Scientists: Real women are better to send to Mars than real men
Gee, I thought there was no difference: According to a study done for the European Space Agency (ESA), scientists have concluded that sending a four person all-female crew to Mars would have significant advantages over either a mixed sex crew or an all-male crew.
From the paper’s conclusion:
These estimated differences result from lower resting and exercising O2 requirements (based on available astronaut data) of theoretical female astronauts, who are lighter than theoretical male astronauts at equivalent statures and have lower relative VO2max values. These data, combined with the move towards smaller diameter space habitat modules, suggest that there may be a number of operational advantages to all-female crews during future human space exploration missions.
While there may be some minor operational advantages to only flying female astronauts on long missions, those advantages pale in comparison to the loss to humanity in the long run. You can’t settle a new world with one sex. Nor can you learn how to get there if you build your spacecraft capable of only meeting the minimum requirements.
If you go, everyone must go, or else the goal is not inclusive and diverse. Or as reader Milt noted to me when he sent me this story:
Of course, every research finding that is reported in this article flies in the face of the woke conventional wisdom that “there are no differences between men and women,” and — even better — male astronauts who wish to transition to being women must then be accepted as female in terms of mission planning, etc., lest NASA or the ESA be accused of transphobia.
In other words, this study and the entire “transgender” movement reveal the real leftist goal: Power and control. In the first case, the study says: “Give the job only to our favored oppressed sex!” In the second case the “transgender” movement says: “Obey our whims no matter what!”
Facts only matter when they help this leftist movement gain power and control. When the facts are inconvenient, the facts are tossed aside and it is the emotions that must rule.
Gee, I thought there was no difference: According to a study done for the European Space Agency (ESA), scientists have concluded that sending a four person all-female crew to Mars would have significant advantages over either a mixed sex crew or an all-male crew.
From the paper’s conclusion:
These estimated differences result from lower resting and exercising O2 requirements (based on available astronaut data) of theoretical female astronauts, who are lighter than theoretical male astronauts at equivalent statures and have lower relative VO2max values. These data, combined with the move towards smaller diameter space habitat modules, suggest that there may be a number of operational advantages to all-female crews during future human space exploration missions.
While there may be some minor operational advantages to only flying female astronauts on long missions, those advantages pale in comparison to the loss to humanity in the long run. You can’t settle a new world with one sex. Nor can you learn how to get there if you build your spacecraft capable of only meeting the minimum requirements.
If you go, everyone must go, or else the goal is not inclusive and diverse. Or as reader Milt noted to me when he sent me this story:
Of course, every research finding that is reported in this article flies in the face of the woke conventional wisdom that “there are no differences between men and women,” and — even better — male astronauts who wish to transition to being women must then be accepted as female in terms of mission planning, etc., lest NASA or the ESA be accused of transphobia.
In other words, this study and the entire “transgender” movement reveal the real leftist goal: Power and control. In the first case, the study says: “Give the job only to our favored oppressed sex!” In the second case the “transgender” movement says: “Obey our whims no matter what!”
Facts only matter when they help this leftist movement gain power and control. When the facts are inconvenient, the facts are tossed aside and it is the emotions that must rule.