Engineers fix problem that caused data to arrive garbled from Voyager-1
By switching computers on Voyager-1 — now in interstellar space and having recently celebrated its 45th anniversary since launch — engineers were able to prevent data from coming back garbled from the spacecraft.
Earlier this year, the probe’s attitude articulation and control system (AACS), which keeps Voyager 1’s antenna pointed at Earth, began sending garbled information about its health and activities to mission controllers, despite operating normally. The rest of the probe also appeared healthy as it continued to gather and return science data.
The team has since located the source of the garbled information: The AACS had started sending the telemetry data through an onboard computer known to have stopped working years ago, and the computer corrupted the information.
Suzanne Dodd, Voyager’s project manager, said that when they suspected this was the issue, they opted to try a low-risk solution: commanding the AACS to resume sending the data to the right computer.
The switch worked. The mystery now is figuring out why the AACS started using that long-decommissioned computer, which could indicate another computer or software issue elsewhere in the spacecraft.
By switching computers on Voyager-1 — now in interstellar space and having recently celebrated its 45th anniversary since launch — engineers were able to prevent data from coming back garbled from the spacecraft.
Earlier this year, the probe’s attitude articulation and control system (AACS), which keeps Voyager 1’s antenna pointed at Earth, began sending garbled information about its health and activities to mission controllers, despite operating normally. The rest of the probe also appeared healthy as it continued to gather and return science data.
The team has since located the source of the garbled information: The AACS had started sending the telemetry data through an onboard computer known to have stopped working years ago, and the computer corrupted the information.
Suzanne Dodd, Voyager’s project manager, said that when they suspected this was the issue, they opted to try a low-risk solution: commanding the AACS to resume sending the data to the right computer.
The switch worked. The mystery now is figuring out why the AACS started using that long-decommissioned computer, which could indicate another computer or software issue elsewhere in the spacecraft.