Category: The Evening Pause
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
Black Rifle Coffee – The Star Spangled Banner
An evening pause: This seems a very appropriate evening pause to end my 10th anniversary July fund-raiser for Behind the Black.
Hat tip Phill Oltmann, who though not American truly appreciates the American concepts of freedom.
An evening pause: This sequence from the animated film Robots (2005) is a very typical scene from almost every modern Hollywood film, whether real or animated (though the difference is getting harder to see as they put more and more CGI in every film). Regardless, it is fun, and takes the idea of a Rube Goldberg device to a very strange extreme.
Hat tip Bob Robert.
John Lennon & Elton John – Whatever Gets You Thru The Night
An evening pause: This was John Lennon’s last live concert appearance, an unannounced walk-on during an Elton John concert at Madison Square Garden in 1974. And yes, that is Yoko Ono in the audience watching. At the time the two were separated, and this event apparently was crucial to getting them back together.
Hat tip Roland.
Alanis Morissette – Uninvited
An evening pause: I think it worthwhile to compare this performance with the performance from the very first evening pause, July 1, 2010, excerpted from a 1968 movie.
The contrast reveals a great deal about how our culture has changed.
Hat tip Wayne Devette.
Smarter Every Day – Slow Motion Flipping Cat Physics
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World – Then & Now
An evening pause: A fun look at the outdoor locations shot for the 1963 movie, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World and how they look today. It is actually surprising how little change has occurred at so many of these places.
Hat tip Wayne Devette.
Marcin Patrzalek – Asturias
A late evening pause: Got behind and forgot to schedule things for tonight. Here is an evening pause, hat tip Mike Nelson, of a truly wiz of a guitarist.
Blind Melon – No Rain
Eddy Grant – Electric Avenue
MeTrónomoS – One Small Step
An evening pause: For this anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s first step on the Moon, a short musical piece, with images, that nicely encapsulates that 1960s space effort. If you are passionate about the human effort to become a space-faring civilization and you don’t know who and what mission each clip portrays, you need to find out.
Louie Schwartzberg – The beauty of pollination
Minnie Riperton – Lovin’ You
Marcel Remy – 94 years old and back on the summit
An evening pause: I like his words near the end: “Anytime something can happen to you. Sometimes you just put this thought aside and have fun.”
Hat tip Phill Oltmann.
Jerry Jeff Walker – Mr Bojangles
In-flight camera analysis of Soyuz launch abort in October 2018
An evening pause: For the geeks who read Behind the Black. Nothing here is new, but the in-flight footage of the first stage as it failed during this manned Soyuz launch on October 11, 2018 is still fun to watch, and it gives us another taste of the continuing quality control problems in Russia’s aerospace industry.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
As always, I am open to suggestions for my evening pauses. If you’ve sent me stuff in the past, you know the drill. If not and you want to suggest something, post a comment here, without mentioning your suggestion, and I will contact you with the guidelines.
Robert John – Sad Eyes
Cagney & Hope – Dance routine
An evening pause: From the 1955 film, The Seven Little Foys, with Bob Hope playing Eddie Foy, and James Cagney reprising the role of George M. Cohen, first played by him in Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942).
Hat tip Thomas Keener.
Roxana Küwen – 5 balls hands and feet
Sheku Kanneh-Mason – The Swan
Gomberg Seltzer Works – Brooklyn’s Last Seltzer Men
An evening pause: Ah how I miss the taste of a real egg cream, using both real seltzer and Fox’s U-Bet syrup. Nothing beats it.
Hat tip Cotour.
Thomas Jefferson — The meaning of the Declaration of Independence
An evening pause: Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, in which lovers of freedom and individual rights celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, where by this nation committed itself forever to providing its citizens “the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Those words were written by Thomas Jefferson. In tonight’s evening pause, Steve Edenbo as Thomas Jefferson recites Jefferson’s thoughts on the meaning of his own words, taken from a letter he wrote just prior to the 50th anniversary of that signing in 1826, and mere weeks from his death.
May true Americans never stop honoring these words, and that man.
Aurora – Animal
An evening pause: Beautiful and haunting, but listen closely to these lyrics and you will hear our dark future singing.
Hat tip Lee Stevenson.
Korman & Conway – Undercover cops
Paul Revere and the Raiders – Kicks
When Michael Caine met John Wayne
An evening pause: People tend to forget that great actors really are ordinary people.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
The rediscovery of Leonardo da Vinci’s lost “Salvator Mundi”
The Mamas & The Papas – Monday Monday
An evening pause: Performed live 1967. Ignore the one or two rough spots, as this performance is an outtake from the documentary film Monterey Pop. It is also the only live version available that appears to exist on line. and well worth watching.
Hat tip Roland.
Ink In Motion
Laura Ruhí Vidal – Theme from Star Trek
An evening pause: I am willing to bet that practically no one among my readers has actually ever seen this sung.
Hat tip Diane Zimmerman.