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The Trump assassination attempt provides another illustration of our bankrupt press/media

We can learn a lot about the press by watching how they react to breaking news stories, with the aftermath and questions about the Secret Service’s actions during the attempt on Donald Trump’s life on July 13, 2024 being a perfect example.

My goal is not to analyze the failures of the Secret Service that day. Others will do that far better than I. My goal here is to analyze the press itself, to illustrate who is really interested in finding out what really happened, to report the news, and who is not.

First we have Fox anchor Jesse Watters’ opening statement on July 15, 2024 at the start of the Republican National Convention, outlining great detail all the many many MANY questions that remain unanswered about the truly horrible job the Secret Service did in protecting Trump during that July 13th rally. His opening sentence illustrates his focus quite bluntly:

There is one burning question on all of our minds. Did Biden’s Secret Service almost get Trump killed? All evidence points to yes.

Watters then unreservedly without fear outlines all the known facts and the many failures, never flinching from the very ugly conclusions those fact suggest. As he concludes, “The minute we stop asking questions, they win.” Watch:

Now compare Watters” approach to this news story to that of CNN anchor Kate Bolduan. On July 15, 2024 she interviewed Congressman Cory Mills (R-Florida) about the assassination attempt. Mills has extensive experience in the security field, handling “thousands” of situations similar to the Trump rally, and he quickly feels compelled to note that in looking at the Secret Service’s failures that day, he has “a difficult time not leaning myself towards this was intentional, as opposed to fecklessness.”

His statement implies that Bolduan has before her a scoop of the century. Mills is suggesting gently that we must include the possibility in any investigation that the Secret Service’s failures might have even been planned, might even have been a partisan act designed to get Trump killed. He isn’t pushing this as an answer, but merely a possibility that the facts force him to consider.

Any good reporter should jump on this and want to get Mills to elaborate in as much detail as possible. Does she do this? No, instead she acts like a scared rabbit, trying to quell his speculations or even analysis. After a few moments where she appears to actually want more details from Mills, when he really starts to detail his position her response is blunt: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s slow down.”

Watch. The key moment begins at about 1:30 into the interview. After realizing where Mills is going Bolduan does everything she can to avoid the subject, to stop any discussion of it. Mills repeatedly tries to point out to her that the security failures during this assassination attempt need to be investigated fully, and to do that properly you have to look at all possibilities. She doesn’t want to hear it.

There you have it. On the left, the first instinct of a CNN anchor, handed what could be the biggest story in decades, is to bury it. On the right, the abiding instincts of the Fox anchor is to ask questions incessantly, to get at the truth.

Who would you want to get your news from?

I must add that not all reporters or anchors are going to react as these two did. Some CNN anchors might do a good job, and some on Fox might do badly. When you watch the news, however, consider these reactions and use them to rank the quality of the reporting of others. Do they run from great stories in fear, as Bolduan does, or do they chase it with glee, as Watters does? The difference is profound, but easy to spot, and can quickly provide you a guide as to who is a real reporter and who is merely a propagandist for one side or the other.

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  • Related: Here you go, Wayne.


    “Will the truth of the failed attempt on former president Trump’s life by what appears to me to be a deranged young man seeking to distinguish himself in an infamous manner turn out to be a handled asset working in the interests of “Others”? We may never fully know the answer to that question. Information? Disinformation? Stand by, let’s see what turns up.


    Trump should NEVER have plastic surgery to repair his ear. As a matter of fact, he should post a picture of it in its current condition on his social media account. Always a reminder.

  • Those who put their trust in the regular institutional order as the source of societal stability didn’t want to hear what the J6 protesters had to say, either. Nor were they interested in Hunter’s laptop, or Robert Hur’s investigation.

    They believe that any questioning or demands for accountability from the outside is a threat to them. And it is, because it erodes the value of their all-in lifelong investments in their elite status – which depends upon our deference to them.

    That is what leads them beyond mere ambition, to the establishment of a self-righteous Normal who views all dissention from that order as based in ignorance and/or evil, and those who bring it are seen as untermenchen. that are “deplorable” and do not deserve respect.

