March 4, 2024 Zimmerman/Space Show podcast

David Livingston has now posted my two-hour appearance on the Space Show last night, with the podcast available for download here.

Despite some technical issues halfway through (which David has edited out of the podcast), the show was fun, especially because of a lot of very good questions from listeners. The second half of the show was devoted to discussing my book Conscious Choice, which David Livingston had read and wanted to highlight. His endorsement of the book was much appreciated. As he noted (I am paraphrasing), it you are interested in the problem of establishing space settlements, you must read this book, because it deals with things beyond engineering that are as if not more important.

Tonight’s Space Show cancelled due to computer hack

My appearance tonight on the Space Show with David Livingston has been unfortunately cancelled because the Space Show website was hacked early this morning. David is struggling to get some live stream system working, hopefully by tomorrow, with me being the guest. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, his show could use some financial help to fix this problem. Even though I doing on my own fund-raiser for Behind the Black at present, I feel compelled to ask my readers to consider helping the Space Show as well. In the past two decades I have been on that show more than any other guest. It has helped spread the word about capitalism in space more than any other outlet. Here is the donation information:

Online through Paypal at Using Zelle, email your donation to [david at onegiantleapfoundation dot org]. You will need to convert the “at” and “dot”. Or send a check payable to and mailed to One Giant Leap Foundation, C/O Dr. David Livingston, 11035 Lavender Hill Dr. Ste. 160-306, Las Vegas, NV 89135.

Please help if you can, especially if you have listened to the show over the years.

John Batchelor highlights Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8

At 11 pm (Eastern) during the third hour of John Batchelor’s show tonight and tomorrow he will air a long two hour interview with me discussing my book Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8. After many years he finally decided his listeners deserved a full discussion of what is to many the most historically important Apollo mission to the Moon. It might not have landed on the Moon but what the astronauts accomplished and said changed the nation, and will likely be remembered forever.

Tune in if you are interested. Even better, consider reading the book. In fact, the best thing of all would be to give the book to any high school students in your family. They will learn more about American history and the Cold War by reading it than they get nowadays from their entire public school education.

I will also embed the podcasts here when they become available.

December 19, 2023 Zimmerman/Space Show podcast

Last week, on December 19, 2023, I appeared on the Space Show with David Livingston. You can listen or download it here. I am posting the link to the podcast now, almost a week later, because both of us forgot to do so, David to send me the link and I to ask him for it.

Twas a good show. For me the highlight was the conversation with Charles Lurio of the Lurio Report, who admitted he had finally come around to my way of thinking in connection with delays to SpaceX caused by the abuse of power by the FAA, Fish & Wildlife, and likely the White House. He like too many journalists covering the space industry had thought I was being paranoid. Charles however kept an open mind. He watched what was happening rather than look the other way, and now recognizes that politics and mindless bureaucracy is certainly playing a part in these delays. It must not be ignored.

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