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Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News

Scientists fine tune the cause of the super-rotation of Venus’ atmosphere

Scientists using data collected from the Japanese Venus orbiter Akatsuki have now refined their theories on the atmospheric processes that cause that atmosphere to rotate sixty times faster than the planet.

This super-rotation increases with altitude, taking only four Earth days to circulate around the entire planet towards the top of the cloud cover. The fast-moving atmosphere transports heat from the planet’s dayside to nightside, reducing the temperature differences between the two hemispheres.

What they found was that at equatorial latitudes the heat transfer is generated by what they call “atmospheric tidal waves”, generated by the dayside solar heat. At high latitudes the transfer is instead caused by atmospheric turbulence.

From what I can gather, they are calling these tidal waves because the Sun’s heat causes the atmosphere to expand upward on the day side, much as the Moon’s gravity pulls the ocean upward on Earth. It then is quickly drawn to the colder night side, driven I think in one direction because of the planet’s slow rotation.

As always, we must recognize the uncertainties. The data here is somewhat limited because there have been so few atmospheric orbiters so far sent to study Venus. While several future missions are under study in the U.S. and Russia, only India appears to have one targeted for launch, though the date has been pushed back from 2020 to 2023.

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  • Max

    I am skeptical of this report.

    No, it’s just blatantly poor science.
    It seems they have a conclusion from cherry pick models that will result in the confirmation of the theory.
    If you leave out large vital factors, it makes a big difference in The outcome of the equation. There’s no way you can come up with the correct answer.
    Sure, it sounds nice, it seams a plausible theory, but the facts do not support it.
    First of all, no heat or much sunlight can penetrate the upper atmosphere. The clouds are just too shiny to allow any light through. Only radar has been successful in mapping the surface which is in perpetual darkness.
    Is the sun heating Venusian atmosphere?
    “The strangely cold region lies about 78 miles (125 kilometers) above the planet’s surface, and appears to host temperatures around minus 283 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 175 degrees Celsius). It’s sandwiched between warmer layers on both sides.”

    If the sun is responsible for causing the winds from heating, it would have to violate the laws of thermodynamics.
    Unless there is a loophole in the law that science has not identified or guessed at, allowing energy to bypass ultra cold layer in the upper atmosphere to heat Venus directly.
    Perhaps Alfian waves using hyper dimensional physics and quantum flux moving through the ether acting upon the atmosphere directly???
    Or maybe it is something else?

    Here are a couple of quotes from Wikipedia.
    “Altitude is one of the few factors that affect Venusian temperature. The highest point on Venus, Maxwell Montes (near 7 miles high), is therefore the coolest point on Venus, with a temperature of about 655 K (380 °C; 715 °F) and an atmospheric pressure of about 4.5 MPa (45 bar).”

    The deepest crevices are near 900°F proving that the further/deeper you get from the sun the hotter it gets.
    The odd part is there is no “air moving from convection”, because there is no difference in temperature between the day side and the night side.(or the polar locations, they’re all the same temperature at the same altitude)

    “Sun’s heat causes the atmosphere to expand upward on the day side, much as the Moon’s gravity pulls the ocean upward on Earth. It then is quickly drawn to the colder night side,”

    This is also inconsistent with observation, the suns solar wind compresses the dayside and expands the nightside hundreds of miles like a comet.

    Another curious influence noted, but not considered. Wikipedia again;
    “Although Venus has no seasons as such, in 2019 astronomers identified a cyclical variation in sunlight absorption by the atmosphere, possibly caused by opaque, absorbing particles suspended in the upper clouds. The variation causes observed changes in the speed of Venus’s zonal winds, and appears to rise and fall in time with the Sun’s 11-year sunspot cycle.[83]”

    Imagine that, the sunspot cycle changes the wind speeds on Venus. A “cause and affect”
    The atmosphere is highly acidic giving it a polarization or charge. The magnetic field is induced on Venus by the Sun causing charged particles to move or spin. The stronger the magnetic field the faster the the wind blows.

    I know Wikipedia is not the best source of information. I noticed mistakes they also made. They keep kept calling Venus the “hottest planet” when it’s the fifth hottest planet in our solar system. They also referred to it as a runaway greenhouse effect which again is an unproven model. They can’t even explain how Venus is hotter than mercury…
    Or how Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune then Uranus are all hotter under their atmospheres than the surface of the sun. I guess it’s just another runaway greenhouse effect…

  • Max

    Darn, I was hoping for argument or confirmation from the actual scientists in Zimmerman’s intellectual readership.

    Someday, along with the postings on the sunspot cycle, perhaps we can get the seasonal wind speed on Venus as well. Since they are linked together, it’ll be an interesting planetary climate phenomenon just as the expansion and contraction of the polar ice caps on Mars and the seasonal dust storms.

  • Cotour

    Something, not nothing:

    What say all of the high IQ science and rocket scientist nerds here on BTB?

    As far as I understand we do not have anything near the technology that has been demonstrated in the several Navy gun camera videos. And these are not some air / atmosphere “phenomenon” that has been observed and recorded, these are machines of some shape or form and are clearly operating outside of the physics that we understand and in ways that we can only dream of.

    Any comments? Nerds?

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