Haley Reinhart & Casey Abrams – Time of the Season

An evening pause: Hat tip Dan Morris.

Readers! I am in need of evening pause suggestions! If you’ve seen something you think would work, say so in the comments, without providing a link. I will email you. For those interested in participating in making this webpage fun, here are my guidelines for suggesting evening pauses:

1. The subject line should say “evening pause.”
2. Don’t send more than three in any email. I prefer however if you send them one email at a time.
3. Variety! Don’t send me two or three or five from the same artist. I can only use one. Pick your favorite and send that.
4. Live performance preferred.
5. Quirky technology, humor, and short entertaining films also work.
6. Search BtB first to make sure your suggestion hasn’t already been posted.
7. I might not respond immediately, as I schedule these in a bunch.

Corporal Matthew Creek – The Last Post

An evening pause: Played at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. From the youtube page:

In military tradition, the Last Post is the bugle call that signifies the end of the day’s activities. It is also sounded at military funerals to indicate that the soldier has gone to his final rest and at commemorative services

In honor of this Armistice Day, the eleventh day of the eleventh month, and those who gave their lives for freedom, something that appears at this moment sadly lost in Australia.

The Haunting

An evening pause: For the Halloween weekend, one of Hollywood’s best ghost films, Robert Wise’s The Haunting (1963), based on a short story by Shirley Jackson.

No blood. No gore. No violence. Only an overwhelming sense of dread and fear, evoked by brilliant filmmaking.

Michael Knowles – Celebrating Columbus

An evening pause: On this day when all should be celebrating Christopher Columbus and his willingness “sail beyond the sunset,” to use a phrase from Tennyson, this short video give us an accurate picture of the man, his times, and his achievements. It also puts the lie to the bigoted, hateful, leftist slanders that have been used in recent years to poison his legacy.

Note that I got this video from Rumble. I ask all who wish to suggest evening pauses to consider searching on Rumble and Vimeo, so that we are less dependent on YouTube. The Google company needs to feel some competitive pressure.

Jay Sekulow Band – Long Time

An evening pause: The song is originally by Boston, and the lead singer here is Dino Elefante, originally from the band Kansas. Sekulow is the Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which focuses on defending the issues of free speech that the ACLU abandoned years ago.

Hat tip Mike Nelson.

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