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Unlike the white community, a real politcal conversation is finally happening among blacks

The moment on Anton Daniels podcast when things changed
Click for full video.

Earlier this week a short clip was posted on a lot of conservative media from a zoom podcast that I think was organized by black podcaster Anton Daniels. In that short clip, one of the participants, a black woman going by the label “Page” said that she planned to vote for Kamala Harris solely because “She is a black woman.” She felt it important to do so to finally have a black woman as president.

The image to the right captures the reaction of the other participants, almost all of whom immediately showed either disgust or contempt or amusement by her words. Their verbal response began with several noting repeatedly that Harris isn’t even black, but then Anton Daniels broke in to note that this is irrelevant and beside the point. He then gave a short but very educated lesson on the failures of identity politics, the Democratic Party, and Kamala Harris. I have transcribed the full exchange below, highlighting what I consider the most important thing said during the entire exchange, because it tells us something very very profound. And you will need to look close, because that thing is almost certainly not what you expect it to be.

Anton Daniels: I am so broken right now man.

Page: Why?

Anton Daniels: Do you not see how that’s a bad idea?

Page: Elaborate.

Anton Daniels: Okay. So, we’re in three proxy wars with some of the most powerful leaders in the world. She failed at the border in which we have an estimation of 15 to 20 million people illegally into this country that is literally overtaking and bankrupting Chicago to the tune of over $400 million per year. And they are in a deficit. Oakland is going out of business. San Francisco ditto. California $65 billion deficit. New York they’re literally cutting trash [pickup] in which they are the rattiest dirtiest city and they taken up resources as far as free healthare, free hotels, to the tune of $600 a day. They’re literally taking over your schools. Your taxpayer dollars are going to fund the migrant crisis she was supposed to be in charge of.

We have a failing economy. Every single day I see people getting on getting on the Internet talking about $30 an hour is the new minimum wage because inflation because out of control. At one point it was at almost 10% depending on what city that you were in. She has no policy, no record to stand on. One of the biggest things that she did in her career was lock up more black men than ever before but we sit here and [want to] vote her in office on identity politics? The very person that she works under, the president of the United States of America, she called him racist during a debate, which shows you how fake she is.

And the only thing that we can stand on from a policy perspective is whether or not she’s black and she’s a woman? We did that during the Obama Administration and he didn’t do anything for black people. As a matter of fact y’all complain because the only group of people that he really stood for is the alphabet community [LGBQ etc] and that’s his landmark thing that he’s still standing on today.

So the only thing that we have to stand on is identity politics? That [obscenity] didn’t work with Tiffany Henyard in Doltan, Illinois. It didn’t work with Karen Bass. It didn’t work with Loren Lightfoot in Chicago. It didn’t work with Brandon Johnson, that didn’t took over her position in Chicago. It didn’t work with Andre Dickens in Atlanta. It didn’t work with Eric Adams in New York. It doesn’t work across the country. Every single Democratic city is hell hole and we sitting here talking about identity politics?

While the conservative blob went gaga over Anton Daniels’ very educated articulation of the failures nationwide not only of Kamala Harris but of the whole Democratic Party, that one word, “elaborate,” and the resulting discussion that followed is what warms the cockles of my heart and soul. Page had taken a firm position, but when others challenged her on it, she didn’t run away or become angry or begin screaming, she simply asked Daniels to “elaborate,” and then sat quietly for the rest of the podcast listening calmly with what appears to me to be real interest in what others are saying.

I have no idea if her mind was changed. What is important was that she was willing to listen. Others meanwhile got the chance to converse intelligently about the subject, sometimes disagreeing with each other but all maintaining a civilized spirit.

This is what struck me as profound. I haven’t seen this kind of reasonable, rational, and sane conversation among any group of whites with a wide range of political perspectives in decades. If I dared try to say what Daniels said above to my liberal friends or Jewish relatives, I would immediately be shouted down, ridiculed, insulted, or later ostracized for daring to say things they don’t like.

Reasonable debates about politics long ago became impossible among whites, beginning likely sometime in the mid-1960s, when the press liked to tout what it called “The Generation Gap.” And among blacks, the end of sane rational debate also occurred at about the same time, resulting in a black community that for the next six decades tolerated no dissent from a straight Democratic Party line.

