Advertising Could Pay for a Mission to Mars, Scientist Says
Let advertisers pay for a mission to Mars.
Let advertisers pay for a mission to Mars.
Very brief descriptions, with appropriate links, of current or recent news items.
Let advertisers pay for a mission to Mars.
2010 sea level: The largest drop ever recorded? Key quote:
2006 was the first year to show a drop in the global sea level. 2010 will be the 2nd year to show a decrease in sea level. That is correct, 2 of the past 5 years are going to show a decrease in sea level. 2010 could likely show a significant drop global sea level. By significant I mean it is possible that it will likely drop between 2-3 mm from 2009.
All IPCC predictions insist that increased carbon dioxide will cause sea level rise. All these predictions are now wrong, as carbon dioxide is still increasing in the atmosphere but the sea level has actually been going down.
Man faces charges for defying TSA agents. Key quote:
“ What’s really at root in this case is whether travel is a right that we have under the Constitution – an ability to move about the country without having to show papers – which has been one of the defining characteristics of American freedom, “ Hasbrouck said.
And NASA thinks it can compete with SpaceX or Orbital Sciences? The agency is asking for billions more to build the Orion capsule.
Keith Cowing is trying to locate a missing spectacular blow-up poster of the Lunar Orbiter “Earthrise” image from 1966, shown here.
The lead spacewalker for the next shuttle mission, the long-delayed last flight of Discovery, has apparently broken his hip in a bike accident. Key quote:
NASA does not train backup crews and a replacement, even a recently flown veteran, would need time to rehearse spacewalk scenarios and receive mission-specific training for Discovery’s flight. How long that might take, if required, and what impact it might have on the shuttle’s launch date is not yet known.
Want to know who is spreading hateful political rhetoric? Check out Climate of Hate.
What does it take to end a political career?
Finally a response: J. Eric Fuller, the Tucson shooting victim (also a Democrat party campaigner) who blamed Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Sharron Angle for the shooting was arrested today at an ABC-TV town hall meeting when he threatened the founder of the Tucson Tea Party. Key quote:
When Tucson Tea Party founder Trent Humphries rose to suggest that any conversation about gun control should be put off until after the funerals for all the victims, witnesses say Fuller became agitated. Two told KGUN9 News that finally, Fuller took a picture of Humphries, and said, “You’re dead.” . . . A Pima County Sheriff’s spokesman told KGUN9 News that the department has charged Fuller with one count of threats and intimidation, and said they plan to charge him with at least one count of disorderly conduct.
For today, and today only, the Sun was blank. This blankness ended, however, when a sunspot rotated into view from the far side.
As I asked the last time the Sun was blank in December, will this be the last blank day of the just-ended but very prolonged solar minimum?
More battles in the space war over NASA:
How the hell is this toning down the rhetoric? One of the Tucson shooting victims today accused Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sharron Angle, of causing the shootings on Saturday.
And why isn’t the press criticizing this Democrat campaign official for this blatant slander?
NASA has named a backup to Endeavour’s commander Mark Kelly for the shuttle’s last flight, now set for launch on April 19. This is “to facilitate training for crew and support teams,” while Kelly focuses on the recovery of his wife, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
The squealing is getting louder: NPR has launched an offensive against the congressman who wants to cut its funding.
The vulture that was arrested by Saudi Arabia for spying was actually the third Israeli bird held since 1975 by Muslim countries.
I wish Congress understood this: Almost three quarters of the public opposes raising the country’s debt limit.
The new TSA scanner procedure: Dumb in a new way. The quote below actually isn’t the point of the article (which notes other idiotic things about TSA procedures), but I found it telling nonetheless:
For the most part, it has been possible to avoid the scanners just by picking the right line to stand in, which I assume means that the government has determined that terrorists have poor line-picking skills.
TSA pays off for exposing a woman’s breasts during security clearance.
We need more such lawsuits against the TSA.
Repeal the damn bill! Half the states are now suing the federal government over Obamacare.
A computer is going to take on two Jeopardy! champs for $1 million. Two comments from this story:
The computer was finally defeated when it said “Windows has finished updating your computer. Rebooting in 14 seconds.”
“Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave?”
This has got to stop: The death threats against Sarah Palin are at an “unprecedented level,” according to her aides.
Vicious liberal hate: Fifteen quotes. (Several of these have been noted in previous posts, but most have not.)
The bands that scientists attach to penguins to track them actually do harm. The data also suggests that certain climate research might also be skewed because of this. Key quote:
Overall, the team found, bands were bad for penguins. Banded penguins had a 16% lower survival rate than unbanded birds over the 10 years, the researchers report online today in Nature. Banded birds also arrived later at the breeding grounds and took longer trips to forage for food. As a result, they produced 39% fewer chicks. . . . [The researcher noted] that his team’s results suggest that research using banded penguins may be biased. For example, he says, several high-profile studies have used banded penguins to investigate the impact of climate change on the birds. The findings of those studies aren’t necessarily wrong, but the numbers need to be reconsidered, he says.
A new deal has been announced to fly tourists to ISS using Russian Soyuz capsules. According the arrangement between Space Adventures and the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation (FSA) and Rocket Space Corporation Energia (RSC Energia), three seats will be made available on Soyuz spacecraft bound for the International Space Station (ISS), beginning in 2013.
These seats will be made available through the increase of Soyuz production, from four to five spacecraft per year. Each flight will be short duration, approximately 10 days, and will contribute to the increase of launch capacity to the ISS.
Is this an example of toning down the rhetoric? The Facebook Group “I Hate It When I Wake Up & Sarah Palin Is Still Alive” has more than 2,000 members.
So you have no doubt about the ugly tone of this Facebook group, here is a screen capture from the page. Note the desire to kill Palin (and Bush) in several images.
Washington’s five most ridiculous reactions to the Arizona shooting.
Which Democrats objected to the use of mass murder as a vehicle for disseminating propaganda?
Sadly, not very many.
The money is not there, and Treasury Secretary Geithner agrees. On January 6 he wrote a letter to Congress, stating that the US will go into default if the debt ceiling is not raised.