Category: The Evening Pause
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
Paul Simon and Willie Nelson – Homeward Bound
Swing Out Sister – Breakout
An evening pause: Performed live 2010. The clip starts with the second song. If you want to hear the first, Twilight World, rewind to the beginning.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
Billy Ocean – Caribbean Queen
Ralph Vaughn William – 5th Symphony
An evening pause: Performed live in 2016 by the Frankfort Radio Symphony Orchestra.
This is long for an evening pause, but William’s gentle, mild British tones I think make a great way to start the weekend. Use it to unwind from your daily workweek craziness.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
Arion Press – Making books by hand
An evening pause: Hat tip Cotour, who notes, “Understanding where we came from,” but asks “But where exactly are we going?”
The Romantics – One in a million
Luca Stricagnoli – Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
An evening pause: I guarantee you’ve never heard Mozart played exactly like this.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
Echo And The Bunnymen – Lips Like Sugar
Ben Folds – A Song for Orchestra In Only 10 Minutes
An evening pause: This is quite wonderful. I am certain Folds did some preliminary planning in advance, but it is clear the orchestra did not have this info and he needed to bring them up to speed fast. Their musical skill, combined with the composer’s own musical knowledge and Folds’ clear musical instructions, makes this come together.
Hat tip Mike Nelson.
Argent – Hold Your Head Up
Glen Campbell & Jimmy Webb – Still within the sound of my voice
Robert Preston – Dying in movies
An evening pause: Performed live in 1963.
Hat tip to Phil Berardelli, author of Phil’s Favorite 500: Loves of a Moviegoing Lifetime.
Matchbox Twenty – Parade
Tommy Emmanuel – My Life As A One-Man Band
An evening pause: A nice way to start the weekend. As Emmanuel says, “Life is not a rehearsal, so you better get on with it.”
Hat tip Mike Nelson.
Sacred and Profane Choral Group – The Beatitudes
An evening pause: In Russian, written by Vladimir Martynov. The English words can be found here.
Hat tip Daniel Morris.
John Williams – Star Wars Suite
An evening pause: Performed by the Danish National Orchestra in 2017. It appears that in 2017 and in 2018 this orchestra did these movie-themed concerts a lot.
Hat tip Mike Nelson.
Cyndi Harvell – Strongest Man Alive
Ennio Morricone – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
An evening pause: Performed by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra in 2018.
Hat tip Phill Oltmann.
Righteous Brothers – You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
An evening pause: Performed live on television, c1966. The sound on this video has been remastered using the studio recording, in a manner that really enhances the live performance in every way. (The original is available, but the sound was not great, and was partly drowned out by the audience.)
Hat tip Dan Steele.
Southern Raised – Sixteen Tons
Rose Royce – I Wanna Get Next To You
Tommy Shaw & Contemporary Youth Orchestra of Cleveland – Blue Collar Man
The Buggles – Video Killed The Radio Star
George C. Scott’s Patton speech
An evening pause: The opening speech from the 1970 movie Patton that captured the character of one of America’s most unique and successful generals.
Patton was a difficult man with little diplomacy, but then, soldiers are not hired to be diplomats. (At least we didn’t when America was the sane country of courageous fighters, as described in this speech.) Yet, as difficult as he was, his philosophy of war was a direct descendant of the war strategy and tactics of Ulysses S. Grant. As Patton is believed to have actually said,
“Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose!”
This was how Grant won the Civil War. It was how Americans fought every war that followed through World War II. Sadly, that philosophy was lost by the bureaucratic military that developed during the Cold War.
If only we had generals and political leaders today who understand this utterly essential approach for winning wars.
One note: The speech’s language at times violates my rules about obscenities. In the context of war and death however I think the use of such language wholly appropriate.
Hat tip Daniel Morris.
Voces8 – Lux Aeterna
James Brown & Charlie Daniels – Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag/I Got You (I Feel Good)
Caroline Jones – Rise (Sing It Loud)
An evening pause: Sorry this got posted late tonight, but better late then never.
Hat tip Dan Morris.
Soft Cell – Tainted Love
Steve’n’Seagulls – The Trooper
An evening pause: If the Rolling Stones can do country (see yesterday’s pause), why can’t a bunch of Finns cover some American music?
Hat tip Dan Morris.