The modern Democratic Party

And while the white community to me seems still close-minded and unwilling to have any real open conversations — as often illustrated by the leftists and Democratic Party supporters who periodically comment on this webpage — among blacks it appears this is now changing, and doing so in a Earth-shaking manner. Below is a more complete video of Daniels’ podcast, showing the entire discussion and lasting twenty minutes. If you want to see a group of intelligent people struggling with new political knowledge and the need to reflect rationally and thoughtfully about it, rather than be blindly emotional and partisan, this is the video to watch.

We should all take a lesson from this. The Democratic Party as it stands today has nothing to offer anyone. Everyone, from both sides of the political aisle, needs to recognize this fact in order to move forward and fix things. And that fixing includes reforming that Democratic Party itself into something useful once again, instead of the radical, racist, communist, and increasingly tyrannical party it has presently become.

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  • Related:


    “Gateway P: “Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is weirdly obsessed with Trump’s running mate JD Vance. He has furiously demanded that Trump drop Vance, as if that would happen. Then he turns around and says that Vance is a gift to Democrats. So, which is it?””



  • F

    The fact that the Democrat Party has nothing to offer anyone is the reason it has moved so strongly into identity politics. It’s positions on nearly every issue are very unpopular and in opposition to our country’s founding principles.

    Those founding principles are what made the country strong. The move away from them, toward socialism and collectivism, is weakening the country both domestically and internationally.

  • Jeff Wright

    Two things:

    White fathers were not expected to leave the family if they got government help (GI Bill).

    Vance threw his community under the bus.

    Yes, there are certainly many who refuse to better themselves—but if Hillbilly Elegy were about any other community hurting themselves–it would have been trashed.

    The Left today is willing to blame poors for their troubles only if they are white. (Democrats of old understood Reagan’s blanket amnesty would eventually hurt all Americans)

    Republicans have always been talking Horatio alger mythologies (free trade is good, etc.)

    Even MSNBC’s Chuck Todd called Vance a 1984 Democrat.

    To steal a quote–I have known 1980’s Democrat, and Vance is no Gephardt.

    Vance to me is the union representative that got asked to caddy at the company owners golf club and forgot about just who’s interest he was supposed to be serving.

    Now–maybe I’m wrong–I hope so!

    Color me skeptical, for now.

    The video above is good in that it shows urban voters beginning to break step with handlers.

    It didn’t help that Biden-Greens wanted to go after gas stoves, menthols and Escalades.

    “He quit preaching now he’s a meddling!”

    Sorry Mr. Z

    That’s the kind of joke poor whites like me heard growing up–with tapes of Jerry Closer and albums by Wendy Bagwell–that was the name of a man by the way.

    Before the trans movement–there would be crazy things like woman less weddings…. don’t ask. It’s a Southern thing–you wouldn’t understand.

  • Republicans have always been talking Horatio alger mythologies (free trade is good, etc.)

    The GOP “mythology” at least expects you to take the initiative to better your own lot, for you know what you need better than any bureaucrat … though when you are buying from trade cheats and totalitarian expansionists, it is no more in your interest to continue in that than it does to demand crony-coddling, worker-numbing blanket protectionism because ‘Murica First.

    Democrats have an even more damaging mythology: simply go to work or school and do what you’re told; others will make sure you prosper. I refer to that as Flounderian trust (see the link below for where that comes from).

    Vance to me is the union representative that got asked to caddy at the company owners golf club and forgot about just who’s interest he was supposed to be serving.

    As opposed to the union boss who toadies up to politicians, as they collude to deceive the rank-and-file about their responsibility to be productive enough to facilitate their employer’s (and their own) success, as they focus only on what they GET from said employer in a manner reminiscent of extracting blood from a turnip. That is, until the jobs leave or cease to exist.

    I grew up just a little east of J. D. Vance’s Middletown. My father and uncles were raised in one of the counties adjacent to Vance’s Breathitt County in Kentucky, and moved to Ohio to work in the factories around Dayton. I saw the good/bad/ugly of the UAW through the eyes of my skilled-tradesman father … and I saw how the Democrats’ welfare state ruined many lives “back home”.

    If Vance did anything wrong, he did not make it clear that there were a lot more people like my father and my uncles, who didn’t heed the Democrats’ siren song of trusting Smart People™ and Nice People™ to hand them a better life on a silver platter, no responsibility or initiative required beyond punching in, doing what you’re told, and punching out each day.

