Alison Balsom – Introducing the Baroque Trumpet

An evening pause: Another music history lesson to start the weekend. As she says, listening to baroque music played on this instrument explains a great deal about that music, and definitely tells you what that music was expected to sound like when composed, compared to playing it on modern instruments. Far more haunting, a word I would never have used to describe Baroque music before.

Hat tip Judd Clark.

Watching a Falcon 9 liftoff from an airplane passenger seat

An evening pause: I think this launch was in December 2022, from Cape Canaveral. Makes a great start for the weekend.

Hat tip Greg the Geologist.

Hal Holbrook – Lincoln’s second inaugural address, in honor of his birthday

An evening pause: I last posted a recreation in April 2017. Today, on Lincoln’s birthday, I present a recreation by Hal Holbrook, performed live on the Ed Sullivan Show on February 13, 1966.

As I wrote in 2017, “Listen to the words, however. This is no pandering speech, as we routinely see today. It is hard, muscled, and honest, bluntly recognizing that all, from both sides of the Civil War, must pay for the scourge of slavery.”

Arthur Clarke in 1964 predicts the future in 2000

An evening pause: Something to ponder over the weekend. The video only includes two short clips from this 1964 BBC show, and thus picks two that have ended up to be largely right. And though Clarke’s predictions were not all right, he hit the mark an incredibly high number of times.

Hat tip John Jossy.

Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra – Lulle Lulle

An evening pause: Hat tip Judd Clark, who provides this translation:

O flower flower
O flower flower bouquet bouquet
I’m for you
I’m for you
I’m crazy for you
I’m crazy, I’m crazy
I’m crazy, this is true

Where did you go that I was always on your mind
I’m dying from missing you because I cannot see you
Where did you go that I was always on your mind
I’m dying from missing you because I cannot see you

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