Israeli rocket victims sue Gaza flotilla organizers

I like this: Israeli victims of the Gaza rocket attacks are suing the Gaza flotilla organizers.

The complaint argues that since supplies that are delivered to Gaza run the risk of being seized by the Hamas government for use by its military wing, the defendants’ acts “amount to both a conspiracy to injure and a conspiracy to use unlawful means,” and that “the defendants are acting in concert with Hamas to achieve harm on the plaintiff.”

Hamas TV praises jihadi suicide bombers and encourages young men to seek jihad martyrdom by killing Jews

Hamas TV praises jihadi suicide bombers and encourages young men to seek jihad martyrdom by killing Jews.

Sure, let’s give them a state. What could go wrong?

And how about this: Hamas co-founder admits that any “peace accord” would merely be a prelude to war.

Saying Hamas would accept a PA state based on the “1967 borders,” Zahar made it clear a peace accord would only serve as a prelude to Israel’s destruction. [emphasis mine]

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