    What is not obvious, is that this siren song goes well beyond the welfare state, and well beyond Breathitt County and Middletown, and the Garbutt, NY of Kevin Williamson … for it is the problem behind nearly all our other societal dysfunctions; it has deceived millions among us, and even took me 50 years of life to see its full scope.

    Yes, even us white folks are part of the problem. Face it, and change it.

  • D. Messier

    If this supposed shift of black voters to Republican Party is actually happening (based on your probably narrow sampling), Trump damaged it today with his Q&A at the NABJ convention. His remarks on race were insulting and insensitive, he whined as usual about how mean the questions were, and his staff had to pull him off stage well before the hour long Q&A was supposed to end. A real disaster.

    Daniels repeats well known Republican talking points. The country is going to hell. Everything is a disaster. Where have we heard that before? Right, from Trump every freaking day. There is not much profound in his statement.

    If the supposed profound statement is don’t vote for someone solely because they’re black, well duh. The reality is Trump gets votes from groups because he’s white. The KKK, neo-Nazis and the Proud Boys are very pro-Trump. He panders to them. Perhap a real political discussion is needed about why the Republican Party is so predominantly white. Identity poilitics, perhaps?

  • Milt

    As suggested, this is a hopeful — and long overdue — development in American politics. In short, a “reasonable, rational, and sane conversation” about the future of our country by a group of black Americans who have embraced their hard-won role as fully empowered citizens. Indeed, they are engaged in no less than the “work of citizenship” the undergirds our form of representative government.

    The problem, of course, is how many others in America’s diverse communities of interest — from rust belt “hillbillies” to NPR-listening cat ladies — are having similar conversations and trying to distinguish reality from illusion. Quoting from one of Bob Dylan’s old songs:

    “In the dime stores and bus stations,
    People talk of situations,
    Read books, repeat quotations,
    Draw conclusions on the wall.”

    The hope of the Democrats is that such things are happening only at the margin, and identity / influencer politics will prove to be decisive in November. Vigorously debating competing ideas is the way that representative democracy “should” work, but how much of this obtains in the era of strategic social media omissions and skillfully manufactured realities? And where an endorsement by Taylor Swift, or some other “famous for being famous” celebrity, is probably worth more than all of the hours ever spent by anyone in a civics class.

    An Current Example of Values Versus Identity Politics

    Since the over the top, in your face assault on Christianity / Western Civilization at the opening of the Paris Olympics*, I have been wondering how black Christians will reconcile this affront to their traditional values with the expectation that they will embrace the candidacy of Kamal Harris who has gone out of her way to endorse this sacrilege**. Will they compartmentalize and paper over the massive cognitive dissonance that this outrageous behavior must surely engender, or — as in the case of the video — will they attempt to come to terms with what embracing this kind of deviant behavior actually portends for the future of their country?

    *See Mr. Kunstler’s comments on this affair — You’ll Never Work in This Town Again — at

    **Here is one example of how such things are supposed to go:

    Make no mistake. We are engaged in a war of cultures, perception, and the very way in which people comprehend and deal with reality. This happened in Germany in the 1930s, and it is happening here today. The audacity of the lies — große Lüge — that Ms. Harris is telling would make Joseph Goebbels blush. Our one advantage, at least so far, is that Herr Biden (and the twisted people behind him) have not yet completely extinguished our ability to think and to act.

  • Milt

    D. Messier — Sadly, you are right. Trump is often enough his / our own worst enemy. Moreover, there are compelling reasons to worry that he may not succeed.

    Given that, he is the only “champion,” however flawed, who has stepped forward to do battle with the powers of darkness and evil who long for the destruction of our country / culture / civilization.

    If not Mr. Trump, what is your alternative?

  • pzatchok

    I am finding it hard to find black men willing to say they are voting for Kamala, but more than I expected are saying they are voting for Trump.

    The shift is happening.

    The left has nothing to run on except give away’s and identity politics. Manufactured fear of something the right might have mentioned in the last 50 years.

  • Jeff Wright

    To D Messier

    Do not fall for the demonization of populism.

    Back in the 1980s—the W. F. Buckleys of the world called pro-border Democrats the same things you call Trumpers–that’s baloney.

    Libertarians said the fastest way to find a union man was to go to klan rally –and the fastest way to find a klansman was to go to a union rally–ha ha. That played well in the Hamptons among the Cabots and Lodges

    Free Trade was a de facto re-distribution of wealth from America to the third world.

