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Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Robert Kennedy’s speech today, in which he suspends his campaign and endorses Trump

Even Robert Kennedy agrees with this now
Even Robert Kennedy agrees with this now

Below I have embedded in its entirety Robert Kennedy Jr.’s speech today where he announced he has suspended his campaign, endorsed Donald Trump for president, and declared he will campaign for him.

You should watch it, especially beginning from around seven minutes into the speech, when he begins to describe at length the tyrannical anti-democratic nature of today’s modern Democratic Party, and why that nature has forced him to leave that party, the party of his father, Robert Kennedy and his uncle, John Kennedy, to which he has belonged since he was a child. The key quote:

I attended my first Democratic convention at the age of six in 1960 and back then, the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution of civil rights. The Democrats stood against authoritarianism against censorship against colonialism, imperialism and unjust wars. We were the party of Labor of the working class. The Democrats were the party of government transparency and the champion of the environment. Our party was the bulwark against big money interests and corporate power. True to its name. It was the Party of Democracy.

As you know, I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech big ag and big money wanted abandoned democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president.

He now sees Trump as the only way now to prevent this party of censorship and corruption from destroying our great nation.

This quote however does not give you the full flavor of his speech. It is nuanced, thoughtful, educated, and principled. You might not agree with everything he believes, but you will discover that he came to those beliefs based on rational thought, reasoned research, and critical thought. And it is that ability to think critically and openly about the Democratic Party — that he and his family have been an integral part for more than half a century — and to reject it and endorse Donald Trump. It is therefore incumbent upon every American citizen to do the same, to use our brains to make a thoughtful (not emotional) choice in November.

Which means it is incumbant upon everyone to spend a short 40 minutes to watch this speech. If you run it at 1.5 speed you can still understand everything, it will take less time.

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  • Doug Johnson

    One of the most moving & important speeches delivered by a presidential candidate that I can remember in my lifetime (70yo). Godspeed JFK Jr…

  • Catch Thirty-Thr33

    The “working class” is pretty big. Who doesn’t work?

  • wayne

    When did the democrat party ever support any of the thing’s RFK jr. imagines they did?
    “1960,” “champion of civil rights” “defenders of the Constitution”–

    This is the same party that started the civil war, and then undermined reconstruction, initiated Jim Crow, killed the Indians, resegregated the military, controlled the KKK, threw the Japanese into concentration camps, determined that not growing wheat impacted interstate commerce, etc., etc., etc.

    Joseph Kennedy– where did he get all his money? Quite the nazi-loving jew hater was he.

  • F


    You are so right! The Democrat Party, since its inception, has worked to undermine our founding principles. I would not claim the every Democrat is evil, as there are many that naively promote or vote for various Democrat policy positions because they genuinely believe they will help the country.

    However, the Democrat Party elites are malevolent, and they have been working toward Leftist/socialist goals for at least 100 years. While the Kennedy’s might not have been quite as radical as the leaders of today, they were a part of this effort.


    “And now the Democrat party is stuck with not Gavin Newsome, failed governor of the Communist state of California. No, no, the Democrat party taken over by the worst anti Americans among them has been forced to accept a person for the presidency of the United States of America just because she is a woman and has a slight skin tone who is wholly unqualified to run a donut shop. Should be an interesting couple of months, stand by.”

  • pzatchok

    As my friend says all the time, “I didn’t leave the party they left me. This is no longer the party of JFK.”

  • David M. Cook

    The democrat party also murdered Lincoln, tried to kill both Ford & Reagan, and now they tried to murder Trump when they realized they are going to lose the election. Democrats are the enemy of the people!

  • Catch Thirty-Thr33

    David M. Cook – interesting! Proof?

  • James Street

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    I was in the Tea Party movement and have watched most of the people we elected become part of the swamp. Marco Rubio is on the Senate Intelligence Committee, one of the inner circles of the swamp.

    I don’t have a litmus test like many conservatives. I’ll work with anyone on a single cause if they’re on my side on that cause, but I watch for them making a move to stab me in the back.

  • Dave

    It’s interesting (and sad) to read and see the RFK’s family’s public statement of disdain for his decision. Airing family business in the public arena is bad enough, but for his sister Kerry with to go on MSNBC with Pesaki and make such scurrilous statements about her brother is despicable. Of course, she couldn’t resist parroting the DNC’s phony talking points about Trump. I think her father would be mortified at her words.

  • Richard M

    Well – come on guys: the Democratic Party of 1860 was not the same Democratic Party of 1960, let alone the Democratic Party of 2024.

    Even if you can trace certain threads through each era, you cannot lose sight of how different – and diverse – the coalitions of 1860 and 1960 were from each other, let alone today.

    Even if the party of 1960 still had the grand children and great grandchildren of the southern slaveocrats of 1860, and even if those children were still racists, the fact remains that they were in a wild and unwieldy coalition with ethnic blue collar Catholics, Jews, African Americans, and liberal internationalists in a way that was not true a hundred years before. My Sicilian grandparents were straight ticket Dem voters in 1960, and I find it kinda hard to blame them: the party as it stood then was just a more natural fit for their interests and outlook than Republicans (still functioning mainly in the Dewey-Lodge-Rockefeller mold) were at that point in time. And I think that is the Democratic Party that RFK Jr is trying to remember/evoke is *that* party.

    But if white blue collar people in 1960 could feel with some justification that the Democratic Party could represent their interests, they sure as heck don’t think that way today. If my grandparents were alive today, I feel pretty confident they’d be voting for Donald Trump.

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