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The real insurrection on Jan 6, 2021 was within the government, against Trump

Under threat, from within
Under threat, from within

For the past three years the Democratic Party and its shills in the propaganda press have been claiming that Donald Trump as president instigated a violent insurrection on Jan 6, 2021, causing the Capitol to be invaded with significant violence. These claims have resulted in hundreds of people who attended the Capitol hill rally on that day getting long prison terms, often for doing nothing more than “parading” (the actual charge).

All of these claims are of course lies, something that was even patently obvious during the event itself. Trump himself was giving a speech a considerable distance from the Capitol when the first break-ins occurred and when security finally opened many doors to allow the publicly to quietly walk through the building, causing no violence or damage. During Trump’s speech he called for his supporters to demonstrate “peaceably.” Moreover, the only ones killed during the protest were two protesters, killed by Capitol security, one shot and the other beaten to death.

With the release this week of transcripts of interviews conducted by the Pentagon’s inspector general with various key officials in the military, we now know that not only did Trump not instigate the riot, he issued orders that these officials make sure there were sufficient security at the Capitol to prevent any violence or misbehavior.

Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff, confirmed to the Pentagon inspector general three years ago that during a Jan. 3, 2021, Oval Office meeting Trump pre-approved the use of National Guard or active duty troops to keep peace in the nation’s capital on the day Congress was to certify the results of the 2020 election.

Milley’s interviews were among several key transcripts obtained by House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., and shared with Just the News.

“The President just says, ‘Hey look at this. It’s going to be a large amount of protesters come in here on the 6th, and make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event,’” Milley told the inspector general in one of two interviews he did in spring 2021 during a probe of the Pentagon’s response to Jan. 6.

Milley said then-Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, himself a former general, assured Trump there was an adequate safety plan for Pentagon assistance to Washington, D.C. “Miller responds by saying, ‘Hey, we’ve got a plan, and we’ve got it covered.’ And that’s about it,” Milley recalled. “Just make sure it’s safe”

Milley confirmed a second time during the interviews that Trump was clear in his wishes. “It was just what I just described, which was, ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe,” the general told the IG.

Now for the real insurrection. The interviews show that these government officials then proceeded to defy the president, breaking their oath of office and violating the Constitution.

But other transcripts gathered by Loudermilk during his subcommittee’s ongoing probe of Jan. 6 security failures show civilian leadership at the Pentagon admittedly openly they would not comply with Trump’s wishes, with some saying they did not like the optics of armed soldiers or Guardsmen roaming the Capitol with weapons during what was supposed to be a peaceful transition of power. “There was absolutely — there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period,” Miller told the inspector general during his March 2021 interview. [emphasis mine]

Miller and other officials then devised a plan — in direct defiance of Trump’s orders — to keep the National Guard away from the Capitol, and they did it for admittedly political reasons.

Miller admitted there was a political calculus to his decision not to deploy troops near or at the Capitol ahead of time for preventative security. “I hate to use the word optics because it’s been used and so prejudicially and negatively. It wasn’t the optics. It was like there was would have been huge political consequences that, because that’s what I got paid to do. Is I had the factor in the politics of this and that was my concern is the situation does not warrant at this time U.S. military forces,” he explained,

Miller had the cooperation of the Army Secretary, Ryan McCarthy, who agreed that the “optics” of having the National Guard present to maintain order was bad, and that it was better to disobey the president’s direct request in order to do what they thought should be done.

In other words, prior to January 6th there was an organized insurrection within the command structure of the U.S. military and the Capitol police to disobey the president. This action was a outright violaion of the oaths these military officials took to defense and obey the Constitution. Trump was the head of the executive branch of government, elected legally, and thus he had full authority. The only answer these officials should have given Trump when he asked for the National Guard should have been, “How many?”

And in fact, the interviews show that Trump did exactly that, specifying that he thought 10,000 troops would be necessary. Instead, the Pentagon approved less than 400 DC guard troops, and these were only to be used for traffic control. It then did little to prepare for a call out should the protest turn violent, and thus took many hours to deploy when it finally moved to act.

Trump defiant after being shot
Trump defiant

Though many are focusing on this evidence to prove Trump acted in advance to prevent any violence on January 6th, the real story here is the rebellion within the executive branch of government against the elected president. It happened then, out of a clear dislike of the president (also documented during these interviews), and I guarantee it is going to happen again, if Trump should win the election and he does not take immediate action when taking office to pull the teeth from these people.

