It now appears to be illegal to drive around in Dearborn, Michigan displaying Israeli flags on your vehicle.
The tolerance of Islam: It now appears to be illegal to drive around in Dearborn, Michigan displaying Israeli flags on your vehicle.
The [driver] involved was driving in front of the high school as it let out. He was backed up in traffic, a police car immediately behind him. He had Israeli flags on truck. When the students began their assault he rolled down his window asking them to stop. After they pulled him over the police used the rolled down window as a pretext to accuse him of instigating the altercation. While being questioned by the police in front of the high school the [driver] received death threats. The police denied hearing them though the individuals involved were only a few feet away.
The assault also included one high school student throwing a bottle at the car.
Damn, I wish I lived close to Dearborn. I would be organizing a large parade of cars with Israeli flags right this minute.
The tolerance of Islam: It now appears to be illegal to drive around in Dearborn, Michigan displaying Israeli flags on your vehicle.
The [driver] involved was driving in front of the high school as it let out. He was backed up in traffic, a police car immediately behind him. He had Israeli flags on truck. When the students began their assault he rolled down his window asking them to stop. After they pulled him over the police used the rolled down window as a pretext to accuse him of instigating the altercation. While being questioned by the police in front of the high school the [driver] received death threats. The police denied hearing them though the individuals involved were only a few feet away.
The assault also included one high school student throwing a bottle at the car.
Damn, I wish I lived close to Dearborn. I would be organizing a large parade of cars with Israeli flags right this minute.