Category: The Evening Pause
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
Paul Simon – American Tune
An evening pause:
We came on a ship they called the Mayflower
We came on a ship that sailed the moon
We came in the age’s most uncertain hour
And sing an American tune.
Animator vs Animation
Hang gliding in upstate New York
Shooting scene from To Kill a Mockingbird
An evening pause: As it is Wednesday and I am at the gun range, competing in bullseye pistol competitions, let’s look at some Hollywood shooting action.
Karan Casey – Ballad of accounting
Superman – The Mad Scientist
An evening pause: The first Max Fleischer Superman cartoon, The Mad Scientist (1941), from a time when Americans believed that all things were possible, and that our nation stood for the best of those possibilities. When evil men try to destroy skyscrapers and kill innocent people, you don’t stand idly by, you fight them, and stop them.
Speech from Scent of a Woman
Mumford & sons
Black Friday madness
An evening pause: I know some people enjoy this, but this is not how I want to spend my day after Thanksgiving!
Johnny Cash sings a Thanksgiving Prayer
George Winston – Thanksgiving
Judy Garland on television – Somewhere over the rainbow
Office shooting range
An evening pause: It seems to me that building an office shooting range seems exactly the right thing to encourage every red-blooded American to do.
Gettysburg Address recited by Jeff Daniels
An evening pause: I should have run this two days ago, November 19, on the anniversary of its first presentation. No matter, the words are always worthwhile to hear.
Winter overnight hike
Simon’s cat, lunch break
Johnny Carson Lie Detector Politician
Hailstorm in Oklahoma, May 16, 2010
Paul Zerdin ventriloquist
Oklahoma-Many a new day
An evening pause: “Many a New Day” from Oklahoma (1955). It is the dance choreography here that is surprising and original.
People are awesome
Workout at the gym
F Troop
In Flanders Fields
I’m a denier!
An evening pause: Global warming, from a somewhat different perspective. Those who remember the 1960s TV show, The Monkees, will especially appreciate the humor of this video.
Flash flood
Schelmish performing Chaos
An evening pause: In honor of the upcoming chaos coming from Washington, how about some organized chaos from the German band Schelmish.
1776: He plays the violin
An evening pause: What was happening while Thomas Jefferson was writing the Declaration of Independence, according to Broadway and Hollywood.
The Great Dictator
An evening pause: Charlie Chaplin, making glorious fun of Hitler and all egomanical dictators, in The Great Dictator (1940).