Pushback: Teacher fired for daring to attend rally on January 6th wins lawsuit

Jason Moorehead at the Washington Monument rally on January 6, 2021
Jason Moorehead at the Washington
Monument rally on January 6, 2021.
Click for original image.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Jason Moorehead, who was fired for being in Washington on January 6, 2021 to attend a Trump rally at the Washington Monument (never getting within a mile of the Capitol and thus never participating in any way with any violent events there), has now won a wrongful termination suit from the Pennsylvania Allentown School District as well as two school board members.

On Aug. 16, a jury awarded Moorehead $131,500, most of which will come from the district. Two school board members, Lisa Conover and Nancy Wilt, are liable for $6,000 and $500 respectively. Moorehead had not specified a desired dollar amount for “loss of earnings, loss of career, reputational damage, mental and emotional pain and suffering,” and punitive damages.

Moorehead’s lawyer AJ Fleuhr said in statement that he and his client were happy “a federal jury recognized that the Allentown School District violated Jason Moorehead’s First Amendment rights to free speech, assembly, and political affiliation,” and that the named board members had “maliciously and wantonly attacked him.”

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New Jersey prosecutor drops prison threat against Pennsylvania gun-carrying mom

How nice of him! A New Jersey prosecutor has dropped the treat of imprisonment for a Pennsylvania mother who mistakenly brought her legally purchased gun into New Jersey.

Allen was arrested last October after she was pulled over on the Atlantic City Expressway for a minor traffic violation and volunteered to the state trooper that she had a gun in her purse. She erroneously believed that her Pennsylvania carry permit was good in New Jersey, and for that mistake McClain was prepared to put her behind bars for years, separating her from her two young sons. McClain’s predecessor and prosecutors in other counties took a more lenient approach, commonly approving PTI for defendants like her. But until now McClain had argued that New Jersey law did not allow such exceptions.

As a general rule, it is wise to avoid entrance to fascist states. This mother has discovered why in a very blunt manner.