January 14, 2025 Quick space links
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay. This post is also an open thread. I welcome my readers to post any comments or additional links relating to any space issues, even if unrelated to the links below.
- Leftist media makes hay because Quantas had to reschedule flights to South Africa due to potential Starship landings in Indian Ocean
The link goes to The Guardian, but Reuters picked this up as well. There is no story here, but these leftists are trying to gin it up to damage SpaceX and Musk. So what Quantas might have to reschedule a flight or two once every several months? This isn’t an unreasonable burden. In fact, I wonder why the airline didn’t simple re-route the flights to avoid the splashdown zone.
- Axiom touts its progress in 2024 and expected achievements in 2025 in building its space station
Nothing new, merely pr to convince us all is well. It could be. We shall see.
- Today in 2004 the European probe Huygens landed softly on Saturn’s moon Titan
The probe obtained some great data, but the real achievement was the landing itself. For Europe’s engineers it was a stellar accomplishment.
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay. This post is also an open thread. I welcome my readers to post any comments or additional links relating to any space issues, even if unrelated to the links below.
- Leftist media makes hay because Quantas had to reschedule flights to South Africa due to potential Starship landings in Indian Ocean
The link goes to The Guardian, but Reuters picked this up as well. There is no story here, but these leftists are trying to gin it up to damage SpaceX and Musk. So what Quantas might have to reschedule a flight or two once every several months? This isn’t an unreasonable burden. In fact, I wonder why the airline didn’t simple re-route the flights to avoid the splashdown zone.
- Axiom touts its progress in 2024 and expected achievements in 2025 in building its space station
Nothing new, merely pr to convince us all is well. It could be. We shall see.
- Today in 2004 the European probe Huygens landed softly on Saturn’s moon Titan
The probe obtained some great data, but the real achievement was the landing itself. For Europe’s engineers it was a stellar accomplishment.