Another enthusiastic review of Conscious Choice

Cover of Conscious Choice

A new review of my latest book, Conscious Choice: The origins of slavery in America and why it matters today and for our future in outer space, has just been published by American Thinker. I especially like this quote:

What makes Conscious Choice interesting is that it’s not just another social history of what happened, and who did what to whom in a horrible time of man’s inhumanity to man. It’s an effort to draw concrete knowledge from the past, for application to solving predictable problems in the not-too-distant, not altogether impossible future.

Conscious Choice reads easily, flows smoothly, is linguistically elegant, covers an extremely important topic, and asks important questions. Conscious Choice is also well referenced, with two appendices of additional data and sourcing information for the deepest dive. Conscious Choice is well worth reading simply to revel in the technical merits, which are far too rare these days. It would also pair well with a rereading of Robert A. Heinlein’s classic The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, possibly while listening to Jason Aldean’s “Rich Men North of Richmond,” and sipping a few pints of good New England beer.

As is to be expected, I don’t entirely agree with the reviewer’s interpretation of my book, but such disagreements are to be expected (and celebrated), as they enhance our knowledge. Moreover, in this case the disagreement is very minor, and provides me another piece of evidence that I was successful in conveying in a readable fashion the conclusions I drew from history.

As always, if my readers are interested in buying the book, it is available in hardback, paperback, and ebook editions. You can get it at all major book outlets, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, as well directly from my publisher, ebookit. You can also get an autographed hardback or paperback by buying it directly from me. Just email me at [my last name] at nasw dot org.