ISS Fisheye Fly-Through

An evening pause: Make sure you watch this full screen. In many ways this video tour of ISS illustrates its magnificence and its failure. It is not an easy thing to build a house in space, and it is clear that we have done it here. At the same time, ISS hardly appears to be a comfortable vessel to live in during travel to other planets. Skylab was much more livable.

Hat tip Phil Berardelli and Tom Wilson.

Artists Of Then, Now & Forever – Forever Country

An evening pause: To quote the youtube webpage, “In celebration of “The 50th Annual CMA Awards,” CMA has created the biggest music video in Country Music history. Titled “Forever Country,” the single and accompanying music video features 30 CMA Award-winning acts.”

Sadly, the one person who was not on this video who loomed over it as I watched was John Denver. He is still missed.

Hat tip Mike Nelson.

John Mellencamp – Longest Days

An evening pause:

Nothing lasts forever
And your best efforts don’t always pay
Sometimes you get sick
And you don’t get better
That’s when life is short
Even in its longest days

I find it interesting that these thoughts have only been real and strong for me during the first and last thirds of my life. I definitely pondered such thoughts in my middle years, but they had no real meaning. In the middle years things seem to continue the same for so long, which means the concept of aging fades from view. However, when we are young and when we are old the fact that we age and change is very evident, and so, the beginning and end of life becomes much more real.

Hat tip Insomnious.

OutKast – Hey Ya!

An evening pause: I am generally not a fan of hip hop, but this music video is filled with so much happiness I can’t resist it.

Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who adds, “Andre’ 3000 sings and plays all 8 parts in this video from 2003. There were so many takes from different angles, eventually exhausted, he had his last character sit down during the performance.”

The Star-Spangled Banner

An evening pause: During the 2015 Kentucky Music Educators convention in Louisville, the 500 high students in attendance would gather each night just before curfew on the balconies of the Hyatt Regency’s vast interior lobby and sing the national anthem.

I think it fitting to show this tonight, on election day. The United States will always hold the honor of being the first nation on Earth to attempt the great experiment of self-government, established by conscious choice with the creation of founding documents. For this, we will forever I think be remembered in human history, a fact for which Americans should always be proud.

Hat tip Peter Fenstermacher.

George Carlin on language of politics

An evening pause: With the election less than a week away, I think this comedy speech by George Carlin sums up the fundamental dishonesty of the modern Washington establishment politician, from both parties. And though he is quite funny, I couldn’t help thinking of what Robert Heinlein said: “We laugh because it hurts.”

Let me also add that when we vote next week I think it most important to consider which politicians most remind you of the dishonest corrupt liars Carlin so ably describes. That should help you realize who you shouldn’t vote for.

Hat tip Frank Kelly.

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