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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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When told Clinton’s missing classified emails were sent to gmail, FBI was uninterested

But Russia! A new Senate report has revealed that the computer specialist hired by Hillary Clinton to wipe her private server had copied and sent all her missing classified emails to an ordinary gmail account, and when this illegal fact was revealed to fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, in charge of the investigation, Strzok had no interest in following up.

Virtually every single one of Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent, potentially secretly, to a cryptically named Gmail address, according to a new Senate report.

The finding, which has not been previously reported, means that Clinton’s emails, including classified ones and ones which were later deleted, likely existed on Google’s U.S.-based servers. The FBI said in the report that it knew this — and of the suspicious explanation for it — but did not alert other intelligence agencies or the public, according to the report.

The FBI says that the suspicious Gmail address was set up by an IT aide, Paul Combetta, who worked for a company that managed Clinton’s server. Combetta is the same IT aide who used BleachBit to permanently erase copies of Clinton’s emails after they were subpoenaed by the House, misled the FBI about it, and was given immunity from prosecution, all while asking for basic computing advice on Reddit.

This story confirms several blatantly obvious facts, as well as reveals some new ones about the partisan agenda of the FBI.

First, we must underline again the very obvious fact that Hillary Clinton had broken the law by using a private email server. There is no question about this. If she was brought to trial on this charge the evidence would have her found guilty in a nanosecond.

Second, Peter Strzok’s disinterest in the facts against her, and the support he got at the time from his superiors, provides more proof of the FBI’s pro-Democrat partisanship and its willingness to provide cover for Clinton, for political reasons. The FBI at the end of the Obama administration was entirely corrupt, and willing to be weaponized to help Democrats (and Clinton) win elections. After Trump won it then became weaponized to try to overturn that election.

Third, this story strongly implies that those missing emails, more than thirty thousand, might very well be recoverable. They were sent to Google, and Google is notorious for keeping material it isn’t supposed to keep. Moreover, the report appears to confirm earlier news reports that Clinton’s unsecured emails had been captured by outside hackers tied to China, which means that China probably has them also.

In other words, Trump’s joke asking the Russians to provide them to us was wrong. He should have been asking the Chinese.

Jokes aside, this evidence proves that many people from the Obama administration should be prosecuted for a variety of crimes, the worst of which was an effort to interfere with a legal and constitutional election. Whether that happens remains very doubtful in my mind, considering how much illegality Democratic politicians have gotten away with in recent years.

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  • pzatchok

    If Google does not come up with them in a week then charge them with obstruction of justice and shut them down for a few days.

    Heck they found my old emails after 5 years and a deletion.

  • Cotour

    “Buy any means necessary”

    Not to inply that the operators within the leadership of the FBI were Leftist operatives, but they were only one step removed from being so by attempting to usurp a valid election. And they must pay in some substantial manner for their activities and abuse of power.

    The Democrat leadership however who run these candidates are clearly “Globalists” in their attitude towards how they see America and how it should relate to the rest of then world.

    They are all now un and anti American, and the voting public must understand this although they do not seem to be able to see that deeply into the issue. This fact becomes more and more evident, to me anyway.

    “One world government” OR “Sovereign America under its Constitution”, thats how simple this is now.

    Choose one.

  • wayne

    The entire Obama administration utilized gmail accounts for 8 years to avoid federal record-retention requirements.

  • pzatchok

    We all know that Wayne.

    I just wish a few hackers would find hidden emails like that and place them in the public domain.

    There are way better ways to save and protect emails than hiding them on Gmail.
    And if they are using Gmail as a primary account to hide the subject then they should be fired/jailed for tech incompetence.

  • Cotour

    Where is Seth Rich when you need him………again?

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