September 5, 2023 Quick space links
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay, who also provided me the link to the Chinese launch posted earlier.
- Video outlining an alternative theory that dismisses the need for either Dark Matter or Dark Energy
The theory, MOND, was first proposed in the 1990s, but because of the desire to squelch and suppress any skepticism of the Big Bang, it has been routinely been ignored by all press services and poo-poohed by cosmologists. I tried several times to propose articles about it when I still wrote for magazines, and was consistently shot down. It could be it is finally getting more play because of the data from Webb.
- ESA officials admit Ariane-6 won’t fly until mid-2024, and even that depends on results of September-October static fire tests
If you want to listen to the entire briefing, go here. This delay means Ariane-6 is only four years behind schedule, and that Europe will be without a large launch rocket for at least one year.
- Russia reveals plan to launch a new mission to Mars’ moon Phobos
Not only do few proposed Russian space projects ever happen, those that do take decades to get built, and sadly too many fail once launched. The last Phobos mission, Phobos-Grunt, never got out of Earth orbit, crashing to Earth shortly after launch in 2012. Russia announced a replacement mission shortly thereafter, with a target launch date of 2018. No launch ever occurred. This new proposal is likely not to fly for decades yet, if ever.
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay, who also provided me the link to the Chinese launch posted earlier.
- Video outlining an alternative theory that dismisses the need for either Dark Matter or Dark Energy
The theory, MOND, was first proposed in the 1990s, but because of the desire to squelch and suppress any skepticism of the Big Bang, it has been routinely been ignored by all press services and poo-poohed by cosmologists. I tried several times to propose articles about it when I still wrote for magazines, and was consistently shot down. It could be it is finally getting more play because of the data from Webb.
- ESA officials admit Ariane-6 won’t fly until mid-2024, and even that depends on results of September-October static fire tests
If you want to listen to the entire briefing, go here. This delay means Ariane-6 is only four years behind schedule, and that Europe will be without a large launch rocket for at least one year.
- Russia reveals plan to launch a new mission to Mars’ moon Phobos
Not only do few proposed Russian space projects ever happen, those that do take decades to get built, and sadly too many fail once launched. The last Phobos mission, Phobos-Grunt, never got out of Earth orbit, crashing to Earth shortly after launch in 2012. Russia announced a replacement mission shortly thereafter, with a target launch date of 2018. No launch ever occurred. This new proposal is likely not to fly for decades yet, if ever.