One entrepreneur and investor asks: Why isn’t Jon Corzine being prosecuted?
One entrepreneur and investor asks: Why isn’t Jon Corzine being prosecuted?
Jon Corzine stole from his customers. Until Corzine is put on trial in a court of law, no one will be able to get to the truth. He is being protected by the party in charge. The political waters are so virulent that they don’t want to see him tried. The event happened last October. Surely there is enough information available to convene a grand jury and begin indicting people. The public is being played. We are schmucks. [emphasis mine]
The party in charge is the Democrat Party. The man in charge of that party is Barack Obama. The voters should take note.
One entrepreneur and investor asks: Why isn’t Jon Corzine being prosecuted?
Jon Corzine stole from his customers. Until Corzine is put on trial in a court of law, no one will be able to get to the truth. He is being protected by the party in charge. The political waters are so virulent that they don’t want to see him tried. The event happened last October. Surely there is enough information available to convene a grand jury and begin indicting people. The public is being played. We are schmucks. [emphasis mine]
The party in charge is the Democrat Party. The man in charge of that party is Barack Obama. The voters should take note.