April 21, 2021 Zimmerman/Pratt podcast

On April 21st, I recorded another 35 minute podcast with Robert Pratt. That podcast is now available at his website at this link. From his description:

An update with author and historian Robert Zimmerman of behindtheblack.com on the current cancel culture we are experiencing, or as Bob put it: Blacklisting Americans.

Trust me, even though we were reviewing the many blacklist stories I have posted in the past few weeks that you might have read, you want to listen. I expand on those posts, outlining why I am doing them, and what they illustrate about our larger society. Free-thinking and liberty-loving Americans are no longer the majority in this country. We face a terrible battle to make “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” the central principle of America once again.

On a positive note, Pratt has begun re-establishing his radio network in Texas. The corporate blacklisters have tried to silence him, but he’s thumbing his nose at those petty tyrants. Go Robert!

On the radio

For those who wish to listen to me and even call in to ask a question or comment or disagree with something I have said, I will be on The Space Show with David Livingston. tomorrow night for probably two hours, beginning at 7 pm (Pacific).

As always, your calls will be welcome. I don’t bite, though as John Batchelor says, I can get grumpy.

In addition, I will be on WCCO-AM in Minnesota to talk space stuff on the next night, March 31st, for forty minutes, beginning at 10:00 pm (Central).

January 28, 2021 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast

Embedded below the fold in two parts. This is one of my more significant Batchelor appearances. The first segment spends a lot of time outlining the power play of the FAA and the Washington bureaucracy to shut down SpaceX’s most recent Starship test. The second segment outlines what is a developing significant science discovery that one science paper calls a paradigm shift related to Mars. The building evidence is now suggesting to scientists that glaciers and ice might have been the major factor for shaping the surface of Mars, not flowing water. If flowing water ever existed on Mars, it might only have been a minor factor in the Red Planet’s geological history.
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