The constitutional republic of the United States now hangs by a thread. It has too many in power who have no desire to obey the law. And if this country is to be saved it is going to take strong action to save it, in the face of the effort of these people to stay in control, by any means necesasry.

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  • We all know, well half of us anyway. It was all plain to see and we / us / the many have been pointing this all out, the fraud and the political strategy that was and has been implemented by the now radical Leftists among us in the Democrat party, the courts, the media etc, etc.


    “When we step back and take a 30-thousand-foot look at the panorama that is American history beginning in 2008 and the presidential campaign and eventual election of Barak Hussein Obama, what do we see? In that now broad view, we can detect a theme, and we can begin to see what is not meant to be clearly seen. We can begin to see the picture due to modern times and modern technology and how the media and political operatives in fact are determined to shape and install the political front men and women of their choosing in your reality.”

    “Remember, it is all a “conspiracy theory” only until it is proven to be the truth. And that is happening more and more and your vision and view of what is really ongoing should be getting sharper and sharper. ”

  • F


    Nearly ALL of us know. It’s simply that about half refuse to ADMIT.

  • It is not that they refuse to admit it.

    It is that about half of them are so blinded by their pure hatred for one man and their apparent love for unrestricted abortion, that they are unable to see and understand it.

    If you cannot see it, you cannot understand it and there is nothing to admit.

  • Joseph Schmoe

    Who is this “Miller” guy who suddenly appears in this article.? Did Milley change his name? I am confused.

  • Soupy Hang On

    Recall Milley to active duty and prosecute for insubordination as appropriate. Give him a chance to come clean publicly to improve his situation, just like civilian prosecutors make deals for testimony implicating other criminals.

  • Fox2!

    UCMJ Article 94. Maximum penalty is death.

  • JohnTyler

    Christopher Wray, the FBI director has been asked several times while testifying (i.e., lying) before congressional committees that he has no idea how many plain clothes FBI agents were in the crowds on Jan 6.
    Yes right.
    I am not a conspiracy nut, but the entire Jan 6 event sure looks a lot like the Reichstag Fire of 1933, which was used by Hitler to suspend civil liberties.
    Further, the Jan 6 congressional investigative committee (i.e., Stalinist show trial) did NOT ALLOW any witnesses that would present testimony contrary to the insurrection thesis.
    Yea, some insurrection that was; the only insurrection in the history of the world where the insurrectionists had no weapons, did not kill anybody and did not burn any buildings.

    As for that disgusting piece of dog excrement, Gen. Millie, he should be dragged before a military tribunal for treason (for defying presidential orders) and also for criminal negligence in his handling of the Afghan withdrawal.
    During WWII, his criminally negligent ineptitude re: Afghan withdrawal would have had him court martialed, stripped for his rank, and if he was lucky, just imprisoned.

  • Don Rowan

    There’s no doubt in any adult mind that the January 6 debacle was nothing but a criminal clown show by congressional members who need an isolation cell and never heard from again.

  • James Street

    “Trump pre-approved the use of National Guard or active duty troops to keep peace in the nation’s capital on the day Congress was to certify the results of the 2020 election.”

    I like the theory that the “insurrection” was the first option in bypassing Congress’s normal certification of the 2020 election and installing Biden as president much the same way Harris was installed outside the normal process as the 2024 Democrat candidate.

    The unused pipe bomb was option two:

    “Government Source Confirms FBI Dirty Tricks With Key Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Footage as Cover-up Unravels”
    “Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail is at the very least in on the cover-up. Indeed, Kamala Harris’ own refusal to acknowledge her narrow brush with the DNC pipe bomb seems to defy any innocent explanation (after all, shouldn’t it be a key talking point of hers that she almost lost her life to terrorism on January 6?).”

  • James Street

    This article by Jack Cashill gives a timeline of J6 events that doesn’t add up.

    “The Most Ghoulish Hoax in U.S. Political History”

    Some of the problems in the official swamp J6 narrative that Cashill points out:
    • “They accused Trump of inciting a riot that began 20 minutes before he finished speaking at a location 45 minutes away.”
    • “A final complication: President Trump began his speech an hour late, at noon, not 11 a.m. as scheduled. Had he started on time, those thousands of people, allegedly incited by his rhetoric, would have arrived at the Capitol just about 1 p.m to help start a riot.”

  • James Street:

    The Warren Commision, the 9-11, NIST report, the J6th Commitee Report.

    A predetermination before an “investigation”.

