Category: The Evening Pause
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
Cat Stevens – Moonshadow
An evening pause: A lovely song, performed live in 1971 before he became a overzealous Islamist.
Hat tip Roland.
Jolie Môme – C’est Si Bon
The Carol Burnett Show – The Hitman
Melanie Oesch – From a Jack to a King
An evening pause: Hat tip from Jim Mallamace, who adds that she is singing “with her father, mother, and two brothers. So wholesome.” And from Switzerland no less.
BBC Earth – Hamsters!
John Prine – When I Get to Heaven
Friday Freakout – Super Sketchy Zipline BASE Jump
An evening pause: By the title I suppose this should scheduled for Friday but why wait. Note too that I couldn’t watch it all the way through. I know too much about how to do this right, and this idiot does nothing right at all.
But for those adrenal freaks out there, the video will give you a kick.
Hat tip Jim Mallamace.
Genesis – Los Endos
An evening pause: Performed live 1987. The piece however begins with a spectacular six minute drum duet performed by Phil Collins & Chester Thompson. The level of musical communication going on between these two drummers as they play is literally impossible for a non-musician to conceive.
Hat tip Chris McLaughlin.
Bob Dylan – Like A Rolling Stone
An evening pause: Performed live at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival. Compare the scale and atmosphere between this Dylan performance at Newport with his performance there in 1964. In one year this event has gone from a casual gathering to a very big event.
Hat tip Roland.
The Carbonaro Effect – The Most Compact Survival Backpack
Doreen’s Jazz Band – The House of The Rising Sun
A evening pause: Performed live in 2014 in New Orleans, with Doreen Ketchens on the clarinet.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
MOS – JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure
An evening pause: Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who correctly describes this as “Short, energetic, and very brassy.”
Dave Matthews Band – Ants Marching
An evening pause: Performed live prior to the album’s release in 2007.
Nice way to start the week, with some energy.
Hat Chris McLaughlin.
Motorcycle Chariots
An evening pause: A free people might do grand things, but they will also do silly things as well. This falls into the latter category.
Hat tip Mike Nelson.
Jordi Bertran – Le petit bonhomme en mousse
David Bowie – The Man Who Sold The World
Private Snafu – Coming!!
An evening pause: This was the first of a World War II cartoon series directed by Chuck Jones, voiced by Mel Blanc, and written by Theodor Geisel aka Dr. Seuss and designed to with humor raise the work ethic of soldiers and officers.
Hat tip Lazurus Long, who adds that “it was a bit racy and [thus] popular with the servicemen.”
Today our military authorities probably consider our servicemen and women to be too fragile for such stuff. And hopefully this evening pause will air before Google’s YouTube decides it must be banned.
Tom Scott – The Library of Rare Colors
A evening pause: This is something that is technologically complex that we all take entirely for granted.
Hat tip Jeff Poplin.
The Offspring – Self Esteem
An evening pause: Performed live 1995.
Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who added, “A time before cell phones waved in everyone’s hand. A time where crowds were in the moment. A time when there were crowds.”
I would add it was a time when people were also not afraid, but lived life with spirit and exuberance, ignoring its natural risks because to pay attention to them would make life intolerable.
Enjoy your weekend. Get out of your house. Do something grand. And do it with as many people as you can find.
Military band joke
An evening pause: One marching band from Britain is performing to an Italian audience when a band representing the Italian Bersaglieri (mobile light infantry who traditionally run at a trot instead of march) arrives to upstage them.
Silly and staged, but fun nonetheless.
Hat tip Jim Mallamace.
Mechanimations – It’s Worth It
An evening pause: An animation that actually is real and useful, showing the full rebuild of a dirt bike engine.
What struck me is the number of parts and pieces and their complexity. Pause and consider the engineering thought that went into creating this and all such engines.
Hat tip David Eastman.
Steve Harvey – Foolproof Excuses When Late for Work
An evening pause: As I am late in posting tonight’s evening pause, I thought this short comedy monologue entirely appropriate.
The Outlaws – Waterhole
Goose house – Country Roads
An evening pause: I guarantee that every one of these performers has seen Hiyao Miyazaki’s magnificent film, Whisper of the Heart, from whence this instrumentation and its Japanese translation is taken.
You should too.
Hat tip Jim Mallamace.
Andreas Hellkvist – B3 Boogie
An evening pause: It appears this song “materialized” while Hellkvist was simply trying out this Hammond organ.
Hat tip Cotour.
Bell Telephone: Explaining mobile phone technology, c1946
An evening pause: Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who notes that he watched this video on his modern mobile phone.
What strikes me is how much we take this capability for granted, especially when you watch and see how “compact” the car units were. Yet, in the 1940s when this technology was first being developed the use of telephones themselves was only a few decades old. The very idea of being able to communicate instantly with anyone over long distances was still relatively new. Now it included talking to people at random locations. For the people of that time, this was exciting news harboring a bright future.
Dire Straits – Industrial Disease
Stockholm 1913
An evening pause: The footage is gently colorized but with little else changed. Like previous such pauses showing film footage from the past, it gives us a glimpse into a different world that appears more dignified and civilized.
Hat tip Björn “Local Fluff” Larsson, who notes, “All men wear suits and hats. All ladies are dressed up. All buildings are beautiful. Then socialism happened.”