January 10, 2025 Zimmerman appearance on the UAP Crossfire podcast

This week I was a guest on a podcast saved from the ashes of several years ago. Back then the podcast was called Task Force Gryphon, and was run by a military guy who went only by the name of Commander Cobra for a variety of reasons. When I appeared on the show in this original version the questions were always smart, the interview thoughtful, and the topics on the money.

After a few years off the air, Cobra decided to restart the show under a new name, UAP Crossfire. During my two hour appearance last week the three hosts, Commander Cobra, Dan “Padre” Carlson, and Chris DePerno, conducted what I consider one of the best interviews I have done for a while, forcing the discussion to go to places I don’t normally go on such appearances.

I strongly advise my readers to check it out. You can listen to it here. or here.

January 7, 2025 Space Show panel discussion from the show’s advisory council

A few years ago David Livingston invited me to join a small advisory council he runs for The Space Show of people who are all independent experts on the space industry. Yesterday he decided to try a new program idea, whereby he would gather these advisors together for a Zoom session to discuss the state of the space industry at this moment.

You can listen to this discussion here. I highly recommend my listeners do so. The participants were the following, many of whom will be familiar names for those that keep abreast of the space industry:
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On the radio

This coming Sunday night, January 5, 2025, I will be doing two hours on Coast to Coast with George Noory, beginning at 11 pm (Pacific). I hope my readers tune in and ask questions.

Then, on Thursday, January 9, 2025, I will appear for two hours on the UAP Cross-Fire podcast, available both here and on youtube.

Both shows should be quite entertaining, especially because the hosts will likely be taking a different take on space and the future.

On the Space Show tomorrow

I will be doing a long 90 minute-plus appearance with David Livingston on the Space Show tomorrow evening, beginning at 7 pm (Pacific). I hope my readers will consider calling in with questions or disagreements or comments. The show is always better with listener interaction.

I definitely plan to talk about my proposal for rethinking NASA’s Artemis program, as outlined in this two-part essay:

Part 1 of 2: What NASA’s next administrator should do if SLS and Orion are cancelled

Part 2 of 2: De-emphasize a fast Moon landing and build a real American space industry instead December 11, 2024

I very much would like to hear other people’s opinions about my suggestions.

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