Category: The Evening Pause
A nightly pause from the news to give the reader/viewer a bit of classic entertainment.
Bernadette Peters & Stephen Sondheim – Send In the Clowns
An evening pause: An apropos song I think for April Fools. That’s Stephen Sondheim on the piano, accompanying Bernadette Peters.
Debbie Reynolds – Tammy
An evening pause: If you listen real close to the second movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, you will hear the roots of this lovely song.
Connie Dover – I am going to the west
An evening pause: On this the first anniversary of the day we moved into our dream home, on a western hill of Tucson overlooking the mountains and the city, let us revisit this magnificent song by Connie Dover, this time sung live.
Riverdance – violins
An evening pause: I am usually not a big fan of the big production Irish shows like Riverdance or Celtic Woman, as often the heart of the music gets lost in the big production. Here, however, they keep it somewhat simple, and the result is we see some good fiddling.
Rachel Barton Pine – Molly on the Shore by Percy Grainger
An evening pause: The pace and speed of this music might make us feel breathless, but she’s having so much fun playing it!
Steve Goodman – The Dutchman
The Highwaymen – Willie Nelson – City of New Orleans
An evening pause: A nice live performance of Steve Goodman’s classic song, with Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson providing backup and chorus for Willie Nelson.
Eric Clapton – Danny Boy
Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry – Librarian Sketch
Hiking to the Window in Ventana Canyon
An evening pause: My posting on Sunday will be light until the evening, as Diane and I will be doing a 13.2 mile hike up Ventana Canyon to a giant natural bridge called the Window. This canyon is in the Santa Catalina mountains that overlook Tucson. These mountains are quite rugged, with some intense elevation gain in a very short time, comparable to the Grand Canyon. For this hike we will gain 4,000 feet in 6.6 miles.
Below is a video of this hike but only going about halfway up the canyon.
Meatloaf and Patti Russo – Couldn’t have said better
Implosion of the Marble Falls Bridge in Texas
An evening pause: The Marble Falls Bridge in Texas had been replaced and needed to be removed. This almost instantaneous demolition was accomplished on March 17, 2013.
Für Elise – Beethoven for Piano & Orchestra
The Tuttles and AJ Lee – Endless Ocean
Sinead O’Connor – Thank You For Hearing Me
Judy Garland – It’s a Great Day for the Irish
Cinque Terre
An evening pause: I am actually not in Italy, but off in southern Arizona this weekend on a cave survey project. But I must admit, this video makes this part of Italy very tempting.
Paul Speer – Gobi
Sierra Hull – Tell Me Tomorrow
America – A horse with no name
Teller fools us
Alon Goldstein – Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain – Satellite of Love
Frank Vignola – Tico Tico
Sand that is always dry
An evening pause: As Arthur Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Alison Krauss, Shawn Colvin, Jerry Douglas – The Boxer
Mr. Smith goes to Washington filibuster
An evening pause: In honor of Rand Paul’s filibuster today, let’s watch Jimmy Stewart perform a movie filibuster from the (1939) movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington.
As Mr. Smith says, “Somebody will listen to me.”
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
An evening pause: Man, can these people play and sing. Vocals: Michelle Wright, Iris DeMent, Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh. Fiddles: Jay Ungar, Aly Bain. Mandolin: Russ Barenberg. Bouzouki: Donal Lunny. Accordion: Phil Cunningham. Guitar: Molly Mason.