    Democrats then were honest and wanted to vote for more foreign aid. But the Walton Family gutted this country worse than FDR ever could have.

    Was Caesar Chavez racist against Hispanics when he explained that a border and a picket line are the same?

    Good grief—this is why America is hurting–ideologs war–but it is the poor man that suffers

    Mr. Z would kill SLS
    Biden Harris would kill out coal mines.

    Both acts are EVIL

  • Jeff Wright: So I’m “EVIL” because I disagree with you about SLS and think it should be dumped? This is not how rational, civilized people debate. You make yourself a poster child for the kind of people I criticize in this very essay.

  • pawn


    Wresting with a pig , comes to mind.

  • BLSinSC

    Yeah, Mr. Vance is a problem – PRESIDENT TRUMP damaged his rep with black Americans by being HONEST, RESPECTFUL, and ACCURATE in his response to the ATTACK by the EMPOWERED black woman – he’s been the same no matter the COLOR of the nasty DEMOcrat “journalist”!
    See, THIS is the issue we white Americans face! When we simply ask for some respect and manners the leftist go berserk! I guess there’s some unwritten rule that white people can’t ask a black person to be reasonable or professional without an attack – either verbal or physical! And saying that Mr. Vance threw his community under the bus?? He simply TOLD THE TRUTH! I would be there are THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of black kids who could tell the same stories of their struggles to exist! One of the most heartbreaking scenes I’ve ever seen in a movie was when Mr. Oher said “I’ve never had one” and Mrs. Touhy said “You’ve never had your own room” and then he said “No, a bed”! I’m so glad I was watching that scene sitting in my den – ALONE! How many kids like that are there? And yet the DEMOcrats are PROUD to WELCOME the ILLEGALS and PROVIDE HOTELS, FOOD, MONEY, EVERYTHING paid for by US TAX PAYERS!! Black Americans should think about how their lives have been impacted by the policies of the left. It’s not a “black thing” – it’s a DEMOcrat thing!

  • I thought Trump was brilliant. Better yet, he treated his host exactly like he treats every single hostile media droid. If that’s not equality, I don’t know what is. Trump was in front of a hostile audience and he knew it. He is absolutely fearless. Kamala isn’t.

    Kamala’s racial gender bending is gonna bite her in her backside. When your entire existence is based on which racial square you fill, choosing various squares depending on who you are pandering to at the time, gets problematic as time goes on. A 90-day campaign may be too short for all this to get through the media phalanx busily airbrushing her past and brainwashing her supporters.

    We live in interesting times. I hope we survive (and prevail) them. Cheers –

  • Mark Sizer

    The KKK, neo-Nazis and the Proud Boys are very pro-Trump.

    The KKK no longer exists and membership was almost exclusively Democrats. Of course, Democrats are bring back segregation, so one could argue the KKK is alive and well – and still almost exclusively Democrats.

    There are a grand total of 100 neo-Nazis in the US – the other 150 are Feds. Or do you mean all the Democrats running around screaming for Jews to be killed? There are definitely more of those, but Trump is not pandering to them.

    From the mildly hysterical Wikipedia entry on the Proud Boys: “Reports estimate membership between several hundred up to 6,000”. Given the tone of the rest, that is exaggerated, if anything. Not a large enough group to be worth pandering to.

  • pzatchok


    The KKK and the Neo Nazis want to vote for a man who backs the Jewish state and has a Jew for a family member.

    The KKK would NEVER vote for a member of the party of Lincoln.

    Those KKK members you are seeing at Trump rallies are actually not. Does the left ever get their license numbers?

    The KKK. A group that hasn’t been effective for anything they want to promote or institute in over a hundred years.
    It was a group that fed on and only grew on fear and racism. Now their ghost is being used for the same reason. To keep democrat power out of made up fear and the lie that they are and thus always were a republican organization.

    If any KKK member ever came out publicly they would promptly be fired from their job. So I would say they are pretty much closed down.

  • pzatchok

    There was a reason the German Nazi party reached out and backed the Muslims.

    Their mutual hate of the Jews.

    And this was long before the Jewish state was created. So that excuse is pretty weak.
    Find out why the Muslims hated the Jews long before Israel was created.

  • D. Messier

    The KKK appears to be still around. As do far-right groups that Trump definitely panders to.

