June 8, 2023 Zimmerman/Space Show podcast

You can now listen to the podcast of my appearance last night, June 8, 2023, on the Space Show at this link.

Twas an excellent show. For me however the highlight was the call from Ryan, a self-admitted “lefty” from Oregon, who called in simply to praise in astonishingly glowing words his admiration of my book, Conscious Choice. I had not prompted this, and was floored by his almost unbelievably positive impression.

It was even more gratifying because of his own political leanings, opposite of mine. He recognized the book’s depth of knowledge and grasp of truth, and realized it was not partisan.

On the radio-CANCELLED

UPDATE: Due to technical problems outside of David Livingston’s control, the show tonight had to be cancelled. We will try to reschedule for another show within a week or so.

Original post:
Tonight I will be doing another long appearance on the Space Show with David Livingston, beginning at 7 pm (Pacific). Please feel free to call in, as it is always more fun to talk to someone directly than to answer email questions.

May 17, 2023 Zimmerman/Pratt on Texas podcast

Robert Pratt today posted the second part of our long discussion begun last week about some of the more egregious recent examples of blacklisting in America. You can listen to it at the Pratt on Texas podcast, at this link. I have also embedded it below.

This might have been one of the best discussions between Robert and myself about the Enlightenment, about rational thought, about religion, and about critical thinking (or the lack thereof in modern society). I strongly urge my readers to spend 26 minutes listening. It is well worth it.
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