    And they are blind behind their facade of stability, to the tyranny that is overtaking it.

    I hope that cracks in that paradigm, like the work of Jesse Waters, become more numerous and ever wider … that more and more people stop letting the Pedestaled Elite do their thinking for them.. For that is the path back to a united nation, that respects the self-evident truths it was founded upon..

  • Doubting Thomas

    Heard on several cable news outlets that US Secret Service was stretched thin on that day due to competing demands from First Lady and VP events on the same day (also stretched to do preps days prior at these 3 sites).

    Hence, for Trump rally, USSS personnel significantly supplemented by Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) resources.

    Question 1: What IS an HSI agent??

    Question 2: How does such an agent differ in duties, responsibilities and assigned tasks from FBI, ATF, US Customs & Border Patrol, Postal Investigator agents?

    Question 3: Does a ostensibly free and open society and nation require all these flavors of internal security agents??

  • Jeff Wright

    There was a desire to use local law enforcement–so it may be possible you had the same scenario with drug interdictions where DEA, FBI and Customs stumble over each other–plainclothesmen get drawn down on by uniforms.

    Still-as I’ve said before–a botched security detail means NO ONE sees the sniper before he gives his position away–the crowd spots smoke from bushes or a crown of a tree..the gunman in a ghille suit.

    The Secret Service officers would have their heads on a swivel and by the time they spot a would-be assassin–he’s off and running before they can return fire with their own rifles.

    But that’s not what happened.

    The kid was lined up in their scopes and they let him squeeze off a few rounds–then shot him within moments.

    The crime and a cover-up all within moments.

    “We’re heroes–we killed the sniper mere moments after the attempt!”

    Because you already knew where he was?


  • Steve Richter

    Has Jesse ever spoken to the Tucker firing? I have not watched Fox since Tucker was removed. What is being said here is the obvious. Heck, ask why the counter snipers had to shoot to kill. Blowing his arm off would have neutralized the threat and allowed the FBI to question the attempted assassin. Sorry, I think everything Watters says is manipulative and staged.

  • Steve Richter wrote, “Blowing his arm off would have neutralized the threat …”

    This comment suggests your only knowledge of firearms comes from watching Hollywood movies. At 100+ yards distance, when guns are firing, to ask a sniper to only hit the guy’s arm is absurd. There is an entire field filled with tens of thousands of people. You don’t have time or the ability to aim that precisely. You need to stop the gunman, any way possible.

    Having said that, there remain many questions (far more than asked by Watters) about the actions of the Secret Service on July 13th.

  • pzatchok

    I do believe the SS sniper rifles were Remington 700 with Accuracy International stocks and some kind of silencer.
    More than likely on 7.62x51mm Nato or.308. Anything larger is a waste until you need to go farther than 500 yards.

  • Dick Eagleson

    Once Trump and Vance are in office I think an early priority should be the polygraphing of the entire federal workforce – starting with high-rankers – to identify the bad apples, fire them, cancel their pensions and blacklist them from any future government employment. The various armed constabularies of the federal government should go first, including the entire intelligence apparat.

  • Dick, polygraphing would be challenged in court as insufficiently conclusive.

    I would recommend a “safety stand-down” of the FBI/DOJ on Day One, then investigate by other means … demand the paper trails of surveillance of churches and school-board meetings, process-crime persecutions, stretches of law like a condom over a watermelon to make a case. Ask agents, when confronted with abuse of these areas, “why didn’t you blow the whistle? Did you forget that respect for life and liberty of the individual is imperative until CONVICTED, and of higher priority for YOU than even “winning” a case?”

    Do this up-and-down the chain, from the Fairbanks field office to the 7th Floor in DC. Terminate the employment of anyone engaged in the abuse and/or stood by silently as it was perpetrated … along with, to the extent civil-service law allows, terminating anyone who views their neighbors in terms like “ignorant Flyover Country rubes” or “smelly WalMart people” – for that is broad-brushed bigotry, pure and simple.