    Democrats and the Klan. True in the 19th and 20th century. But not for quite some time. JFK and LBJ made a break from the Klan back in the 1960’s when they backed the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act and Fair Housing Act. The solid Democratic south largely turned Republican.

    agrimac and BLSinSC:

    The reality is that faced with a tough question that included his own actions and quotes that denigrated African Americans, Trump had no real response. So he attacked the interviewer. Oh, such a mean question. How rude! He responded badly. Trump wants to be president again. It’s the toughest job in the world. He will face all sorts of questions. It’s not the questions that matter but how you respond to them.

    The reporter called him on his own rhetoric. The type of rhetoric that plays well with his base. And his response is the sort of thing that plays well with folks like yourselves. How tough he was. How he told the truth. Probably so. Certainly represented his views and attitudes.

    But, it probably really hurt his outreach to African American voters. It was insulting and insensitive. Why would they want another four years of that? Who wants to listen to him whine about tough questions? It goes with the job. Who wants someone in the Oval Office who accused his opponent of suddenly turning black? Kamala is of mixed race. So what? She’s never hidden that. J.D. Vance has three children of mixed race. Again, who cares?

  • D.Msessier:

    “The reality is that faced with a tough question that included his own actions and quotes that denigrated African Americans, Trump had no real response. So he attacked the interviewer. Oh, such a mean question. How rude!”

    Politics and politicians do not deal in truth or morality.

    Trump’s job was not so much to answer questions in as best and concise a manner as he was able, not at all.

    That is not Trumps or any other politician’s job.

    Their job #1?

    Getting elected.

    And Trump was able to control the interaction, and IMO came away empowered and not disempowered.

    So, your entire premise is flawed. It’s OK, most people think in similar ways about what the job of a politician is.

    Now when politicians are so many degrees from being genuine and they will say whatever an interviewer or they think the audience wants to hear, now we are getting into a situation where they can diminish themselves and they become a liability and not an asset.

    Trump in that interview was an asset and not a liability.

    To my point:

    Political Realm politicians and government are not about truth and morality.

    Truth and morality only exist in the Pedestrian Realm.

    I know it sounds a bit counter intuitive, but that is the truth of the matter.

  • D. Messier


    Trump’s base will cheer that sort of performance 12 times out of 10. To get elected, Trump has to reach out beyond his base. The NABJ convention was an opportunity to do so. His appearance didn’t help.

  • So, says you.

    I say Trump came away from that interview in a net positive position. He moved the ball and tagged Kammy as a stone-cold say anything phony. Elizabeth Warren got nothin on her.

    We will know the actual truth soon enough.

    This is what Trump is up against.

    John Cooper on X: “Four straight minutes of “what can be, unburdened by what has been.” It’s incredible. I had no idea she used it this much.” / X

    That and what the Hollywood / media Leftist “Destroy the Patriarchy” overlords are able to pump into the American mindless.

    Are you a “Destroy the Patriarchy” type?

  • pzatchok

    “Democrats and the Klan. True in the 19th and 20th century. But not for quite some time. JFK and LBJ made a break from the Klan back in the 1960’s when they backed the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act and Fair Housing Act. The solid Democratic south largely turned Republican. ”

    You do know that we are only in the 21st century. The 20th was just 25 years ago.

  • Jeff Wright: I should have added that you owe me an apology. Your normal tactic is to ignore those who disagree with you. In this case you don’t have that choice. You have been warned. I am losing patience.

  • D. Messier wrote, “Daniels repeats well known Republican talking points.”

    As is usual, you prove the point of my essay and are completely unaware of it, probably because you didn’t read the whole thing. In this sentence alone you show that it is impossible to have a rational conversation with you, a typical representative of a partisan white Democrat. You never challenge Daniels’ facts, which are accurate on every single point. Instead, with a wave of your hand you dismiss everything he says by labeling it “well known Republican talking points.” That these facts are true and accurate and damning to the Democratic Party now makes no difference. The Republicans have “seized” on this facts and “pounced.” How horrible. Such behavior allows you to ignore reality.

    Furthermore, you continue to slander conservatives as allied with the KKK and neo-nazis, with no evidence. As a Jew I pay very close attention to these matters, and I know of no major Republican figure who has said or done anything to indicate any support for such groups. If anything, I have seen the opposite.

