The Trump assassination attempt provides another illustration of our bankrupt press/media

We can learn a lot about the press by watching how they react to breaking news stories, with the aftermath and questions about the Secret Service’s actions during the attempt on Donald Trump’s life on July 13, 2024 being a perfect example.

My goal is not to analyze the failures of the Secret Service that day. Others will do that far better than I. My goal here is to analyze the press itself, to illustrate who is really interested in finding out what really happened, to report the news, and who is not.

First we have Fox anchor Jesse Watters’ opening statement on July 15, 2024 at the start of the Republican National Convention, outlining great detail all the many many MANY questions that remain unanswered about the truly horrible job the Secret Service did in protecting Trump during that July 13th rally. His opening sentence illustrates his focus quite bluntly:

There is one burning question on all of our minds. Did Biden’s Secret Service almost get Trump killed? All evidence points to yes.

Watters then unreservedly without fear outlines all the known facts and the many failures, never flinching from the very ugly conclusions those fact suggest. As he concludes, “The minute we stop asking questions, they win.” Watch:
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The media’s ten worst predictions for 2013.

The media’s ten worst predictions for 2013.

Most of these predictions involved major issues — Obamacare, climate change, the federal budget. In every case, the media either was either starkly wrong, badly misinformed about stuff they should be experts at, or participated in political lies to prop up their partners on the left. Thus, this list of news sources is a good guide for the news sources no one should rely on for information.

Not surprisingly, the list includes bad reporting from the news divisions of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC. Interestingly, the one media cable news outlet not mentioned at all in this list is Fox. It appears that this news outlet avoided making any of these foolish predictions, and thus avoided looking like a fool.

Update: Just to confirm the above conclusions: CNN’s top five credibility catastrophes in 2013.