    Concurrently, have Congress … pressured by newer GOP members … audit the body of law that enabled such abuses and change it, so it can be used only for justice – not for lawfare. The abuses of process crimes and piling-up charges to pressure defendants into plea deals must be curbed. And how many “offenses” are even prudent to be pursued at the Federal level at all? While they’re at it, revise civil-service laws so they are more “at-will” in nature, to enable the firing of obvious ideologues masquerading as “civil servants” to leverage the law to impose their beliefs.

    Then, rebuild the FBI and DOJ from the ground up, with (to borrow from NASA and Gene Kranz … “Tough and Competent”) every whiteboard and screensaver proclaiming four words: “TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS” … a symbol of the new focus of their department, that has been rebuilt to embody it.

    And appoint Michael Flynn as DCI, with a mandate to do the same to the entire intelligence community, along with a financial audit of same.

  • Pip McGuigin

    If Jesse Watters has started to reveal the conspiracy….he will be assailed by DC elites and all the networks disguised as news, Stay tuned,

  • Jeff Wright

    Aldrich Ames and Johnny Walker Red beat polygraphs anyway.

    You have to trace electronic communications.

  • wayne

    Robert Barnes
    Rebel Capitalist Show (7/19/24)

  • Steve Richter

    “… This comment suggests your only knowledge of firearms comes from watching Hollywood movies. …”

    is there any doubt that the shot to the head from the counter sniper landed inches from where it was aimed? Once the counter snipers engage the shooter, he is not getting another shot off against Trump. If they do not kill him immediately it is possible he gets to the other side of the roof, where he is a threat to the public. Just saying it sure helps to find out if the assassin had any help. There is the obvious Oswald example. Also, having Sirhan alive showed he was not aided by a Palestinian conspiracy.

  • Richard

    The only surprise about the attempted assassination was that it hadn’t happened sooner. The media has been spewing hate for 9 years now. Even if the assassin was a crazy loner (rather than an asset of someone), it was the press that activated him and pointed him at Trump.

  • Raymond A Brooks

    Headlines read “FBI hunts for motive behind Trump attack.”
    We all know the motive….The FBI, CIA, Secret Service etc want him killed. Trump will ruin their game in DC.

    This is not the first time. Secret Service was involved with the JFK murder.

    Watch the documentary “JFK. What the Doctors Saw.”

    The return fire from the Counter-Snipers was immediate.
    That means they had their rifles and tripods pointing at the sniper the entire time.

    So… let him kill Trump and then we (SS) will “come to the rescue”
    Citizens will never get an answer on any of this.

    Yeah they are probably investigating…..a little. But they are spending 99% of their time covering up.
    Is every conspiracy theory invalid? Not one is right on?

    Fed government is evil.

  • Edward

    Steve Richter wrote: “is there any doubt that the shot to the head from the counter sniper landed inches from where it was aimed?

    Inches make less difference for a hit on a torso. It may still be a hit on a head shot. But an arm is a small target, especially when the target is aiming a rifle in your direction. Depending upon how the assassin was positioned, the torso may not have been an option.

    Besides, how do you know that the counter sniper wasn’t aiming for an arm? If you think he wasn’t aiming for an arm, then your reason for thinking that is your answer to why the counter sniper had to shoot to kill.

    It reminds me of The Magnificent Seven (and its source material The Seven Samurai), where the younger warrior was impressed that the elder had killed the horseman, and the elder warrior says “I was aiming at the horse.”
    Richard wrote: “The only surprise about the attempted assassination was that it hadn’t happened sooner.

    Do we know whether the Secret Service has prevented other attempts? They may have actively stopped one or more, or their best practices (not employed last weekend) may have discouraged someone or kept someone from finding a vantage point.

  • Jeff Wright

    I wonder what the turnover is in the Secret Service—under Obama…they didn’t even bother to pay prostitutes….that’s low-down.

    Disgruntled workers are often the only windows we have into outfits.

    Here is an idea—for those with means.
    Run the faces of the counter-snipers into Lexus/nexus or something.

  • I have to ask: do OSHA regulations apply, or provide guidance, to law enforcement regarding the risks of working on a sloped roof?