    I however see Democrats galore allying themselves with Hamas, acting to treat American Jews as second-class citizens, and celebrating the idea of genocidal murder against them. And just like the good Germans of the 1930s, you refuse to look and see what is as plain as day. Your close-minded blindness makes me ill.

    But no matter. Nothing I say here will penetrate your brain. You are so partisan pro-Democrat that they could begin rounding up Jews and you’d still blame it on Republicans “pouncing.”

  • Milt

    Kamala — The Candidate with a Thousand Faces

    Speaking of the 21st Century… Consider, if you will, that we are now living in a post-truth, post-consensus reality where consistency is indeed the hobgoblin of small, albeit logical minds. Just ask all of the people who are planning on voting for Kamala Harris in November.

    Per an insight on this curious situation by Bill O’Reilly, the power of Ms. Harris’ candidacy lies precisely in the fact that she effectively articulates the radical beliefs of the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party while at the same time offering — through the magic of the media — a simulacrum of a political moderate who wants to preserve our democracy and protect fundamental human rights. And, while her Republican critics attempt to berate her for all of the blatant inconsistencies in her presentation, she blithely continues to present her “truth” (if often inarticulately) to whatever audience she is speaking to at the moment.

    The thing of it is, and this is of critical importance to conservatives who are trying to understand what is happening to us, for Ms. Harris’ intended audience, inconsistency — and even telling outright lies — is not a bug but a feature, and the bigger and more outrageous the lie the better. The problem, of course, is that her target audience among undecided Democrats and Independents is emphatically *not* made up of the kind of questioning people that Robert is talking about in this post but, rather, “low information voters” whose cognitive reality is largely created by their Facebook and TikTok feeds. Likewise, by what endorsements candidate Harris will receive from “influencers” and Hollywood stars.

    In brief, the coming election is a contest between people who think — and who still value such things as objective truth, logical consistency, and the future of this country — and those who rely on their feelings, base desires (for “free” stuff), and the manufactured reality of the media. Similarly, we conservatives tend to overlook — or minimize — the fact that a growing segment of the American population *doesn’t* think logically, and more and more (just look at California) have bought into the socialist DEI dream.

    In a better world, Donald Trump might articulate a cogent and concise narrative about preserving our country / culture / civilization that would capture the imagination of those on the fence Democrats and thoughtful Independents who might still value such things*, but this is simply not his style. Instead, he hammers away at the fact that Harris is inconsistent and is given to telling outrageous lies, even though our society has now “progressed” to the point where truth and consistency are no longer of much value to growing segments of our population. True, this tactic worked (barely) in 2016 with respect to Hillary Clinton and her negative charisma, but Ms. Harris is an entirely different kind of post-truth candidate to whom the old rules don’t apply.

    *He is, in short, not Ronald Reagan.

    What do we do?

  • D. Messier: I know you think you’re being cute, but if you want to address Cotour, you will spell that nickname correctly. By not doing so, you are indicating a desire to be insulting and condescending, instead of civilized and rational. I don’t approve of such behavior.

    If you persist, I will suspend you for a week.

  • Milt

    PS — in the last paragraph, make that “Donald Trump might articulate a cogent and concise narrative…”

    (Will Robert do proof reading / copy editing if you ask him to?)

  • Milt: I made the change, though I didn’t see a need here. Try to copy-edit yourself beforehand in the future.

  • “Listeners of “The Breakfast Club” called into the show on Thursday to praise former President Donald Trump for his Wednesday appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention in Chicago. ”

    The listeners of The Breakfast Club are I would think primarily minority and black in nature.

    The Democrat spin machine will over the next months attempt to again turn Trump into a raving idiot, and Kamala into a bright shining star of hope and goodness.

    And I am not certain that even they can make a lift that heavy.

    Eventually Kamala will have to speak contemporaneously, eventually.

    And even D. Messier can figure that out.

  • James Carville (Serpent Head):

    “James Carville Urges Kamala Harris To Tell ‘Progressive Left’ To ‘Go XXXX Themselves’”

    Keeping in mind that Serpent head is a part of a long dead Democrat party within which the “NEW” and improved radical Democrat party now exists, which is where Kamala’s bread is buttered.

    Kamala cannot do what Serpent Head suggests and she is not savvy enough to even approach accomplishing his advice.

    Kamala must get to where she says she wants to get on her feet and standing firmly on them.

