Ray Stevens – Everything is Beautiful
An evening pause: Performed live 1970. Seems fitting as this bad year rolls to an end, since it looks forward with optimism and hope. And what other choice do we have?
Hat tip Dan Morris.
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
An evening pause: Performed live 1970. Seems fitting as this bad year rolls to an end, since it looks forward with optimism and hope. And what other choice do we have?
Hat tip Dan Morris.
An evening pause: I like how they describe themselves on their YouTube page: “We sing in stairwells.”
Hat tip Cotour, who actually sent me a different performance by these guys. I had seen this performance elsewhere, and decided to use it instead.
An evening pause: An “electro swing dance” to the song “What will Santa Claus say.” This somehow seems appropriate just after Christmas, after the presents are opened and the partying is done.
Hat tip Alton Blevins.
An evening pause: Some Old Testament religious passion, sung from my home town, Brooklyn, and very fitting for Christmas Eve.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
An evening pause: Performed live 2012. Hat tip to my wife Diane Zimmerman, who might have picked the song but I wanted to post it now as my own thank you to her. Every word Brown sings are words from me to you.
An evening pause: This choir cover of the classic Mamas & Papas song seems quite appropriate for the first day of winter.
Hat tip Mike Nelson.
An evening pause: We must always appreciate our friends, especially the ones who are honest and can be depended on.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
Embedded below the fold in two parts.
To listen to all of John Batchelor’s podcasts, well worth your time, go here.
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An evening pause: I’ve posted this group before. Their Patreon site is here. The key words: “Peace on Earth, good will to men.”
Hat tip Gary McDaniel.
An evening pause: Another one of the myriad sports that humans have invented. Stay with it, it gets better and better.
Hat tip Phill Oltmann.
An evening pause: Most claimed flash mob performances are not really what they claim, often well staged with lots of cameras and hardly a surprise to the surrounding innocent crowd. This one, performed during the Christmas season in 2010, appears quite genuine, building out of nowhere at an ordinary mall food court. Even the camera work appears to be mostly from phones, many of which I think the producers obtained from the onlookers after the fact.
And of course, the music of Handel using the words of the Bible cannot be beat.
Hat tip Chris McLaughlin.
An evening pause: Some nice tidbits of historical trivia related to the attack that occurred this day in 1941 that forced the U.S. into World War II, and literally signed the death warrants for the Nazi and Japanese warlords.
An evening pause: Hat tip Tom Wilson, who notes that “they sound better live than on their CD, that shows talent.”
An evening pause: As important as the Christmas season might be to family and friends, I think this song reminds us that friendship and family also must include humor and a requirement that we do not take ourselves too serious.
And boy, those two little kids must have had a blast making this video.
Hat tip Alton Blevins.
An evening pause: I think for this holiday season I think we should focus on songs of thanksgiving, especially considering how hard we must now fight for our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
Similar suggests will be welcome!
An evening pause: Performed live 2016.
Hat tip David McCooey, who had recommended this 1908 recording.
An evening pause: The music video story imposed on the song is somewhat predictable and unoriginal, but the song is top notch.
Hat tip to Robert Pratt of Pratt on Texas.