    If so, that could explain a few things ….

  • Raymond A Brooks:

    “Government is evil”.

    The entity government just like every other entity, it is a thing:

    “Entity: a: independent, separate, or self-contained existence. b: the existence of a thing as contrasted with its attributes. 2: something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality. 3: an organization (such as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members”

    “THINGS” cannot be either good or bad. What they do Subjectively either good or bad are reflections of who and what is in control of it / them.

    So, the only thing that government can be is evil because government is not about good or bad or truth, government is about power and control. And there is a hard and fast rule regarding human beings and power and control.

    Government is necessary, but it is a necessary evil.

    This is what in fact you are witness to:

    Core SIGMA3iOC:

  • James Street

    I’m amazed at the people who listen to the mainstream media and still believe things like Trump colluded with the Russians, Biden won in 2000 and their COVID narrative was real.

    But more and more people are waking up as the mainstream media’s lies collapse and they turn to alternative media. Washington Post broke the story that the Biden Administration and leadership at the Secret Service denied security requests by agents assigned to protect Trump. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle (the sloped roof woman) is gone tomorrow.

  • Max

    Breaking news, Trump just quit, bowed out of the race.
    Headline in every news source.

  • Max: You mean Biden dropped out I think.

  • wayne

    to re-confirm, Biden is out, and he is endorsing kamala.

    and for historical perspective:

    LBJ Announces He Won’t Run
    March 31, 1968

  • Max

    He says he intends to finish his term in office, but the convention will now be open to pick a successor.
    Rumors are Kamala Harris is the front runner.

    Unusual news and interesting conspiracy theories on this website, entertaining? But then who doesn’t have a theory about what’s going on because we have not been told the truth.
    An article on a congressman who says there was a second shooter!
    A drone, in pictures, over the air space! (UFO)
    Endless interviews of snipers agree that the Secret Service had a major SNFU, just to learn that most of the Secret Service was pulled out and replaced by homeland security who were unfamiliar with any procedures, and yet are super secretive about their mission.
    “Any federal employee who talks to the media will be fired!” Whistle blowers are talking, but are any of them real? Disinformation agents? It’s all hands on deck to protect the deep state. Possibly to the point, with the failed assassination, caused panic of throwing the switch shutting down bank transactions to prevent money flowing in the wrong direction.

    And what’s up with that article of legislation being introduced that climate deniers will be guilty of climate murder? What does that mean? Open season on people who say “drill baby drill?”

  • Max

    Must’ve been excited, thanks for correcting that.

  • sippin bourbon

    pzatchok, I was researching the USSS rifle.

    The research I found was a custom rifle referred to as a JAR, which is Just Another Rifle., chambered in .300 WinMag. Uses the Rem700 acton, but everything else is nonstick parts.

    Still looking into it , but they do not publish much about them.

  • sippin bourbon

    For those suggesting the USSS should not have killed Crooks but just wound him, the report (published on Fox) said that the only thing they could see was the top half of his head and the rifle. Everything else was obscured but the peak of the roof.

    That is a 5 to 6 inch target at 160 meters. Go get a coffee can, the large ones, set it at 150 meters, covering the bottom half. That’s about all they had to shoot at.

  • sippin_bourbon: Nice analogy. However, what matters here is to focus on reality, not absurdities. In the heat of action it is missing the point to focus on whether this guy should have simply been wounded. Ask more pertinent questions:

    1. Why was that rooftop left unsecured?
    2. Why, when there were clear messages warning of a suspect on the roof with a rifle, did the Secret Service not ask Trump to hold off going on stage until they could secure the situation? They certainly would want to do it carefully, as the place was filled with people, but why expose Trump when the situation is uncertain?

    To me, these are the fundamental questions that raise serious doubts about the abilities, competence, and even motives of those running this operation.

  • pzatchok

    sippin bourbon

    Thanks for the info.

    .300 WM is a bit juicy for me. But I have old shoulder bones now and they tell me when I have had enough.

    After a day of trap shooting my shoulder is screaming.

