

    Minor Edit, in my post: It will lash out when finally cornered.

  • Shallow Minded Reader

    Welcome to the awakening. Glad to have you aboard. Now realize that the same propaganda press was telling you what was happening in Ukraine in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Many of you swallowed the lies whole. Time to rethink what you knew and who told you what to think about the Ukraine, Russia and Vladimir Putin.

  • pzatchok

    Do not worry I read the European press also.

    Funny how 95% of the worlds press agrees at least those i read) and supports the Ukraine but 100% of the Russian press does not.

    Maybe your still in the dream world and the rest of us are wide awake.
    Don’t believe everything you read but how do you know what to believe?
    Oh my gosh I am going down the rabbit hole.

  • Martin Benkle

    Russian cosmonauts had to be carried on a stretcher when they returned from orbit, due to severe muscle fatigue, yet Amerikan “astronauts” were walking and running with no problem. Moon Hoax.

  • pzatchok


    That had more to do with length of time in space and type of landings. Hard landings.

    How do Russians sit in a Soyuz craft? Cramped. A few hit so hard that they did get hurt. Maybe those are the photos your seeing.

  • Chris

    Watching the circus of the Biden outing and the machinations of the Democratic Party deciding on their candidate will be one thing, but the true issue is to make sure that the House and Senate (if possible) are put into conservative control.
    If Mr Trump wins and these are lost he is hamstrung.
    If the Democrat candidate wins and these are lost we will accelerate toward chaos.

  • Shallow Minded Reader, all I have to see is Putin invading Ukraine.

    Yet another example of expansionist tyranny, and with the possible exception of Genghis Khan, no expansionist tyrant in history has ever stopped expanding without being confronted – either with exhaustion of resources*, or with the credible threat of force.

    And take a look where the trouble comes from – and where it does not. Nations that respect the rights of their people first-and-foremost do not make trouble with their geopolitical neighbors. Nations whose leadership lacks respect for those rights, are more prone to make trouble. We have seen this involving our own nation, when Leftist leaders in America and Europe colluded to make a mess of Libya because its leader offended European oil oligarchs. Russia OTOH has never had respect for the rights of their people, having failed to make that a priority between the fall of the USSR and the rise of the Putin oligarchy … and we also failed to insist that they make it a priority, as the price of admission into the rest of civilization.

    NATO is a defensive alliance, except in the eyes of conspiracy theorists – and I especially think its newer members in eastern and central Europe have no desire to take over Russia. If Putin would stay within his borders and focus on respecting his own people, NATO would not be any threat to him or his nation.

    * actions that have one’s adversary running into resource limitations go a long way towards preventing wars before they start … be they Reagan’s military buildup that the USSR could not match, or Trump’s energy policies that not only denied Putin and Iran the funds to make trouble (until Biden reversed those policies, driving oil prices up), but showed the OPEC nations that we don’t necessarily need their oil – leading to the Abraham Accords.

  • Dave

    Propaganda Press – I like it. They’ve been shilling for the Ds since Clinton and undoubtedly much earlier. Dunno the psychology or training that leads to that. Probably worth considering.

    I might suggest one encouraging thought. For all these decades of shilling, the population is still >50% not D. It isn’t working for a complete revamp of society (their glorious revolution?) Down side, it is working for at least half the election results.

  • Shallow Minded Reader

    Somebody took the blue pill.


    “Mathews in his desperation understands the reality of the Joe Biden situation, but he is attempting to force through the power of the media to spin his preferred reality on the mass of the American population.”

  • Edward

    Martin Benkle,
    You wrote: “Russian cosmonauts had to be carried on a stretcher when they returned from orbit, due to severe muscle fatigue, yet Amerikan ‘astronauts’ were walking and running with no problem. Moon Hoax.

    You may be confusing traditions with necessity. The Russian cosmonauts also traditionally peed on their transport’s wheel on the way to the pad (I hope that undignified tradition has ended); you don’t see that very often during U.S. launches. I don’t recall anyone (American, Russian, or Chinese) running just after disembarkation.

    American disembarkation is different than Russian. During the capsule days, Americans walked off a helicopter quite a while after they splashed down, giving them time to reacclimate to full gravity. Even when shuttles landed, no one walked off the Orbiter until the last person could stand and walk* — no matter how long that took. I’m not sure of SpaceX’s rules for disembarking Dragon.

    In addition, the Russians quickly started having months-long stays on their space stations, whereas moon missions were less than two weeks and Shuttle missions were limited to 16 days (due to limited consumables). Such short stays in space are not as hard on the muscles, bones, and other parts that degrade in prolonged free-fall. The typical ISS mission is six months, but a few people go up for only a couple of weeks or, more rarely, a year.
    * One of the scientists where I once worked became a mission specialist for one Space Shuttle flight. He claimed to be the last person able to stand and walk after landing. This rule was initiated so that no one suffered the indignity of having to be carried from the Shuttle or for being identified as the last to stand and recover.

