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Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Emerson College in Boston leads the way in supporting Hamas and losing enrollment

Emerson College: Where only leftist pro-Hamas speech allowed
Emerson College: Where only
leftist pro-Hamas speech is allowed

This week Emerson College in Boston announced that, because of a significant and unexpected drop in enrollment for the coming year, it is going to have to lay off staff as well as not fill a number of vacant positions.

In an email to college’s faculty and staff, the college’s president Jay Bernhardt obliquely mentioned what could be the main cause of this lack of new students:

We attribute this reduction to multiple factors, including national enrollment trends away from smaller private institutions, an enrollment deposit delay in response to the new FAFSA rollout, student protests targeting our yield events and campus tours, and negative press and social media generated from the demonstrations and arrests, [emphasis mine]

To put Bernhardt’s oblique comments into clarity, Emerson was hit in April with a gigantic pro-Hamas occupation that took over a local public right-of-way. The university’s response to this take-over was, to put it mildly, very supportive of the mob, even after the police moved in to clear the road and arrested 118. Here is what Bernhardt wrote to the Emerson community after those arrests:

Because we are committed to our students’ right to protest, Emerson made every possible effort to avoid confrontation between the police and the protesters at the encampment. Prior to the law enforcement action, the College advocated with the City and Boston Police Department for several days to delay the removal of the encampment. When it became clear the City intended to clear the tents from the alley, we actively encouraged the protestors to remove them to prevent arrest. We also strongly and directly advocated for the police to peacefully remove tents without making arrests.

We know that the events of that night were, and are, emotionally overwhelming for our entire community, especially for the students present at the protest and the staff and faculty who were on site to provide support. Emerson has continued to be supportive in multiple ways – sending staff to all the precincts and posting bail for arrested students, canceling and modifying classes so our community could process what had occurred, and providing additional care and support for our community to heal.

The College will not bring any campus disciplinary charges against the protestors and will encourage the district attorney not to pursue charges related to encampment violations. We will also provide housing support to students required to stay in town for court appearances following the closing of their dorms. [emphasis mine]

In other words, Emerson College loves these illegal pro-Hamas protesters, and thinks their cause to prevent Hamas’s destruction to be so worthwhile that it justifies mob rule. The college thus also supports violent protests, and will do whatever it can to encourage more such rioting.

No wonder enrollment is down. I would expect it to crash, quickly. And the sooner the better. This college is simply an anti-Semitic haven for supporters of the rape and murder of women and children. Why would anyone want to get a college education there?

Nor is this culture at Emerson a new development. That college has been hostile to free speech for years. As far back as 2017 conservative students found themselves repeatedly attacked and silenced. In 2023 the college itself was hit with a legal complaint for years of censorship and blacklisting of conservatives.

Note too that the drop in enrollment at Emerson now appears to be a growing trend nationwide, especially at the “elite” colleges that have acted as quislings for the Hamas terrorists. Couldn’t happen soon enough for me.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in this year has the propaganda mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


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  • I think it must be realized and recognized beginning with the Barak Hussein Obama presidency where he crossed over the line and began his presidency with his America apology tour / empower Iran and the radical Islami’s, there is an element within America who actively seek its destruction.

    And at some point, these individuals, organizations, universities, corporations and politically empowered politicians who push the radical Left “Moral superiority” and “fairness / equity” anti-America agenda in America are properly labeled by a word that begins with a “T”. And dealt with accordingly.

    And that is just how simple this will all at some point culminate.

    Because it is clear to me that they are ready willing and able to deal accordingly with anyone who opposes them.

    So, choose the one or the other, there is IMO no other option.

    Think I am being unreasonable and not properly interpreting the politics properly?

    “President Barack Obama has finished the second leg of his international confession tour. In less than 100 days, he has apologized on three continents for what he views as the sins of America and his predecessors.”

    Sometimes things just is what they is.

  • Rockribbed1

    Good riddance to all the pro terrorism colleges. They should lose access to federal grants and loans. Failing to protect targeted students and supporting terrorism IA a title VI violation

  • Col Beausabre

    Sounds like a bankrupt Emerson campus would make a great spot for a yeshiva.

  • Dave

    What a motto: Expression Necessary to Evolution

    To evolve to a society where expression is very strictly limited does seem quite the contradiction. These recent demonstrations being so openly supportive of Hamas shows this contradiction is pursued with zeal.

    What is the metric for assessing that this is an especially wayward path of evolution, or – and this escapes me entirely – that this is the path to bright, happy future despite Hamas’ actual demonstration of social, political, and military policy?

  • F

    Hamas gives Emerson a 4.0 GPA.

    We can only hope that this loss of enrollment is just the beginning, and that Emerson will eventually be force to shut down entirely.

  • Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA, is infamous as the Liberal university-of-choice in Puget Sound; similar to Reed in Portland.

    Largest enrollment: ~5000 for the 2009 – 2010 academic year.

    Current enrollment: ~2000

  • Richard Reese

    O A F F
    (some assembly required)

  • Max

    The Ivy League is now referred to as the “poison ivy”

    Students caught red-handed destroying the occupied school buildings are released without charges.

  • Max

    Palestinian supporters in Canada in continuous riot since the fighting in Israel began.

    “A group of pro-Palestinian protesters has set up an encampment at Victoria Square in downtown Montreal.”

    “On April 27, protesters set up a pro-Palestinian encampment on the lower field of McGill University. A judge has denied two requests to have that encampment dismantled.”
    The police afraid to do anything, to arrest anyone.
    Synagogues are being attacked openly.

    Thousands of Canadians are told to leave the Middle East, as the IDF are pulled out of Gaza, possibly preparing for attack from the north? 45,000 to be evacuated.

    In other news, yesterday an attack with US drones in “Russia” result in 124 hurt and 5 dead including nine-year-old daughter of the mayor, on a public beach during a Russian holiday. With civilians killed, retaliation‘s promised.

    “The Ukrainian attack on the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula was conducted with five US-supplied Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles”
    One of multiple attacks by both sides.

    Glenn Beck interviewed the nurse monday morning, which was visited by the FBI recorded on doorbell cam, who “whistleblower” on the hospital doing sex change on children, charging the government for the procedures against the law, she told told her story. (For instance, young men with depression diagnosed with an “estrogen deficiency” and given a prescription which will change their features, making them sterile.)
    Yes, the “whistle blower doctor” Zimmerman featured earlier, came up in the conversation.

    Glenn also did a segment that the state department has released documents (23 years after the fact) that Saudi Arabia was involved in 9/11… Retaliation for Joining bricks? Not purchasing American debt securities? We went to war with two countries that were not involved, what’s this preparation for? Or is this just a distraction to remove Joe Biden from the Election news?
    Saudi Arabia‘s financial influence has dropped to near 17%? Of our economy… but since Saudi Arabia’s oil company went public, they must answer to investors who are pulling the strings, their economy is not doing so well. (90% of the population works for the government) Their $1 trillion project on the Red Sea resorts to build smart cities along eight hundred miles of the coast line… has only 1 mile done in the past six years? (Ships won’t deliver in a war zone.) But it’s OK, they’re not spending their own money. They’re spending American retirement funds.
    I see déjà vu! like with black rocks investments in Ukraine…

    There also spearheading the investment into satellite technology built in Saudi Arabia. (what could go wrong?)

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