Defiant Japanese boat captain rode out tsunami
Another hero: Defiant Japanese boat captain who rode out tsunami.
Another hero: Defiant Japanese boat captain who rode out tsunami.
Very brief descriptions, with appropriate links, of current or recent news items.
Another hero: Defiant Japanese boat captain who rode out tsunami.
So, why did we pass this piece of garbage again? The Obama administration has issued another 129 waivers to Obamacare (almost half to unions), bringing the total to 1,168.
We need more Muslims doing this: A Pakistani actress smacks down a mullah. Be sure to watch the video, also available here!
More idiotic regulations from Obamacare: On Friday the FDA issued new Obamacare regulations, requiring calorie counts on restaurant menus.
More leftwing civility: Investigators look into additional threats allegedly emailed by Wisconsin teacher.
Bernard Lewis: “The tyrannies are doomed.” I hope he’s right.
EPA whistleblower slams global warming science and policy in new peer-reviewed study. The paper’s conclusion:
The scientific hypotheses underlying global warming alarmism are overwhelmingly contradicted by real-world data, and for that reason economic studies on the alleged benefits of controlling greenhouse gas emissions are baseless.
Yow! Southwest cancels 300 flights to inspect its planes after the fuselage cracks open on a Sacramento-bound flight.
The first permanent building at the South Pole, built by the U.S. in the mid-1950s, has been demolished with dynamite.
The religion of peace: Two beheaded and eight others murdered in Afghanistan today in protest against Koran burning.
Burning the Koran might have been a poor idea, but such an act doesn’t justify murder.
Then there’s this: Penn State students assaulted for putting up a display outlining what they considered Palestinian lies.
Once again, the only answer Islam can give to criticism is violence.
China’s second lunar orbiter, Chang’e 2: still in operation after 180 days.
Unfortunately, little of its scientific results have been released.
It’s a trend! Ohio and New Hampshire have followed Wisconsin, their legislatures passing laws limiting union power.
Note that in New Hampshire, the law still has to be approved by the state Senate.
After seven years of work, the Soyuz launch site in French Guiana is finally ready for its first launch.
This idiotic thing has got to be repealed: Nearly $2 billion already paid to unions, state public employee systems, and big corporations under Obamacare.
The program began making payouts on June 1, 2010. Between that date and the end of 2010, it paid out about $535 million dollars. But according to the new report, the rate of spending has since increased dramatically, to about $1.3 billion just for the first two and a half months of this year. At that rate, it could burn through the entire $5 billion appropriation as early as 2012. [emphasis mine]
More on the storms hitting Endeavour launchpad today.
A 26-year-old woman has been charged for sending the email death threats in Wisconsin. More details here. It turns out she’s a teacher with a degree in early childhood education!
A new species of freshwater stingray has been discovered in the Amazon.
The squealing is now getting idiotic: The administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development claimed on Wednesday that GOP budget cuts for the 2011 budget “would lead to 70,000 kids dying.”
“These Aren’t Serious People.” Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit today puts the whole budget mess in clear perspective. As usual, the charts are what make his point so clearly.
Shipwreck of 60-foot, single-masted sloop from 1830s found in Lake Michigan.
The ripples in the rings of Saturn and Jupiter were caused by comet impacts decades ago.
Comparing the view of Earth, interpreted differently by Russian and American satellites.
More proof it’s nothing but pork: Witnesses at House committee hearing express strong concerns about the heavy-lift rocket plan (the-program-formerly-called-Constellation) imposed on NASA by Congress.. Key quote:
“We simply do not know what is next,” said Maser, president of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, which builds the space shuttle’s main engines. “We are in a crisis.”
Hail storm hits Endeavour on launchpad.
A cautionary tale: Adventures in federal budget cutting.
The experience has been difficult and has caused me some personal problems. I am afraid this will be the case for anyone who tries to cut spending — in the face of an entrenched bureaucracy that thrives on ever-increasing budgets.
Gotta have your KGB: Homeland Security accused of witness tampering, political manipulation of FOIA requests, and the attempted theft of Congressional committee documents.