    Let us not be naive.

    This is how things operate at the Political Realm level:

    Make the distinction between the Pedestrian Realm where we all exist, and things are as they are. And the Political Realm where things are the way they need to be. As determined by ……………………………those who inhabit the Political Realm.

    Are we all beginning to see things in the proper context?

  • wayne

    Dave Smith / Michael Malice
    “On the Red Pill”

    “What is presented as fact by the corporate press and entertainment industry is only a shadow of what is real. This supposed reality is in fact a carefully constructed narrative intentionally designed to keep some very unpleasant people in power, and to keep everyone else tame & submissive.”

  • Strategy OVER Morality in other words, correct Wayne?

    A realm where facts and data are not what truth or real reality are based.

    “EXPLANATION: Strategy Over Morality describes a two-tiered “conversation” between a Public and their Politically Empowered Leadership where the Public believes there is only a single, no tiered conversation occurring. And that single conversation is assumed by the Public to relate to the Public’s morality and truth model perspective. ”

    “CONCLUSION: The public lives and operates under a subjective moral code or within a “Pedestrian Realm” perspective which they assume their leadership which exists within the “Political Realm” is constrained by. This is a subjective false perspective conclusion on the part of the public. Leadership at its existential core is not about morality, truth and honesty. Politically empowered Political Realm leadership is ultimately about the fundamental exercise of power and “IT’s” subjective agenda interests and “IT’s” political power prevailing. And within this Strategy Over Morality model the potential for the abuse of power related to the Pedestrian Realm perspective is ever present.”

    Sound familiar?

  • John Doe

    Is this not clear treason by military authorities? Yet, no one is willing to say or write it out loud. Why not?

  • John Doe: I am saying this, in my essay. It might not be treason, but it certainly was an act of insurrection against orders from the duly elected leader of the federal government as well as the head of the armed forces.

  • It is political treason.

    The general who is a military man under the direct authority of the president, who was very close to leaving office, chose to ignore the presidents concerns for his personal political and party affiliation reasons.

    The general and many others within who were not personally thrilled with the Trump presidency because of the obvious reasons related to the status quo or perversion and corruption all need to be charged and prosecuted for their insurrection? Treason? There is a charge.

    And the first ones I would prosecute and force them all to defend themselves with $1200 per hour Constitutional and criminal lawyers?

    The 51 security “experts” that signed that bogus letter about the computer from hell that cost Trump the 2020 election.

    That would be #1 on my agenda for my new Attorney General, Ted Cruz.

    And #2? Alexander Vindman. He would be high on the list.

    There is a long list.

    You want to play the game? Let’s play the game.

    Because the way things are going and the more Kammy reveals of herself to the general public and the fraud that is she, things are about to change. That is unless the Democrats have the election system soooo wrapped up and controlled that is.

    There is a number in the 2024 election results that will not be able to be overcome by the systematic cheating put in place in order to maintain political power and control.

    Then there will be those in Congress that will attempt to not certify the election results based on their “Insurrection” theory of denial.

    And good luck with that.

  • D. Messier

    That the security at the Capitol was insufficient and suffered breakdowns during the attack is not exactly news. A Senate investigation laid out a lot of the evidence three years ago:

    The Pentagon probably thought security measures were sufficient. They were clearly wrong.

    This doesn’t absolve Trump of his actions or lack of actions. He spent months falsely claiming the election was stolen despite losing virtually every court case, held a rally on Jan. 6 in which he repeated the same lie, sent an enraged mob to the Capitol, and then watched everything unfold for 187 minutes without doing anything to stop it.

    In the end, Trump watched the violence unfold while ignoring aides and his own daughter’s efforts to get him to try to stop it. In the midst of the violence he sent out a tweet attacking Pence, which made the attackers even more aggressive. He didn’t tell his supporters to go home until law enforcement gained the upper hand. All this is also documented.

    This attack is what Trump wanted. People who were in the White House that day and saw him said he seemed to enjoy the violence. An attempt to place blame elsewhere doesn’t clear him for his actions.

  • Just wanted to make sure I had this straight:

    Civilian and military leadership refused a sitting President’s order to deploy troops to ensure public safety, knowing that thousands of Democratic Party faithful were going to in the Capitol, they were not going to be happy, and past evidence strongly suggested that they were not going to be peaceful. The only reason troops were needed was to control the Democratic Party members. Yeah, that *would* look bad: having to deploy troops to control the very people with whom you sympathize.

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