  • sippin bourbon

    Mr Z, no disagreement. These are important questions for which we will likely ever get a straight answer. Vague answers to keep people guessing is the Federal Bureaucracy’s number one play.

    But while you refer to the “shoot to wound” question absurd, and it is, it comes up often. It comes up every police shooting that makes the news and it has arisen here. I am just providing an illustration for their consideration.

    The fact that he should have never gotten that far is a monumental failure. But he did. And the action that ended it is one small success in the overall soup that was this operation.

  • Would be ironic if the pressure to totally resign from office pushes Biden out, on 09 August … 50 years to the day that Nixon left office.

  • wayne

    America’s Untold Stories
    Hunley / Groubert (April 2024)
    “From Chappaquiddick to Watergate;
    Ted Kennedy vs Richard Nixon”

  • pzatchok

    This whole shooting situation is starting to look like a huge bit of laziness on everyone’s part.

    First off the SS should have stood at the podium and identified possible sniper positions. Every military sniper does this subconsciously when they pick their hide. Why did none of the SS snipers point out this roof and recommend someone be positioned on it

    What constituted the perimeter in the SS opinion?

    And since we now know that the local officers were placed in charge of that roof and those areas outside the perimeter. Why did not a single one of them actually get up on that roof and occupy it?

    I have heard some say that one of the SS problems was that they did not want to impose on a citizens right to carry like they have in Pennsylvania. Which is a BS excuse. All of those areas are private property and can be posted by the owners as a no carry area. Plus the police are allowed to impose their presence in those areas to deter any shooters.

    In the end the real responsibility for the protection of the target falls on the SS.

  • “This whole shooting situation is starting to look like a huge bit of laziness on everyone’s part.”

    I tend to agree with this opinion about the Trump shooting. Sloppy, lazy, Oh, nothing is going to happen attitude. For now, anyway.

    I just do not like the fact that the Secret Service snippers had taken pictures of this zealot / mental patient, and no one rounded him up. I do not like that at all.

    ” Every military sniper does this subconsciously when they pick their hide. ”

    Another observation I agree with, and that leads me to a funny related story.

    Several years ago, I had a customer that over time I came to understand was an “Operator” / military / security man / hired security expert for “special” situations. He was a big boy, 6′ 3″, 250+ lbs or so. And he was very much a blank read, all business. Seemed to be always looking around assessing his environment.

    So, I am talking to a friend (who coincidently happened to be a retired Trump bodyguard from a couple of years ago) and he was sitting out of the way and as you came in the store you could not see him. So, the “Operator” comes in, assesses his environment and he only sees me.

    He walks in makes his initial determination continues in and then my friend said something. And his reaction when he heard someone else besides me that he did not detect upon his entry was priceless. His neck and back straightened and he swung around with determination, just like he was supposed to.

    I suspect that if he had a piece on him, he would have drawn it.

    After he left, we both commented on his reaction. My friend is also a former military / police trained operator, he and I knew exactly what was crashing through his brain.

    It was priceless, he was ready for anything and was not happy that he failed in the complete of his read of his environment.

    I suspect the Secret Service failure was similar. At this moment in time anyway.

  • pzatchok

    I am watching the hearing.

    Cheatle is an idiot.

    She needs to be reminded that she WILL be fired when Trump gets into office and if Trump does not get into office she will be replaced at least.

    The Dems are just taking this opportunity to attack the republicans MGA conservatives in general and again guns are the problem.

    Except surprisingly AOC. She actually was fair and asked real questions. I am shocked.

    This is starting to look more and more like the SS was acting partizan in its actions..

  • wayne

    Watched the Hearing.
    She could be held in contempt of congress, but we all know that will never happen.
    She has quite the resting-[expletive]-face going on, not a happy warrior to be sure.
    Doesn’t strike me as a skilled politician and I doubt she knows where any of the bodies are buried, so to speak. (For covering up Hunters coke, I would have demanded more…)

    Maybe she’s figured out she’s the fall-guy?