    There will be no advancement based on who one gets cozy with after work.

  • To my point, and this is but the tip of the iceberg:

    Two or three words into a real-world interview / conversation with video cameras rolling and she is lost in nowhere land.

    That is not something that can be hidden from the mass of America.

    And they are already looking for it and they will without doubt find it.

  • D. Messier


    I could spend the next month going back and forth with you disputing every one of Daniels’ points. And it would do absolutely no good whatsoever because you wouldn’t accept any of the information I could provide. You work backward from conclusions.

    As for your other comments, Trump has garnered much support from the far right militias, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Confederate sympathizers. They must find something attractive in Trump’s rhetoric. His questioning of Kamala’s race probably pleased them to no end.

    There are divisions within the Democratic party on Israel’s response to the atrocious Hamas massacre at the music festival and the aid the Biden Administration has provided. The divisions are to be expected given the diversity of the party. But, you go way to far to say the Democrats are aligned with Hamas and are treating Jews as second class citizens in this country. Who in the hell is talking about rounding up American Jews? Why would you assume I would somehow support that? This is extremist rhetoric on your part.

    “These two themes were also reflected in the mix of symbology scattered in the crowd – far-right symbols that included symbols of the Confederacy, Nazism, white supremacy, and anarchy, experts said.

    Cynthia Miller-Idriss, a sociology professor at American University who studies extremism and far-right movements, said that along with some “violent extremists from within the MAGA or Trump supporting group,” the mob included “a toxic mix” of groups from across “the far-right spectrum.”

  • D. Messier:

    January 6th, good bad or otherwise was a political protest.

    A political protest that was leveraged by extremist operatives within and without of government for their own political purposes.

    Trump wanted massive security, but Nancy Pelosi DENIED him it and then she realized her fault (?) and admitted to it ON VIDEO.

    Yes, sometimes political protests can be violent, let me restate that in the interests of accuracy. Sometimes political protests can be MADE violent for political purposes.

    Except of course when you are Democrat that is.

  • D. Messier

    Govt extremists orchestrating Jan. 6 is where I get off this crazy train to Paranoiaville. Trump could have, as Al Gore did before him, accepted that he lost the election and conceded. Instead he sent an enraged mob to the Capitol that wanted to hang Mike Pence for fulfilling his Constitutional duty. Pence wouldn’t break the law for Trump. This was an attempted coup. But you can’t accept that reality. So you spread this crap.

  • pzatchok

    Its not breaking the law to ask for a recount.

    In his ham handed way that is all Trump asked anyone to do.

    You have been told it was all illegal and yet not a single law could be sited to charge trump.

  • D. Messier

    There were recounts that didn’t change the outcome. There were court challenges; Trump lost every last one of them. That he had a right to seek these remedies is not in dispute. He went a lot further than that.

    You ignore the reality of the alternate slates of delegates, the pressure on Pence to break the law, the mob that he sent to the Capitol that violently attacked Congress in an attempt to stop certification. The mob was threatening to assassinate the vice president and members of Congress.

    If Al Gore had done that in 2001, you would have been SCREAMING for his head. But, you don’t hold Trump accountable for any of it. Hypocrisy in the extreme.

  • D. Messier:

    Its all just politics, nothing illegal about any of it.

    However in the political struggle one side can make the argument that some strategy that was employed by their opposition was illegal.

    And then you go to court, and then another court and so on.

    But in such a contentious political struggle where Trump certainly had standing no judge IMO dared rule in his favor lest they be targeted at their homes by the radical Left and their street muscle. There certainly can be argued that there was a political hit out on Trump in our judicial system.

    The system that we all understand is sooo corrupt, perverted and broken can not stand another Trump presidency. But he has come through much of the trials and tribulations and appears set to retake the White House in spite of it all.

    And that is exactly what America desperately needs.

    He will be gone in 4 years, you will live.

    You need to project both political parties into the future and tell me which you think is the better choice for the country and the world.

    The political process can be very messy.

    But it is politics just the same.

    Lawyers, Courts and Money.

  • D. Messier


    Trump LOST the election. OK? The rest of us are tired of hearing Trump and his supporters spreading BS. I’m sorry you cannot accept reality. But, that’s the truth. Trump is lying. He’s lying to the world. He’s lying to you. He’s not mature enough to accept defeat. It’s tragic that so many people can’t see path his lies about it.

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