February 6, 2023 Quick space links
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay.
- Scrapping of the ship Blue Origin purchased as a New Glenn 1st stage landing pad is ongoing
Blue Origin abandoned the idea of using this ship for landings last year. What it will do instead however remains entirely unclear.
- Polish satellite company signs launch agreement with Virgin Orbit
The press release says this deal calls for multiple satellite launches, but does not specify the number. The deal also suggests that this company thinks Virgin Orbit will survive its present hard times.
- Webb found an asteroid by accident during instrument calibration last year
I read this press release this morning, decided the story was mostly NASA fluff designed to sell Webb, and rejected giving it a full post. Discoveries like this happen all the time with all telescopes. Webb didn’t do anything special here. However, Jay is right that it deserves some mention, so here it is as a quick link.
- Comparison of three amazing rockets
You must click on the link. Trust me, you will find it worthwhile.
- ISRO releases new details about its Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander
The launch is presently scheduled for the summer of 2023.
- China building giant rocket engine test stand
The largest engines for its heavy lift Long March 9 Starship/Superheavy copy will test here.
- World View about to go public
Though it has previously touted its desire to launch high altitude balloon tourist flights, it is pushing the surveillance capabilities of its balloons at this time.
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay.
- Scrapping of the ship Blue Origin purchased as a New Glenn 1st stage landing pad is ongoing
Blue Origin abandoned the idea of using this ship for landings last year. What it will do instead however remains entirely unclear.
- Polish satellite company signs launch agreement with Virgin Orbit
The press release says this deal calls for multiple satellite launches, but does not specify the number. The deal also suggests that this company thinks Virgin Orbit will survive its present hard times.
- Webb found an asteroid by accident during instrument calibration last year
I read this press release this morning, decided the story was mostly NASA fluff designed to sell Webb, and rejected giving it a full post. Discoveries like this happen all the time with all telescopes. Webb didn’t do anything special here. However, Jay is right that it deserves some mention, so here it is as a quick link.
- Comparison of three amazing rockets
You must click on the link. Trust me, you will find it worthwhile.
- ISRO releases new details about its Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander
The launch is presently scheduled for the summer of 2023.
- China building giant rocket engine test stand
The largest engines for its heavy lift Long March 9 Starship/Superheavy copy will test here.
- World View about to go public
Though it has previously touted its desire to launch high altitude balloon tourist flights, it is pushing the surveillance capabilities of its balloons at this time.