    The Death of Stalin (2017)
    “I Have Documents on ALL of You…”–HXlMZvdl8

  • Max

    Yes Wayne, I was thinking the same thing. All of the Democrats leader ship positions are “figureheads” pulling a big paycheck with no responsibilities, or knowledge what happens under their command so they don’t have to explain what they’re unaware of, like in this situation. Like hogans heroes Schultz… “I know nothing”

    As you posted where LBJ doesn’t run again, he made a large production explaining himself to the people, with a warning for the future.
    Nobody has seen Joe Biden.
    Babylon Bee is having a heyday with all the jokes they’ve created about it.

    The media is not covering the assassination attempt. They’re welcoming the diversion to talk about anything else, like the joke ”Kamala Harris”.

    This is three days old now, a discussion of the inconsistencies including video evidence of the shooter on the water tower. Redacted (about 10 minutes in)

    The kid on the roof was a few feet from his gun, too far below the crest to be seen by the snipers, who couldn’t see him because the trees leaves block their view? More and more is appearing to be a patsy, a diversion, walking around to get noticed in plainview so the real shooters won’t draw attention.

  • pzatchok

    Max do not fall into that conspiracy line.
    Its exactly what the Dems want. They will let them ferment a while and use them against the MAGA people. They will use it just like they used the election rumors. Weaponized against those they fear.

  • wayne

    Max & pzatchok
    I’m trying not to get wrapped up in minutia myself, but I have been over-consuming news…
    As for Kim– she doesn’t appear to even know the Lingo I would expect from a career person who spent 20-whatever years in the SS. (was she in HR or Records, or what? ) She didn’t even try to blind-us-with-science.
    She might actually be as naive as she looks, however.
    That being said– she’s presenting as the pathetic fall-guy.

    On the other hand, maybe she does have files of interest, and only has to keep her mouth shut.
    Just haven’t seen her in action enough to even form a good speculation.
    Some people just don’t present well in public no matter what.

    Personally, I’m still waiting for the report on the LV shooter and the tranny-manifesto.

  • Max

    pzatchok, good advice… Unfortunately the people with the answers are saying nothing and are looking very suspicious as if they were involved… perhaps “intimately.”
    What we know that is not conspiracy?
    Preliminary Findings:
    July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt on Former President Donald Trump

    Eye witness evidence has been added since the filing, Sound recording and video evidence of the water tower indicating more than one shooter. And questions unanswered on the local sniper team positioned on the “same roof as the shooter” which were removed before the event and sent inside with the excuse that the roof was too hot. (there was no briefing before the event, but the snipers were told to expect a team on that roof leading to the hesitancy to shoot)
    An ATF officer who showed up and took pictures/evidence then ghosted the investigation. what happened to the bicycle and backpack? The shooters car and short ladder? How’s the van involved? Why did his father call the police worried about his son?
    (link provided in article to bartiromo interview on Fox)

    One of my coworkers suggested freezing Kim’s bank accounts, confiscate her passport, interview people she’s been in contact with on her phone and the phone of her aides, possibly take her to Guantánamo where they can finish asking her questions. We’ll see if she pleads the fifth.
    If you are “above the law”, you don’t have to answer to a congressional committee. So whom does she answer to?

  • Max

    I prepared this for my Harvard educated friend to analyze.

    There was many trades shorting the stock in the days leading up to the assassination attempt.

    “Those posters pointed to data from an investment research platform called, which reported that the firm filed an SEC document on July 12 disclosing 12,000,000 puts on $DJT. Puts are essentially bets placed on stocks on the expectation that the price will go down, though they’re less risky than shorts.”

    That it was a mistake is posted on an update at the bottom of the page.

    The actual posting quoted; (thanks Cotour)

    A list of everyone who shorted the stock and how it accelerated in the last few days.

    “Austin Private Wealth amended their filing on 7/16 and removed their put option on TMGT”
    “Another interesting thing about the amendment filed on 7/16 is that it is the only one they have ever had. I searched and their first filing was on 2-12-2020,” said Josh Walkos.”
    (Austin private wealth fund was created by a George Bush cabinet member)

    (Notice that the stock doubled after the failed assassination attempt meaning instead of receiving a billion dollars, they would have to pay billion or more) (would your bookie allow you to cancel a bet that you lost?)

