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Today’s blacklisted American: Democrats demand Elon Musk be censored and arrested simply for disagreeing with them

Robert Reich
Robert Reich, labor secretary under Bill Clinton

They’re coming for you next: Based on the behavior of loyal Democrats in the past five years, no on should be surprised by this story. Several big name Democratic Party supporters have now called for the complete censorship and imprisonment of Elon Musk for the horrible crime of disagreeing with them and campaigning for their opposition.

First we have Robert Reich, that petty dictator who was once secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton and teaches public policy at — you guessed it — the University of California in Berkeley. In an op-ed for the leftist British newspaper The Guardian, Reich claims Musk is “out of control” and for this crime he must be squelched. First he calls for a global boycott of Tesla and X but then tops this demand with some decidedly tyrannical desires:

  • Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.
  • In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him under Section Five of the FTC Act.
  • The US government – and we taxpayers – have additional power over Musk, if we’re willing to use it. The US should terminate its contracts with him, starting with Musk’s SpaceX.

Remember, Musk’s only real crime has been to post things on X that Reich disagrees with, and that Musk cannot be “controlled” by Reich. Musk’s posts might not be correct every single time, but so what? Freedom of speech allows for such errors, and also is expressly designed to correct them by allowing even more speech countering any false claims. Moreover, what is the difference between what Musk does and what Reich does? Both are expressing their freedom of expression. While Musk supports Reich’s right to speak, Reich wants to smash his boot into Musk’s face, silencing him forever.

As for terminating all contracts with SpaceX, such a decision would be irrational and insane, considering how much the U.S. space program, its military, and American citizens now relay on the high quality products that this company produces. By this one demand Reich shows us how little he cares for America and its people. His only focus is power and “control.”

Roger McNamee
Click for video.

Next we have big time Silicon Valley investor Roger McNamee bluntly stating on MSNBC that Musk should be prosecuted by his critical statements against the Democrats.

“You have somebody who runs a really strategic defense and aerospace projects for the federal government who’s actively undermining the government that’s paying him. And somewhere in that is a legal case that needs to be prosecuted,” Roger McNamee of Elevation Partners said on “The Last Word,” Saturday.

McNamee demanded that Musk’s free speech rights should be limited, simply because his companies have government contracts.

These two guys provide us the ugly face of the Democratic Party. It is for oppression and dictatorship, with it doing the oppressing and being the dictator. And woe to anyone who dares to try to stop it.

These statements also prove the point I have been making now for more than three years, that the federal bureaucracy and the White House have been teaming up to block and delay all of SpaceX’s efforts. Reich and McNamee have now told us the mindset that exists behind closed doors in the smoke-filled rooms where Democratic Party policy is established. As long as this vicious party controls the executive branch, do not expect future SpaceX efforts to proceed smoothly without major bureaucratic obstacles.

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  • F

    The spirit of Adolph Hitler is alive and well in Robert Reich and Roger McNamee.

  • Franklin

    The ‘other side’ can go up against the wall just as easy.

  • Mike Borgelt

    The Federal Government that Musk has contracts with, and the Democratic Party aren’t, or at least should not be, considered as the same thing.

  • Mike Borgelt:

    That’s a real good point. However, it’s an easy association to make in people’s minds, as the Democrats have been painted as ‘the Party of Government’ for decades by the Loyal Opposition. To the extent that association is real in the public perception, is due at least as much to the Republicans, as Democrats.

    Perhaps people should lean into Roger McNamee’s brand of tyranny, and demand that *anyone* on public assistance sign a loyalty oath to the ‘government paying them’.

  • I despise Robert Reich.

  • Richard M

    A little man, but a very big control freak.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine

    Robert Reichchchchchch. . . uuuh (as Rush used to call him).

  • @Mike Borgelt, @Blair Ivy

    Mike I had the exact same thoughts. The Democrats so envision themselves as the only correct and moral political party that any opposition is the equivalent of treason. They are so blinded by their narcissistic self importance that their points of view are the only ones and any one who has a differing point of view is a criminal. The Democrats constantly say that if Conservatives get in power that the Democrats will be imprisoned and then go off and say that that is what they want to do.

    Blair, I don’t think that it is just an impression that the Democrats are the Party of Big Government as everything they espouse leads to more and more governmental bureaucracy which is what is currently crippling this country. The Old GOP Establishment, exemplified by the Bushes, Cheneys, McCains, McConnel and hosts of others, are also lovers of big government.

