David Bull – David’s Choice

An evening pause: Hat tip Cotour, who admits “This is a bit different.” I agree, but it gives you a flavor from the past when a new technology first met art, to produce something beautiful but new. From the youtube webpage:

The next in our ‘David’s Choice’ series, where Tokyo-based woodblock printmaker David Bull introduces some of his favourite prints. This time, the print(s) being featured are from the old Doi Hanga Company, and are two different scenes of the Kagurazaka district of Tokyo. The designers were Tsuchiya Koitsu, and Noel Nouet, and the prints were originally published in the late 1930s.

Mister Rogers – Garden of Your Mind

An evening pause: As a kid, I could never stomach Mister Rogers. The most I could ever watch him was about ten seconds before becoming totally bored. Thus, I was initially very doubtful about scheduling this video — until I watched it. It takes the things Rogers said and did and turns it into a really good rap video!

Hat tip Tom Wilson, aka t-dub.

Heart – Alone

An evening pause: Performed live 1987. I posted a pause of this group performing this song, with full orchestra, one year ago. This performance is more intimate with just the band. It also was done thirty years earlier, so they are younger and more intense.

Hat tip Tom Wilson.

Freedom Toons – Jordan Peterson sings Evanescence

An evening pause: I don’t know why, but to me this cartoon, which puts the fundamental words of Jordan Peterson to the tune of a rock song, with appropriate but light-hearted visuals, seems perfect for this year’s Memorial Day. From the song:

You cannot escape the suffering that comes with life
Carry all your pain
Become hero archetype

The past generations who sacrificed their lives for our civilization, whom we are supposed to honor and remember today, understood these words and didn’t need a teacher to explain them. Today’s generation, badly taught by my 60s generation, needs to hear them and think about them. If they do, the future will be bright indeed.

Hat tip Geoffrey Carman.

Mahma Comparisons – Biggest volcano eruptions known

An evening pause: I run this at 2x speed, but if you aren’t impatient enjoy it as it is. The size difference between the smallest and largest is quite daunting. Note too that this video only lists the known giant eruptions, explosive events that happened suddenly. It does not include some of the Earth’s largest long term volcanic events, such as the Deccan Traps, that happened repeatedly lasting millions of years that is thought to have possibly contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Hat tip Alton Blevins.

Bobby Troup – Route 66

An evening pause: The animation created to go with Troup’s jazzy version of this song is utter fantasy, imagining America as portrayed in culture, not reality. No matter. Sometimes the myth is better.

This also makes a nice pause to usher in the weekend.

Hat tip Mike Nelson.

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