    The “who” behind the short filing, firm represents George Soros, George Bush, black rock, and others.

    Someone also shorted crowd strike just before the computers all went down.

    What the crooks whom shorted the airlines learn from the world trade center… The inside information pays handsomely!!!
    Just not in this case… It’s good I guess that black rock owns controlling shares of Wall Street and can cancel that trade. Public private partnership in action where “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” without drawing much blood.

    I would also note Kamala Harris has gone from a nobody, not even a serious contender, to suddenly elevated by the billionaire donor class and the celebrity elites to be their choice for president without any democracy of the party involved? The money and choice was theirs and it’s final! No convention can take it from them? Is this legal?
    The Democrats are now the party of the elite, billionaires, and the illegal aliens of the world…
    While Republicans and Trump are now the party of the Iron and oil working class, the unions like Teamsters, waitresses and the struggling middle class!

    MAGA is in the house, while DEI is forcing the Democrats to except Kamala Harris as the most qualified leader of the free world!!!
    Bazaro world.

    I am suspicious by nature, this all seems too good to be true. Will trump bury the Democrats in their own lies and propaganda? Or will he forgive and help them out like he did last time? No one gets locked up?
    Running mate vance sent to an Ivy League school by a tech company funded by the CIA then also given 10 million to run for Senate? No one has strings on this guy? Great voting record but in office less time than Obama was?
    I can’t see anything wrong… But I sure do smell something! But then everyone smells something bad around politicians.

  • pzatchok

    The water tower is a bad place to take a shot from.

    Finally found a picture of the water tower.

    The tower is actually behind the grand stands that were behind Trump during the shooting. There was no good view of Trump or the shooter from the water tower.

    Unless you have a better picture than I could find.

  • pzatchok

    In my first link find the water tower and go down and left till you find the three buildings Trump was in front off.

    You can see those buildings in the second link.

    The water tower was in no position to clearly see anything.

    Thats also why no one else is talking about it except the conspiracy people.

    The podium is still up. Any one could go there and take a picture of the water tower to prove the theory.

  • sippin bourbon

    Go look at where the water tower is on Google Maps.
    A shooter from that location CANNOT nick Trumps ear. The angle would be impossible.
    The trajectory would have to pass through his head, because it would be coming from behind him. Trump would have had to turn his back to the crowd, which he did not do. He was faced almost 90 degrees to his right.

    Look at where the civilians were that were injured. Unless they were the actual target, there would be now way to shoot at Trump and hit them.. unless you are inventing a new magic bullet theory that Trump’s bullet proof ears deflected the bullet.

    The water tower… haha. The new Grassy Knoll.

    Also, shorting Crowdstrike was easy. The pushed the patch out in the middle of the night, and the trouble started.
    Markets did not open for 8 hours.

    Not everything is a conspiracy.

  • wayne

    Lone Wolves vs. The President?
    Last Three Attacks Before Trump
    Mark Felton (July 16, 2024)

    (Plus, whatever they suppressed on Bush & Obama.)

  • sippin bourbon

    The media has also latched on to a police shooting that resulted in the death of an unarmed woman.

    The office has been relieved of duty and charged with crimes already, but that is not stopping the march to get people riled up.
    (The body cam video of a second officer has been released. It is bad. I have no idea how this guy thought he was justified to pulling the trigger)

    In addition, the standard tactics that a vote against Harris will be sexist (as it was with Hilary) and racist ( as it was with Obama). They are counting on the double stamp on the DEI playing card to sway voters that will not be bothered to look deeper.

    We are a little over 2 months until early voting starts.
    The MSM is getting warmed up for a Full Court Press

  • pzatchok

    There is a police shooting every week.

    But I have noticed there are far less protests about them now that we have near universal body cam footage.
    It used to be that every single person shot by a cop was an unlawful shooting and started a protest of one form or another. Every friend and relative would come out and claim the victim was innocent and fine human being who never got in trouble or would never do something bad.

    Those cameras are a treat.

    But your right in that at lest one will be used for political gain before the election.

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