Massenet – Meditation from Thais
An evening pause: The violin player, Daniil Bulayev, is especially impressive, being only 8 years old.
Hat tip Danae.
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
An evening pause: The violin player, Daniil Bulayev, is especially impressive, being only 8 years old.
Hat tip Danae.
An evening pause: A classic comedy scene from Woody Allen’s Annie Hall (1977). What especially makes the scene work is how realistic he portrays what it was like to stand in a movie line in New York in the 1970s.
Another hat tip to Phil Berardelli, author of Phil’s Favorite 500: Loves of a Moviegoing Lifetime.
An evening pause: I worry at how badly the people at the bottom might be hurt when the tower fails. Nonetheless, this competition is a testament to the wild and crazy things humans will do for fun.
Hat tip Danae.
An evening pause: I especially like the energy of the song and performance. Everyone is moving, all the time. Can you imagine this happening during a symphonic performance of one of Beethoven’s symphonies in Europe in the early 1800s?
Hat tip Danae.
An evening pause: It has been a few years since I last posted a Fleet Foxes animation. Time to revisit their surreal vision.
An evening pause: Nicely place, with beautiful lyrics. Like Danae has noted in a previous evening pause, however, I would prefer if she wouldn’t do the modern slurring of the words.
Nonetheless, ’tis a great song. Hat tip to Tony R.
An evening pause: Lou Costello probably works for the federal government these days.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
An evening pause: On this Good Friday evening, which is also the beginning of Passover when Jews worldwide sit down to retell the story of their exodus from slavery and the giving of the law, I think this lovely American bluegrass gospel song captures that same sentiment, from another time and place.
If you can’t watch the embedded video below, go here instead.
An evening pause: From the 1959 classic movie Ben-Hur, written by Miklós Rózsa. Watch the musicians as they aggressively play this very driving piece of music. Shows that classical orchestra music is far from staid and boring.
Hat tip to Phil Berardelli, author of Phil’s Favorite 500: Loves of a Moviegoing Lifetime.
An evening pause: Performed live by Les Paul & the Les Paul Trio at the Iridium Jazz Club in New York City on Paul’s 90th birthday, June 9, 2005.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
An evening pause: It has been a few years since I posted a performance of this magnificent music by Ennio Morricone from the magnificent 1988 film Cinema Paradiso. The time has come to do it again.
Hat tip Danae.
An evening pause: Another example of the wonders of modern technology. This is intended to illustrate the GoPro family of tiny portable cameras, but note the hovercrafts as well.
Hat tip Tim Vogel.
An evening pause: He calls himself “The Loop-Ninja”. Watch. It is amazing what one person can do with today’s technology to produce music.
Hat tip tdub.
An evening pause: From the 1962 Howard Hawks film Hatari!, this scene, and the music that goes with it, shows off the film’s light-hearted adventurous tone. And yes, that’s John Wayne following the girl. Since then this music has been reused innumerable times in youtube pet videos.
Hat tip Diane Zimmerman.
An evening pause: Here’s a different kind of flying, compared to yesterday’s evening pause.
Hat tip Edward Thelen.
An evening pause: Hat tip tdub. As he noted, “The final tuck and dive to its master is breathtaking.”
An evening pause: The melody is the same as Loch Lomond, which illustrates how much in common there is between the Scots and the Irish, no matter what they tell you. (And I would include the English too!)
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
An evening pause: They usually give Martin first billing, but Brickell is really the star here. Martin is good on banjo, but it is her song. Though it is amazing to see how Steve Martin has reinvented himself again.
An evening pause: Good music, but this video reveals a great deal about the future in how it portrays an adolescent view of the present. Even more important, the view is very typical of modern culture.
An evening pause: Who says the world doesn’t love American culture? Watch a Swedish band and an English guitarist play classic rock.
Hat tip Tom Biggar.
An evening pause: This pause is going to be a challenge. I am curious who can most quickly identify the film that this suite comes from, performed here live in 2013. I am sure that anyone that knows anything about movies will figure it out by around 2:30, but can you do it sooner? One hint: this is one of the greatest and most popular films ever made.
Hat tip to Phil Berardelli, author of Phil’s Favorite 500: Loves of a Moviegoing Lifetime.