    Reich and McNamee care not a whit about anything but POWER.

  • Dick Eagleson

    Richard M,

    Yes, Reich is a textbook case of “Napolean Complex.” About all one can say is that he is at least correct in his assessment of Elon Musk as a danger – not to the Republic, of course, but to the Deep State apparat the American Left has spent the past century building. If Trump manages to Beat the Cheat this time and Elon steps in as head of a new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), it is Elon’s hands that will be personally swinging the sledgehammer. I can hardly wait.

  • wayne


    Rush Limbaugh
    -the appropriate clip-

  • Jeff Wright

    DOGE! I love it!

  • Col Beausabre

    Wasn’t the Doge the Chief Magistrate of the Republic of Venice?

  • James Street

    Just in time for Christmas!

    Kamala Harris’ new cookbook “100 Haitian Cat Recipes”

  • Here is Robert Reich’s Marxist counterpart, another self-hating stand down, cease fire Jew.

    Richard Wolff:

    His solution for everything? Confiscate private companies and make them collectives.

    Just one more sickening oh so moralistic human.

    I despise them both.

  • wayne

    James Street–
    I just had to click on that.

    I lived in Tampa for a short period in the 1980’s. Assorted people would kill the ducks at the park and steal electricity from the (unplugged) vending machines to run their deep fryers.

    Reich– in the alternate mirror Universe, he’s busily processing Ore by hand, under the watchful eye of Odo.

  • And of course, this Communist, honeymoon in Moscow, I believe he hails from “Uranus” or there abouts, Bernie Sanders makes the Globalist bend over “In the future you will own nothing, and you will be happy” perfect trifecta.

    Bernie Sanders:

    If these three “men”, Reich, Wolff and Sanders, coincidently (?) all self-hating Jews, were in power to any great degree America and its Constitution would have long ago been a forgotten entity.

    And that is exactly what they and the now radical Globalist Democrat party is now without hesitation is all about.

    They are all three and their political party of “Change” to be dismissed and rejected with extreme prejudice.

  • I think this video may shed some light on the counterintuitive nature of the American Jew that has grown up in the safety, luxury and security of the American fantasy provided by the American Constitution and the empowering nature for most all of Capitalism.

    The difference being that Reich, Wolff and Sanders are more symbolic Jews, Jews in birth and name only and are not religious Jews.

  • James Street

    Wayne, the rest of the story: As the Harris / Biden administration ship tens of thousands of Haitian illegal aliens to communities around the country a common occurrence is that household pets and local wildlife disappear.

    “Attention, Childless Cat Ladies: Illegals are coming for your pets”
    September 9, 2024 by Monica Showalter
    “In Springfield, Ohio, there are reports of Haitian migrants eating dogs, cats, ducks, seagulls, geese, and horses.”

  • Related because the radical Left insists that you be insane and suicidal:


    “In what rational world does an aspirational or politically empowered politician in control of government propose confiscating taxpayer funds (your money) in order to pay for *illegal immigrants who come to America illegally over the border to receive gender rea$$ignment $urgery!? Not even American citizens, that would be bad enough!”

  • Herbert Jacobi

    Reich has a very appropriate last name.

    It’s akin to the D’s being against the filibuster when in control of the Senate and for it when in the minority. If Trump is elected he should announce he will prosecute McNamee and Reich. Also cut off all government contracts and aid to Berkeley, just to troll them.

  • Richard M

    The US government – and we taxpayers – have additional power over Musk, if we’re willing to use it. The US should terminate its contracts with him, starting with Musk’s SpaceX.

    Does Reich even understand that SpaceX is, effectively, NASA’s and the Defense Department’s only ride to space right now? Does he understand what that would mean?

    Never mind. He’d probably just respond by trying to nationalize it.

  • Mark Sizer

    On the Haitian subject, I heartily approve of anyone killing (eating optional) the geese in public parks. They are a terrible nuisance and it is illegal to even try to chase them away. This is definitely a case of illegal immigrants doing a job Americans will not.

    As for pets, it’s just a matter of time before “old cat lady” becomes “John Wick”. That’s exactly the sort of unexpected thing that will trigger riots across the country, which is also just a matter of time – _something_ will kick it off; what? and when? are the difficult questions.

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