Category: The Evening Pause
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
Moranbong Band – Csardas & Gypsy Airs
An evening pause: Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who notes,
Talk about an eclectic Evening Pause. “Csardas” was written by Italian, Vittorio Monti, in the early 20th century. “Gypsy Airs” was composed by Spaniard, Pablo de Sarasate, in the late 19th century. Both compositions are inspired by Hungarian music. And the orchestra is North Korean.
The band was organized by North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un. This performance was from 2012. From the link this interesting tidbit:
In December 2015, Kim Jong-un sent the band to perform in a series of shows in Beijing to improve relations between China and North Korea; these would have been the band’s first performances outside of North Korea. However, the band left Beijing on a scheduled flight to Pyongyang only a few hours before their performance was scheduled. China’s Xinhua news agency stated that all of the band’s performances had been cancelled due to “communication issues at the working level.” The Korea Herald reported that North Korea had cancelled the tour because China had requested that North Korea’s missiles should not be shown during performances.
Don Williams – Good Ole Boys Like Me
BBC Earth – Swarms of ten million starlings in Rome
The Boomtown Rats – I Don’t Like Mondays
Vikki Carr – It Must Be Him
The Insane Engineering of the X-15
An evening pause: This history, largely forgotten, seems especially significant now that the first wholly commercial space flights are about to happen.
Hat tip Lazarus Long.
Alizee – J`en Ai marre
An evening pause: Performed live 2004, when such joyous concerts were possible.
Hat tip Jim Mallamace.
Ethiopia’s Chapel in the Sky
Hilary Hahn – Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64
The Largest Stirling Engine On The Market
An evening pause: It might be engineering but it is also art. For more information about the engineering behind this engine, go here. For some information about the builders themselves, go here.
Hat tip Cotour.
Devo – Uncontrollable Urge
Alejandro Aguanta – Zorba’s Dance
An evening pause: The main them form Mikis Theodorakis’ score from the movie Zorba the Greek (1964).
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
Elvis Costello – She
4-Mation: 3D Zoetropes
An evening pause: I honestly don’t understand how this works, and the video doesn’t really explain it. It is quite amazing nonetheless. More information here if you want to dig about to figure it out.
Hat tip Cotour.
Olga Jegunova – Mozart’s Piano Sonata No 11 in A Major K331
An evening pause: How about we end the week with some beautiful music played beautifully by a beautiful woman.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
Mattias Lindström (Swebounce) – Robot chair
Peggy March – I Will Follow Him
An evening pause: This live television performance from sometime in the 1960s, and was almost certainly performed by lip-sync to the recorded album. That audio for this video has been remastered.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
Sabine Devieilhe & Marianne Crebassa – Duo des fleurs (Flower Duet)
John Woodfield RC Gliders
An evening pause: Seems appropriate with Ingenuity flying about on Mars. From the youtube webpage:
This was the maiden flight of my latest design. It was a bit of a mash-up, using existing wings and tail from old models. It weighs 1.5kg and was flying in about 7-10mph of wind. I feel it will be happier in about 5mph. The all-moving tail needs changing slightly as it developed some serious flutter if I picked up too much airspeed.
Hat tip Cotour.
An evening pause: A short film that describes the world our children and culture are working hard to give us.
June Foray & Bill Scott – Rocky & Bullwinkle
An evening pause: For those who grew up in the 1960s. Everyone else is sadly deprived.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
Ian Berry – Painting with denim
An evening pause: While there is a bit of barnum in this guy’s work, the final “paintings” are quite astonishing.
Hat tip Mike Nelson.
Jethro Tull – Locomotive Breath
Willie Nelson – Hit Medley
An evening pause: Performed live in 1965. This Willie Nelson performance shows him in his early days, before the beard and long hair and cowboy persona. His voice has also not mellowed into what would later become a truly unique sound.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
Dave Mason – All Along The Watchtower
Lisa Ferraro & Houston Person – Teach Me Tonight
Mark Rober – Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer
An evening pause: This is a little longer than most evening pauses, but trust me you will enjoy deeply every single second, so much so you might even want to watch it twice.
This earlier video by Rober shows how he developed this glitterbomb to catch doorstep package thieves. He has now taken that relatively minor engineering prank to a much higher and righteous level.