How Giants Conquered the Earth
How giants conquered the Earth.
How giants conquered the Earth.
Very brief descriptions, with appropriate links, of current or recent news items.
How giants conquered the Earth.
How’s this for your evening television entertainment: Beginning 8 pm on Saturday, NASA TV will show the docking of the next Russian Progress freighter to ISS.
The federal government has lifted the import security restrictions that existed against India, which will give that country better access to America’s most sophisticated technologies, and thus be a boon for its space industry.
The ESA probe Mars Express flew past the Martian moon Phobos today. Great image!
NASA is so desperate for business they put “for rent” signs up!
Want to do some space science and make money? Take pictures of NASA’s solar sail, NanoSail-D.
Just to note to apologize for the lack of posts the past few days. I have been dealing with family issues (no emergency) that require my time. I shall return sometime today or tomorrow.
Liberal “civility” towards conservative women.
Wayne Hale nails NASA’s biggest spaceflight problem. Key quote: “We always stop.”
SpaceX’s plans leading to manned flight.
Verizon filed a legal challenge on Thursday of the FCC’s attempt to establish net neutrality rules, taking their suit to the same federal court that last year ruled the FCC did not have the legal authority to do so.
The difficulties of doing business in the socialist state of Berkeley. Key quote:
When a planner working in design review looked at Dalrymple’s plans, she told her she didn’t think a black and white awning would fit in with the neighborhood, said Dalrymple. The planner didn’t give her any specific recommendations for a different color, but just nixed her idea. . . . “Rules aren’t written down anywhere,” said [Dan Marks, director of the Planning and Development Department]. “But the planner has worked in the neighborhood a long time and she knows what the neighborhood likes.” [emphasis mine]
Though the money is not yet appropriated by Congress, NASA has set the date, June 28, for a third and final space shuttle mission.
Ham radio operators were the ones to detect NanoSail-D’s signal. The deployment of the solar sail is soon to follow.
The most powerful rocket launch ever from the West Coast.
Iowahawk: Ship of Fools. Key quote:
As you may have read recently, a panel of 100 scientists is now warning that the state of California faces the risk of severe “superstorms” that could inflict more that $400 billion in economic damages to our state economy. According to these predictions, such storms could bring more than 120 inches of rain to the Central Valley, and last as long as 40 days. And, possibly, nights.
In anticipation of such a catastrophic event, I will soon begin seeking $75 billion in emergency supplementary appropriations from the California Assembly and federal sources for the construction of the California SuperArk, a state-of-the-art mass transportation vehicle which will help insure the sustainability of our state and its endangered species.
Read the whole thing.
More progress: Republicans in Congress say there will be no bailout for the states.
Frogs across Australia and the US appear to be recovering from a fungal disease that had devastated populations.
It’s just a start: GOP set to roll out $2.5 trillion in cuts over next 10 years.
Ronald Reagan inspired Mongolia’s president to seek democracy and freedom for his own nation. Key quote:
As Mongolia’s democratically elected president, Elbegdorj has hung a portrait of Reagan and his frequent ally, former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, on the wall of his office in Ulaanbaatar, also known as Ulaanbaatar.
Is the NASA solar sail satellite NanoSail-D alive? Only your ham radio operator will know!
Behind the curtain, a dictator: Congressman John Lewis (D-Georgia) said yesterday that he not only thinks that Congress has the power to make people buy insurance according to the Constitution, it is his obligation to force them to do so. In his own words:
“I think people should be required to get health insurance. We require people to get insurance for their automobile state by state but the federal government has an obligation to encourage by law, moral persuasion, to get people to get health insurance,”
Climate scientists admit that a climate change study which claimed the Earth would warm by more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit in about a decade had “significant errors”. Key quote:
Scientist Scott Mandia forwarded to AFP an email he said he sent to Hisas ahead of publication explaining why her figures did not add up, and noting that it would take “quite a few decades” to reach a warming level of 2.4 degrees Celsius. “Even if we assume the higher end of the current warming rate, we should only be 0.2C warmer by 2020 than today,” Mandia wrote. “To get to +2.4C the current trend would have to immediately increase almost ten-fold.”
Progress! By a vote of 245-189, with three Democrats joining all 242 Republicans, ObamaCare has been repealed in the House.
A Mars map app for Android phones.
NASA has named a replacement for astronaut Tim Kopra, who injured himself in a bicycle accident, for the next shuttle mission.
The left demonstrates how they tone down the rhetoric: Union protesters today overwhelmed security and barged their way into a meeting of bankers at a hotel.
Here is the text of the bill to repeal Obamacare, as introduced today.