  • Max

    George Clooney, Matthew McConaughey, Ashley Judd, are some of the actors in the news today. Why? To teach the politicians and give them pointers on how to act better. They are paid consultants. (Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump we’re also actors) so is the Ukrainian president (Putin?) who showed up in Utah today to take a look at those fine new F15‘s he’s taking home with him. Thanked us for all the money we donated to “save democracy” in a country where democracy has been outlawed, journalism is dead, opposition parties are banned, elections are permanently suspended! (His wife probably spent another 2 million on jewelry while in New York?)

    Everything you are seeing in the news is a distraction… Entertainment, political theater. Bread, gold and circuses.

    As Robert Zimmerman proclaimed above;
    “This past week I realized this conclusion is wrong. It is literally impossible for the members of this propaganda press to experience embarrassment”

    The P.P. Has a role to play as an arm of the deep state/CIA who never tell the truth. Their power lies in deception. Truth is only told when it serves their purpose. it’s not a lie… They prefer to call it journalistic fiction. It’s “constitutional” to be misinformed by your “entertainment”.
    That is why I am skeptical about what we think we are seeing.

    We knew when he campaigned from his home and rarely met with real reporters, that he wasn’t up to the task and they needed to gaslight the fact. The media helped hide him, and how he spent more time on vacation than in the White House.
    That is until it just wasn’t working anymore. They tried to tell us that “we could not believe our Lying eyes”, after the debate, that it was just a deep fake by those scoundrel Russians… Russians again? They are worse than used car salesman or Nigerian princes short on cash.

    Speaking of media revelations, Elon musk’s “X-twitter” has rejoined the world economic forum. And he is to be the first one canceled!
    “”A key challenge for X is that Musk himself, the most followed user in the app, continues to amplify conspiracy theories, and his divisive opinions on hot button political issues.””
    “It’s for everyone’s safety”

    Biden‘s are on the gravy train and that all comes to an end if he steps down. Influence and top-secret papers is the only family business that they have. (felon drug addict Hunter is advising the president and cabinet without top-secret clearance!… cocaine and hookers for everyone!)

    So he must have blackmail on Obama and others. The public private partnership will donate to his reelection campaign until he has enough money to be convinced that his family will be rich forever. After all, it was part of the deal he made.
    Others see him as a loose end, holding the country hostage. Perhaps that’s theater also.

    What deal? That he would give Obama his third term in office to finish what he started… to the fundamentally transforming of America. That’s why Biden kept Obamas cabinet, officers, and staffers. They would meet at Obama‘s house in Washington DC on a regular basis. Everyone knew it, but few reported it. The Cuban communist Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is the architect and the instigator of the complete downfall of our government, it’s traditions, the rule of law, fundamentally ripping out our soul. Not a Democrat or Republican will do a thing about it.
    Former border patrol JJ Carol is getting the message out that we are in trouble. One out of five residents in America is illegal. The Democrats are going to have their convention in Chicago… Or will they? Crime caused by the Venezuelan criminals and insane that were flown there has increased the crime rate for the murder capital of the world by 11,000% (but Venezuela‘s crime rate has dropped 80%)
    A 15 minute introduction, I wish I could find the podcast interview that I listen to today for you. Simply horrifying.

  • MissyH

    I have seen this coming for many months. I have always felt their plan was to wait till the last minute and then throw in another candidate with no time to vet them, and that’s exactly what I think they are doing. As far as the media? I think they were ready to go up on orders being given, and now it is “go” time. They didn’t all suddenly come to these conclusions at exactly the same time. It was all planned, IMO.

  • Related:


    “Before the conversation ended my friend called what Rudy and his team of lawyers who were IMO righteously protesting the election results in the political process in many places around the country as being “Lawfare”. And that is not really an accurate understanding of what lawfare is.”

    Lawfare V Politics? Lawfare IS Politics!

  • wayne

    Well, they just tried to assassinate Trump.

  • We do not know if there is a “They”.

    Right now, it is just a “Him”.

  • wayne


  • wayne

    Anything the DOJ, FBI, or CIA claims– will be a limited hangout, or just plain old lies.

    Operation Valkyrie
    I Want These Traitors Taken Alive

  • Wayne:


    This must always be your default position. All potentials exist.

    And given that default position it may just be what it is presented as, a nutty young man doing bad things. That may just be the truth of the matter.

    And then we have the human element in detecting the shooter and the police determining if he is a fellow officer or a bad actor. 20/ 20 hindsight is perfect after the fact.

    Time will tell most of the tale.


    Its Strategy OVER Morality.

    Not Strategy AND Morality.

    AND, also remember, the Democrats NEVER do or correct or anything because they have become embarrassed, NEVER!

    Political warfare is warfare all the same and they are not going to be voluntarily surrendering their political power, it must be taken from them!

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